更新:2023-09-08 09:02 编号:11444078 发布IP: 浏览:267次- 发布企业
- 仝企展览服务(上海)有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第4年主体名称:仝企展览服务(上海)有限公司组织机构代码:91310114MA1GU6TT57
- 报价
- 人民币¥12800.00元每个
- 关键词
- 上海烘焙展,烘焙展,焙烤展,国际烘焙展
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定区嘉行公路3188号8幢J482室(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 17701711605
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- 17701711605
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2021年10月15日-17日 上海-国家会展中心
上海焙烤展,作为中国地区焙烤领域不容错过的行业采购盛会,已在上海成功召开过数十届,累计展出面积数十万平米,展会吸引了来自全球四十多个国家和地区数万家供应商前来参展与数百万名国内外烘焙领域的买家亲临现场参观采购,上海烘焙展将于2021年10月15日至17日在上海虹桥国家会展中心隆重召开,展出总面积约为100000平方米,预计将有2000家以上企业参展,不仅展位预定火爆,各路买家与观众也在密切关注本次展会,每天都有经销商咨询展会的日期等相关事宜。目前,来自全国各地乃至海外市场报名参观的采购人员和观众,已经突破150000人次。CBE-上海国际烘焙展共设烘焙食品、烘焙原料、蛋糕奶油、烘焙设备四大主题展区,展会期间还举办了国际航空、邮轮及列车食品展、中国国际航旅餐厨师烹饪锦标赛和商超食品专场采购会、烘焙食品对接会、各省市经销商与代理商联谊会以及国际旅游餐饮买家见面会等多场活动与论坛,为广大客商提供了一个现场b2b商务交流平台,共谋发展。Chinais currently the world’s largest producer and consumer of bakeryand is the world’s fastest-growing market as well. With thecontinuous improvement of the living standards of Chineseconsumers, bakery industry has become a new choice for fashion andleisure diets advocated by young consumers, which has a huge marketdevelopment space. The data shows that China currently has morethan 100,000 bakery shops. In 2018, the total retail sales ofChina’s bakery industry has reached 203.3 billion yuan with agrowth rate of more than 10%. It is estimated that the salesrevenue of China's bakery food industry is expected to exceed 360billion yuan by 2022. In the face of increasing consumer demand,more and more international bakery companies are attracted to Chinato further explore and share China's huge consumer market, as wellad also promote the rapid development of Chinese brand bakeryfranchise . As an annual indispensable franchise event for theChinese bakery industry, Shanghai International Bakery Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Bakery Autumn Exhibition) hasbeen successfully held for several times. At the same time, thecumulative exhibition area
exceeds tens of thousands of square meters, which has attractednearly 1,000 excellent suppliers from 23 countries and regionsaround the world and hundreds of thousands of professional visitorsto participate in the exhibition. It is a professional tradeexhibition that integrates the five advantages of bakery industry,such as bakery industry ,market economy, geographical location,brand benefits and exhibition hall for product display,procurement, trade, franchise and distribution. Furthermore, theexhibition is guided by market development, based on Shanghai,facing both domestic and foreign markets, making full use of theregional and economic advantages of the
Yangtze River Delta, and integrating the opportunity of theYangtze River Delta and Belt and Road Initiative to serve theentire industrial chain of the bakery industry.
参展范围 丨Major Exhibits
· 食品、糕点(月饼)、面包、蛋糕、饼干、餐饮用原辅材料、装饰品及食品代加工(OEM);
· 专用油脂、奶油、专用面粉、预拌粉、冷冻面团、淀粉、土豆制品;
· 馅料、果料、果仁、果脯、水果罐头等月饼、糕点辅料;
· 焙烤设备及器具、手艺焙烤配备及器具、焙烤产品与制成品;
· 食品馅料炒锅、夹层锅;(馅料)自动计量包装机械;
· 饼干生产设备、原辅料及包装等;
· 月饼包装、馅料、模具及生产设备;
· 展示柜、储藏与冷藏柜、店面装饰;
· 面粉改良剂、面包改良剂、蛋糕改良剂、方便面改良剂、保鲜剂、酵母、香料、香精、色素、甜味剂等相关食品添加剂;
· 食品(月饼、饼干、冷食、面食、巧克力等)包装机械;
· 饼房、厨房、西餐厅、咖啡厅生产设备、原辅料及用品等;
· 肉松、巧克力制品,糖仔、蜡烛、仿真食品模型等蛋糕装饰材料;
· 咖啡、咖啡制品、咖啡机、咖啡加工设备;
· 焙烤技术、书刊、焙训机构与其相关的食品设备、器具、工具及金属探测设备等。
Bakery Ingredients and Finished Products: grain and oil ,additives, preservatives, fillings, cake decorations,finished
products and other bakery raw materials
Bakery Equipment: production machinery, baking molds and otherutensils, showcase/storage/refrigerator, ovens and
other baking equipment, catering equipment, laboratory/detectingdeviceBakery Production: R&D, OEM/ODM, mooncake & production,pastry & production, biscuit & production, bakery hand-gift &production, candy & production, snack & productionBakery PackagingSolutions: packaging materials, packaging machine, packagingdesign, etc.Coffee/Beverage/Leisure Food: coffee rawmaterials/finished products/coffee machines, beverage/juicemachines, tea/tea set, ice cream raw materials/finished productsand equipment, pizza and othersHome Baking: small-packagedingredient, home-baking molds, small appliances (oven, mixer,etc.), package decorations, etc.Bakery Franchise: chain storefranchise, Chinese pastry chain Store franchise,café/beverage/ice-cream/restaurant franchise, etc.Others:School/Institute (technical, management, entrepreneurship, etc.),e-business service, informationservice, shop design/decoration,logistics/cold Chain, media and others
参展费用 丨Participation Fees
A:内资企业:1500(RMB)/平方米 B:外资企业:480(USD)/平方米
法定代表人 | 郑漫 | ||
注册资本 | 100万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 食品展会,航空展会,餐饮展,食材展,预制菜展 | ||
经营范围 | 展览展示服务,会务服务,婚庆礼仪服务,市场营销策划,商务咨询,设计、制作、代理各类广告,机械设备、工艺品(象牙及其制品除外)、办公用品、电子元器件的销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 是一家专业从事组织、举办国际性展览、会议的公司。公司拥有长久而紧密的政府协作、广泛而稳定的客户网络、及时而准确的数据采集、丰富而成熟的项目策划,并拥有一支高素质、积极进取的员工队伍。丰富的市场经验;大型会议、展览的组织承办经验;丰富的会议、展览信息。 ... |
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