为一场全球化、高规格、深融合的科技盛会,Tech G 在推动品牌国际化、实现商业增值及促进科技交流等方面展现出独特的亮点。凭借强大的资源优势,TechG 可帮助品牌快速实现国际化,搭建亚太新品发布平台,带领中国企业走向亚洲乃至世界舞台。TechG 将提供丰富的媒体资源帮助品牌获得推广,实现企业品牌增值,并通过一对一匹配,帮助企业建立合作关系,并促进科技与实体经济的深度融合。TechG 还将吸引不同领域、不同国家和地区的展商、专业观众、政府官员、采购商、媒体、分析师及消费者,探寻新技术发展,体验技术应用带来的无限可能,见证消费科技产业创新带来的美好生活。
AG optics has achieved a great technological success in a varietyof field such as optical system design, ultra-precision inmachining mold inserts, aspherical lens manufacturing, and highdurability coating. AG optics has enabled mass production ofaspherical lens by glass molding technology and injection moldingof various material such as PC, PMMA or silicon. AG optics lens arewidely used in many electronic application: a laser printer, beamprojector, camera module and optical communicationsystem.
AIBrain is an artificial intelligence company with the goal ofbuilding fully autonomous AI by unifying the three essentialaspects of intelligence, namely problem solving, learning andmemory. AIBrain, was founded in Korea in 1997 and expanded to PaloAlto, California in 2012 and then to Shenzhen, China in 2017.AIBrain was selected as one of Top 20 Artificial IntelligenceCompanies by Datamation on September 20, 2016 alongside tech giantssuch as Amazon and Google. Its unofficial slogan is "Be intelligentin every aspect".
Tech G2021上海国际消费电子技术展2021.10.14-16(3日) 上海新国际博览中心