更新:2025-01-28 09:00 编号:10666150 发布IP: 浏览:136次- 发布企业
- 上海枫暨工业自动化设备有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:上海枫暨工业自动化设备有限公司组织机构代码:91310116MA1J998F3U
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- 关键词
- 西门子模块,西门子plc,西门子触摸屏,西门子变频器
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- 上海市金山区枫泾镇环东一路65弄7号1610室
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- 18616323903
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- 18616323903
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IEC 60870 5 101、IEC 60870 5 103 和 IEC 60870 5 104 是独立于供应商的标准化协议。使用SIPLUS RIC,可以通过 SIMATIC 管理器对它们进行参数设置,而无需额外安装。
IEC60870-5-101 协议支持通过专用线路的常规广域网连接;通过 RS232 将自动化系统中的调制解调器连接至 1SI、CP340、CP 341、CP 441 通信模板
IEC60870-5-103 协议允许与保护设备(例如,SIPROTEC)进行串行通信。通过 CP 340 或 CP 341通信模板(带有 RS485 接口和光纤电缆)执行耦合。
使用 IEC 60870-5-104 协议,可使用基于 TCP/IP 的广域网连接,如互联网/DSL 或 GPRS。将 CPU 的PN 接口或 CP 343-1CX10/-1EX30/-1GX30 接口用作接口。也可以通过这两个接口实现和发布冗余组。
IEC 60870-5-101 和 -104 协议的库作为主站和从站提供,包括激活 PN-CPU 和 CP 接口。IEC60870-5-103 仅作为主站提供。
SIMATIC 控制器也可以通过 IEC 协议与第三方产品进行通信。
If a SIMATIC S7-1500/ET 200SP-based system is to communicate with aSiemens control center, e.g. SIMATIC PCS7 TeleControl, WinCCTeleControl, WinCC OA, or a control center of a third-partysupplier using the IEC60870-5 telecontrol standard, the IEC60870-5-101 (serial), -103 (protection) or -104 (TCP/IP)telecontrol protocols can be used in the SIMATIC automationsystems.
SIPLUS RIC libraries offer an integrated, scalable system based onSIMATICS7-1500/ET 200SP functions for the following datavolumes:
200 data points, for use with CPU 1510SP-1 PN1), CPU 1511-1 PN andCPU 1511C-1 PN
800 data points, for use with CPU 1512SP-1 PN and CPU 1512C-1PN
1000 data points, for use with CPU 1513-1 PN
2000 data points, for use with CPU 1515-2 PN
4000 data points, for use with CPU 1516-3 PN/DP
5000 data points, for use with CPU 1517-3 PN/DP and with CPU 1518-4PN/DP
The work memory for data is used for buffering the message frames.Longer communication failure times can thus be bridged. The SIPLUSRIC software libraries are based on the standard TIA Portal and canbe used on various, mutually compatible types of SIMATIC S7devices, thus saving hardware costs and programming overhead.
The libraries on CD are supplied together with a SIMATIC memorycard, which can be used on all CPUs. Four versions with differentmemory sizes are available for selection.
With SIPLUS extreme hardware, telecontrol devices for an extendedambient temperature range (-40...+70°C) and exceptional exposure tomedia (conformal coating) can be implemented using the telecontrolprotocols.
A license certificate with the activation of all telecontrolprotocols IEC 60870-5-101 (serial), -103 (protection) or -104(TCP/IP) is supplied for the SIMATIC memory card included in thescope of delivery.
1)The CPU 1510SP-1 PN is only suitable for the IEC protocol sincememory space is too low for additional functions.
