2021年日本东京国际鞋类展览会|Tokyo Shoes Expo
2021 Tokyo International FootwearExhibition
展馆名称:日本东京国际展览中心(Tokyo Big Sight);
展会频率:一年两届 每年4月和10月
主办单位:日本励展(Reed Exhibitions Japan);
网址 www.shgjzl.cn
(1)成品鞋:男鞋、女鞋、童鞋、休闲鞋、高跟鞋、靴子、派对鞋、球鞋、皮鞋、凉鞋、运动鞋、功能鞋 、拖鞋、沙摊鞋、保暖鞋等
日本东京时尚鞋展作为励展集团(Reed ExhibitionsJapan)在日强力打造的又一专业品牌鞋类展会,一年举办两届,分别在春暖花开,樱花烂漫的春季,和金黄熟秋,丰收在望的秋季,展馆是全日本占地面积广,配套设施完备,接待人数多的东京有明国际展览中心(TokyoBig Sight)。日本时尚鞋展(Tokyo Shoes Expo)以其独-一无二的规模,名声卓著的影响和显著的参展效果数年间崛起于日本,蜚声于全球,为世界鞋类厂家和采购商所熟知。现在已经成为中国鞋商进军日本市场的“前沿桥头堡”和必争之地。每届展会都吸引中国300家企业莅临参加。
Tokyo Fashion Shoes Show, as anotherprofessional brand footwear exhibition strongly created by ReedExhibitions Japan in Japan, is held twice a year, respectively inthe spring, the spring of cherry blossoms, and the golden ripeautumn, harvest In the fall season, the exhibition hall is thelargest in Japan, with the most complete supporting facilities andthe largest number of visitors at the Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo BigSight). Tokyo Shoes Expo (Tokyo Shoes Expo), with its unique scale,prestigious influence and remarkable exhibition effect, has risenin Japan for several years, is well-known worldwide, and is wellknown by world shoe manufacturers and buyers. Now it has become a"frontier bridgehead" and a competing place for Chinese shoemanufacturers to enter the Japanese market. Each exhibitionattracted 300 Chinese companies to attend.
The site of the last exhibition attractedmore than 1,000 companies from around the world to come to theexhibition. Its product styles exceeded 20,000. According toincomplete statistics, the exhibition received more than 60,000visitors in three days. The 2021 Spring Japan Fashion Shoes Fairwill continue to be held at the Tokyo Ariake Exhibition Center fromMarch 24 to 26. It is estimated that there will be more than 65,000visitors to the exhibition once again to participate in the grandceremony and negotiate.