3M Scotchcast Electrical Insulating Resin 4N水中电缆接头修补胶
3M Scotchcast Resin 4N树脂胶水/冷补胶
3M Scotchcast Electrical Insulating Resin4N is a two-part, epoxy insulating and encapsulating resin. Thisresin, mixed in its unique two-part bag, generates its own heat tocure. Its compatibility with solid and synthetic cable insulationsand jackets makes Resin 4N an excellent insulator and sealer forcable splicing. Use Scotchcast resin 4N to splice solid dielectricand oil-filled cables up to 8 kV and to jacket high-voltage powercables. It is used in 3MSplice Kit Series 82N and 90-B1N.
3M 4N电缆修补胶水 规格包装如下:
供应:3M2131|3m2131胶|3M电缆修补胶修补胶 scotchcasttm2131是一种特殊的阻燃性聚氨脂,用于矿井电缆、可移动电缆接续或修补时作护套恢复。它的独特配方特别能承受矿井电缆、移动电缆所处的恶劣条件。
3M电缆修补相关产品:3m4N#树脂胶 3M281#电子灌封胶,3M280树脂胶水,3M2123D电缆修补树脂胶,3M8096-2,3m8096-4,3M8096-6,3M2131B电缆修补胶,3M2131C硫化胶,3MB2-F1防水接头,3MB2-F2电缆防水接头,3M82-A1海缆接头3m82-A2海缆防水接头