6ES7518-4AP00-0AB0 | CPU 1518-4 PN/DP,3 MB 程序,10 MB 数据, 集成3PN,1DP | |
6ES7517-3AP00-0AB0 | CPU 1517-3 PN/DP, 2MB程序,集成 2PN 接口,1 以太网接口,1DP 接口 | |
6ES7516-3AN00-0AB0 | 6ES7516-3AN01-0AB0 | CPU 1516-3 PN/DP:1 MB 程序,5 MB 数据;10 ns ;集成 2PN 接口,1 以太网接口,1DP接口 |
6ES7515-2AM00-0AB0 | 6ES7515-2AM01-0AB0 | CPU 1515-2 PN ,500K程序,3M数据,集成 2PN接口 |
6ES7513-1AL00-0AB0 | 6ES7513-1AL01-0AB0 | CPU 1513-1 PN:300 KB 程序,1.5 MB 数据;40 ns;集成 2PN 接口, |
6ES7511-1AK00-0AB0 | 6ES7511-1AK01-0AB0 | CPU 1511-1 PN:150 KB 程序,1 MB 数据;60 ns;集成 2PN 接口, |
6ES7512-1DK00-0AB0 | 6ES7512-1DK01-0AB0 | CPU 1512SP-1 PN, 200KB 程序,1MB数据 |
6ES7510-1DJ00-0AB0 | 6ES7510-1DJ01-0AB0 | CPU 1510SP-1 PN, 100KB 程序,750KB数据 |
6ES7507-0RA00-0AB0 | PS:60 W,额定输入电压 AC/DC 120/230 V | |
6ES7505-0RA00-0AB0 | PS:60 W, 额定输入电压 DC 24/48/60 V | |
6ES7505-0KA00-0AB0 | PS:25 W,额定输入电压 DC 24 V | |
6ES7532-5HF00-0AB0 | AQ 8:模拟输出模块,8AQ,U/I ,高速 | |
6ES7532-5NB00-0AB0 | AQ 2: 模拟输出模块,2 AQXU/I ,标准型,25mm,包含前连接器 | |
6ES7532-5HD00-0AB0 | AQ 4:模拟输出模块,4AQ,U/I | |
6ES7531-7NF10-0AB0 | AI 8:模拟输入模块,8AI,U/I,高速 | |
6ES7531-7QD00-0AB0 | AI 4: 模拟输出模块: XU/I/RTD/TC ST, 25mm,包含前连接器 | |
6ES7531-7KF00-0AB0 | AI 8:模拟输入模块,8AI,U/I/RTD/TC | |
6ES7534-7QE00-0AB0 | AI4/AQ2:模拟量输入/输出模块4AI,2AO,标准型,25mm,包含前连接器 | |
6ES7523-1BL00-0AA0 | DI/DQ 16X24CDV/16X24VDC/0.5A BA,包含前连接器. | |
6ES7522-5HF00-0AB0 | DQ 8:数字输出模块,8DQ,继电器,230 V AC/ 5A | |
6ES7522-5FF00-0AB0 | DQ 8:数字输出模块,8DQ,可控硅,230V AC/ 2A | |
6ES7522-1BL00-0AB0 | DQ 32:数字输出模块,32DQ,晶体管,24 V DC/ 0.5A | |
6ES7522-1BH00-0AB0 | DQ 16:数字输出模块,16DQ,晶体管,24 V DC/ 0.5A | |
6ES7522-1BF00-0AB0 | DQ 8:数字输出模块,高性能 8DQ,晶体管,24V DC/2A | |
6ES7522-1BL10-0AA0 | DQ 32x24VDC/0.5A BA,包含前连接器 | |
6ES7522-1BH10-0AA0 | DQ 16x24VDC/0.5A BA,包含前连接器 | |
6ES7521-1FH00-0AA0 | DI 16:数字输入模块,16DI,230V AC BA | |
6ES7521-1BL00-0AB0 | DI 32:数字输入模块,高性能 32DI,24V DC | |
6ES7521-1BH50-0AA0 | DI 16:数字输入模块,源型,16DI, 24V DC BA | |
6ES7521-1BH00-0AB0 | 数字输入模块,高性能 16DI,24V DC |
If a SIMATIC ET200S-based system is to communicate with a Siemenscontrol center, e.g. SIMATIC PCS7 TeleControl, WinCC TeleControl,WinCC OA, or a control center of a third-party supplier using theIEC60870-5 telecontrol standard, the IEC 60870-5-101 (serial), -103(protection) or -104 (TCP/IP) telecontrol protocols can be used inthe SIMATIC automation systems.
SIPLUS RIC libraries offer an integrated, scalable system based onSIMATICET200S functions, for up to 200 information points.
The non-retain memory can also be used for buffering messageframes. Longer communication failure times can thus be bridged. TheSIPLUS RIC software libraries are based on the standard SIMATICManager or TIA Portal and can be used on various, mutuallycompatible types of SIMATICS7 devices – this saves hardware costsand programming overhead.
The libraries on CD are supplied together with a SIMATIC memorycard, which can be used on all CPUs. Two versions with differentmemory sizes are available for selection.
The SIPLUS RIC libraries for ET200S completely replace the previousSIPLUS RIC ET200S bundles und SIPLUS RIC ET200S extremebundles.
成立日期 | 2017年03月02日 | ||
法定代表人 | 吴远强 | ||
注册资本 | 180万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC,CPU,变频器,触摸屏,数控伺服系统,电线电缆,接头等等 | ||
经营范围 | 工业自动化控制设备,电子元器件,仪器仪表,电线电缆,通信设备及相关产品,电器设备,电气设备,五金交电,电子设备,机电设备及配件,机械设备销售,机械设备安装维修,从事“工业自动化、电子”科技专业领域内技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海枫暨自动化设备有限公司(上海湘炯自动化设备中心)是德国SIEMENS中国授权代理商,公司主要从事工业自动化产品的集成,销售与维修。致力于为您提供在机械、化工、水泥、电力、环保等领域的电气及自动化技术的完整解决方案,包括自动化产品及系统、工程项目执行及管理、主要过程控制领域技术支持,以及专业的售后服务、培训等。公司本着“以人为本、科技先导、矢志创新、追求卓越”的工作方针,致力于工业自动化控制领域 ... |
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