京东生鲜是京东旗下生鲜品牌,始终品质先行,从原产地甄选优质食材及供应商,缩短中间流通环节,严格把控品质,让优质生鲜产品鲜活直达消者餐桌。 业务范围覆盖海鲜水产、水果、肉禽蛋、冷冻速食、新鲜蔬菜、乳饮等多个品类,全品类SKU多达12万余种,进口生鲜产品SKU超7万,原产地直采商品来自超过50个国家和地区。
乳制品 /Dairy Products ; 油 /Edible Oil / Cooking Oil ; 大米 /Rice ; 主食 /淀粉类食品 /Staple Food / Starch Products ; 清关/Custom Clearance ; 供应链服务/Supply Chain Services ;Specializing in the development, import anddomestic distribution of foreign high-quality food sources.Utilizing the overseas resources and networks accumulated over theyears, the products are directly sourced from the place of origin,and the product quality is guaranteed. The company's current maincategories are imported grain and oil, and the main products are:Ukrainian sunflower oil, Spanish olive oil, Belarusian milk, Thaijasmine rice, Mark Xintian Russian high-gluten flour, etc.