中国上海食品饮料展会展位申请火热进行2020年上海FHC((Food and Hospitality China)
更新:2025-01-27 07:30 编号:8781094 发布IP: 浏览:94次详细介绍
刘小姐Miss Liu 手机Phone: 微信 WeChat:
FHC China 2020
After more than 20 years of development, FHC – Shanghai GlobalTrade Show has become a leading trade show in China’s Food &Hospitality market. Under the huge market demand of Chinesecatering industry, FHC is committed to creating an importantplatform for multinational companies to enter the Chinese food andbeverage market. In its 23rd edition, It reached 180,000㎡exhibitionarea, with 133,751 trade visitors, an increase of 13% over the lastyear, and 3,500 exhibitors, breaking all records of previousexhibitions
Looking forward to 2020, FHC will continue to expand the exhibitionscale to an unprecedented 200,000 square meters. During theexhibition, various high-end exhibition areas, the annualblockbuster international events and innovative activities willattract a large number of professional audiences from all over theworld to gather together, then the scene will burst out withinfinite vitality and vitality!
ShanghaiSinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
8/F, UrbanDevelopment International Tower, No, 355 Hong Qiao Road, XuhuiDistrit, Shanghai 200030, China
手机Phone: 微信 WeChat:
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