LNP™ STAT-KON™ DD0009compound LNP STAT-KON DD0009 is a compound based on Polycarbonateresin containing Carbon Powder. Added features of this materialinclude: Electrically Conductive, Flame Retardant. Also known as:LNP* STAT-KON* Compound D-FR Product reorder name: DD0009 LNP™STAT-KON™ DD0009 compound LNP STAT-KON DD0009 is a compound basedon Polycarbonate resin containing Flame Retardant, Carbon Powder.Added features of this material include: Electrically Conductive,Flame Retardant. Also known as: LNP* STAT-KON* Compound D-FRProduct reorder name: DD0009 LNP™ STAT-KON™ DD0009 compound LNPSTAT-KON DD0009 is a compound based on Polycarbonate resincontaining Flame Retardant, Carbon Powder. Added features of thismaterial include: Electrically Conductive, Flame Retardant. Alsoknown as: LNP* STAT-KON* Compound D-FR Product reorder name: DD0009总体 LNP™ STAT-KON™ DD0009 compound LNP™ STAT-KON™ DD0009 compoundLNP™ STAT-KON™ DD0009 compound 材料状态 已商用:当前有效已商用:当前有效已商用:填料/增强材料炭粉炭粉炭粉特性 导电阻燃性导电阻燃性导电阻燃性 RoHS 合规性 -- -- 加工方法注射成型注射成型