2025-01-09 09:01 2次- 发布企业
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海励科展览有限公司组织机构代码:91310120350726493J
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- 关键词
- HOTELEX,酒店及餐饮业展会,
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 13671856722
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- 13661406349
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在经济日益发达、全球经济联系日益紧密的、 旅游经济、假日经济、会展经济蓬勃兴起,餐饮业 迅猛发展,带动了餐饮设备制造业的快速发展。如今 , 人们的饮食习惯已经发生了很大变化,而餐 饮产品的消费模式也随之变化。这就要求餐饮设备生产企业不仅要对产品功能、外观、款式不断提 升, 也需要产品具有智能化个性化、功能多祥化发展的特点,以适应全球径饮行业的飞速发展。 HOTELEX博览会将汇聚行业一线品牌 , 是品牌 企业首站发布的蛊佳平台。 Withthe increasing development of the economy and lhe continuousdevelopment of tourism, the catenng industry is also developingrapidly, which drives the catering equipment industry People changethe consumption patterns of catering products due to the changingof people's eating habits This requ,res catering equipmentmanufacturers not only to continuously improve the productfeatures. appearance and style, but also requires cateringequipment to have dive飞ified functions to adapt to the rapiddevelopment of the global catering industry. The HOTELEX will bringtogether the first-line brands in the industry and is the bestplatform for your brand
华丽精致的刀叉碗碟宛如各式乐器般在餐桌上尽悄 " 奏 乐 ” ,随若筵席的进行,琳琅满目的杯碟依次排开,在用餐环节中各种材质的餐桌用员各司其职、分工明确,仿 佛一场盛大的交响乐中的各式乐器那般奏出民于自己 的"声音'0无论西式还是中式,吴面用品行业是伴随蓉餐饮业的发 展而逐渐发展起来的。全球餐饮业的发展受到历史文化、气侯环境、经济发展、宗教信仰和传统习惯等诸多因 索的影响,存在差异性,全球桌面用品行业的发展也因 此员有一定的差异。未来,能够体现品质生活和实现健扆生活的餐饮食品和 餐员将越来越受欢迎。在消费需求的推动下 , 全球桌面 用品行业将更加关注产品的设计、材质、质呈等方面 , 开 发出更加健庙、环保 、细致及体现设计特色的桌面用品 。 HOTELEX已成为全球品牌宽中的行业盛会之一1Whether it 1s Western or Chinese, the tableware industry 1sgradually developing along with the cater ing industrydevelopment. The development or the global catering industry isaffected by many factors such as history and culture, climateenvironment, economic development, religious beliefs andtraditional habits. There are differences among the tablewareindustry globally, In the future, the foods and tableware which 1shealthy and reflect quality life wlil become more popular. Drivenby such consumer demand, the global tableware industry will paymore attention to product design, materials, quality, etc anddevelop products with a sense of design that is healthier and moreenvironmentally friendly In the catering industry, the HOTELEX hasattracted numerous global brands to join us
中 国是全球酒类消费 的超级大国。 在 白酒之 外 , 进口萄萄酒与烈酒 、 日本清酒以及精酿啤酒的市场份额在过去的几年中培长势头相当迅速。如 雨后春笋般欣欣崛起的酒吧 , 和不断增长的消费 数据都显示若中类市场的巨大潜力。在即将 到来的Hotelex系类展会上 , 新增whiskey烈酒 专区 、 中国国际调酒大师赛以及亚洲调酒师全明星对抗赛等赛聿活动配合 , 在把海外的优质品牌 带入中国消费市场的, 更将掀起消费者追捧 鸡尾酒、威士忌和时尚生活方式的旋风。China 1s one of the biggest markets of global liquor consumption.In addition to traditional Chinese spirits-Bai j iu, the marketshare of imported wines and spirits, Japanese sake, and craft beerhas grown rapidly over the past few years. The booming bars inevery city and the rising consumption data show the great potentialof the Chinese hquor market. In the upcoming HOTELEX, we will alsoset up the Whiskey area, the China Master Bartenders Competition aswell as the Asia Bartender All-Star Challenge Not only 1t willbring overseas premium brands to the Chinese market. but alsoinspire customers in the pursuit of cocktail culture. whiskey andlifestyles.
水,生命之源。饮品作为其基础形式的升华表现,伴 随吞消费者对健康生活愈加强烈的追求,、低糖、无糖等饮料类型越来越风行各地饮品市场。 为适应这些变化,饮品行业也将出现一些新的变化趋势,饮品的潮流走向也将随之变得越来越返璞归 真。综合来看,饮品市场的走向会更加乐观,且未来几年仍届于高速发展时期,也是形成全国性强 势品牌的关键时期。 HOTELEX全力打造潮流饮品大赛儿才, 为饮韶#应商提供展示平台, 为行业发展提供, 引领饮甜志业 的流行趋势,将时尚、潮流与饮品牢牢结合。 The beverage industry is ahistorical industry that stems from people's pursuit of quality oflife. Just like food, dnnks are an indispensable part of peopte'slives. With the increasing pursuit of a healthy life, natural andlow-sugar beverages are becoming more popular. In total, the trendof the beverage market on China will be more optimistic, and iiwill remain a period of rapid development in the next few years,and it is also a crucial period for promoting the brands in thisindustry In HOTELEX, we organize the Fashion Dmks Competition toseek professionals for the industry, and to仅ovide a displayplatform for beverage suppliers as well. This exciting event aimsto lead the fashion trend of the beverage industry, and toq妞叭氓mQ,t伈pu片rdn心.
成立日期 | 2015年08月20日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张函 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务 展览会招展 展览会承办 | ||
经营范围 | 展览展示服务,会务服务,商务信息咨询,文化艺术交流策划,设计、制作各类广告,企业形象策划,舞台艺术造型策划,灯光设计。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海博华国际展览有限公司,是总部位于伦敦的上市公司UBM集团在中国的分支机构,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司联合组建的中外合资企业。上海博华目前每年主办四大主题系列展包括HOTELEX上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、HOTELEX成都国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、HOTELEX深圳国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、FHC上海食品饮料及餐饮设备展世界食品广州展广州国际连说加盟展广州国际食品食材展上海4月份 ... |
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