地 址:N1-N5馆、E1-E7馆 、W1-W5馆上海新国际博览中心 浦东新区龙阳路2345号
同期举办:ProWine China 2022 国际葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会
上届F H C 环球食品创新设计与营销高峰论坛回顾:
I P & 设计赋能 . 2 0 2 1 F H C 环球食品创新设计与营销高峰论坛 I P & D e s i g n A rt E m p o w e r 2 0 2 1 F H C G l o b a l F o o d I n n o v a t i on D e s i g n a n d M a r k e t i n g S u m m i t F o r u m “民以食为天”食品在人类生活中占据头等重要的地位,在消费时代的背景下,产品包装设计作为应用型艺术的组成 部分,在包装成分中起主导作用。包装设计作为视觉传达的主要形式,经历了工业化社会到信息化社会,无论在设计观念上,还是在功能上都发生了很大的变化。此次论坛邀请深圳平面协会及多位在包装领域设计师进行作品展出,更有现场学术讲座。在这里,我们看到设计师们在包装设计解决方案的创新,发挥了传播消费意识形态和提升引导大众审美功能将包装设计推向了新的领域。 As the old saying goes, food is the firstnecessity of the people. Package design, being part of theapplication-oriented art and the main form of visual communication,dominates packing in the era of consumerism. Meanwhile, concept andfunction of package design in the informational society varies alot from what it was in the industrial society. The forum hadShenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA) and many outstandingpackage designers exhibiting their works, and academic lectures areon site. Here, we can see that designers, innovating packagedesign, spreading consumption ideology and promoting the publicaesthetic, are pushing package design to a new level.
“畅通内外贸 联动双循环”助力外贸企业内销洽谈会 S e m i n a r o n D o m e s t i c & F or e i g n T r a d e P r o m o t i o n 11月10日上午,以“畅通内外贸,联动双循环”为主题的外贸企业内销专场洽谈会在N1馆成功举办。从这次参展企业的反馈来看,“出口企业内销”专区及主题洽谈会取得了明显的成效,得到企业的广泛欢迎。On the morning of November 10th, a special seminar for domesticsales of foreign trade enterprises with the theme of "Smoothdomestic and foreign trade, interconnected double circulation" wassuccessfully held in N1 Pavilion. From the feedback of theexhibitors, the special zone and the theme fair for domestic salesof Export enterprises have achieved remarkable results and beenwidely welcomed by enterprises.