第三十届上海国际酒店及餐饮博览会(2021HOTELEX Shanghai)将于3月29日-4月1日在国家会展中心(上海市青浦区崧泽大道333号)举办。上海博华国际展览有限公司作为展会的主办方及销售方,将继续保持一贯的专业视角与卓越品质,充分依托行业协会背景,继续与中国旅游饭店业协会携手合作
Kitchen Accessories Supplies
Introduction 公司简介
JTC is a leading manufacturer of high-performance commercialblenders with factory facilities in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China.Its parent company Taiwan Star Industrial Inc. came to prominencethrough designing and manufacturing telephone sets and PCBcontrollers—the command center of small appliances. Over atwenty-year period of success in OEM / ODM services, JTC PCBcontrollers made their ways into numerous home appliances—includingwell-known international brands such as Italy’s De'Longhi,America’s Holmes and Honeywell, and Japan’s Sanyo and National. TheJTC OmniBlend family of blenders is comprised of threeseries—OmniBlend I, OmniBlend III, and OmniBlend V—each consistingof the models listed below: OmniBlend I series: TM-767, TM-767AOmniBlend III series: TM-788, TM-788A OmniBlend V series: TM-800,TM-800A, TM-800AQ (Omni-Q), TM-800AQ2(Omni-Q2)
JTC杰帝士是一家專業生產大馬力營業用果汁機的公司, 工廠設在中國廣東省中山市, 母公司"台灣時哲企業”。杰帝士萬能果汁機陣容包括了OmniBlend I、OmniBlend III、OmniBlend V等三個系列。