NEXNOVO TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD, is the inventor and manufacturer of theworld's leading transparent LED displays. Based in Shenzhen, China,occupying over 10,000SQM of factory floor which produces over4,000SQM monthly of transparent LED displays. The company holdsover 30 patents on its displays. NEXNOVO strives to evolve and bendideas of innovation to reality. NEXNOVO is committed at tokeep developing the best product in the world by having a solefocus, transparent LED displays. The current product lineup; XT,XRW, NR, NH, NSand NJ series, all which are designed for a widerange of applications such as retail windows, restaurants, shoppingmalls, airports, museums, financial institutions, trade shows,events, festivals, media architecture and many others. With a pixelpitch ranging from 2.0mm to 30mm, brightness levels reaching up to7500nits, NEXNOVO products have been by far the clearest andbrightest transparent LED displays in the world. Our partnersincludes brands such as U2 band, Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz, LandRover, ZARA, McDonald's, Primark, 7-11 and many others. ThroughNEXNOVO's continuous effort on product innovations and design, thenewest NR & NS are simpler, lighter, user-friendlier, energyefficient and aesthetically amazing. NEXNOVO's technologies andpatents will give you true advantages in your markets.
透明LED显示屏发明者及制造商 上市公司艾比森(300389)、坚朗(002791)入股企业晶泓科技NEXNOVO成立于2011年,是“国家高新技术企业”,总部位于深圳,生产面积约2万平方米,员工近200名。技术创新是晶泓的立足之本,从2009年发明全球透明LED显示屏开始,到发明首块LED光电玻璃屏,晶泓近十年只专注一件事——透明LED显示屏的研发、生产和销售。通过不断创新不断革新技术和产品,晶泓开创了商业显示细分领域新品类--透明LED显示屏,开启了智能LED玻璃显示新时代!目前NEXNOVO产品广泛运用于建筑幕墙、楼宇亮化、商场中庭、机场、地铁及高铁站、汽车4S店、店面橱窗、展览会、各种节日活动等。“让视界更透、更美、更智慧”,晶泓科技一直在努力!