糖果 鱼 茶 包装材料
巧克力 蟹 糖浆 食品餐饮设备
乳制品 贝壳 白咖啡 比萨饼设备
面包糕点 龙虾 速溶咖啡 餐具及配件
果汁 三文鱼 咖啡豆 展示及储藏
软饮料 牛肉 咖啡机 冷冻 / 冷藏设备
罐装食品 羊肉 烘豆机 咖啡及饮料服务设备
休闲食品 猪肉 零配件 工业用面包及糖果设备
冷藏食品 家禽 低温发酵啤酒 配料 / 防腐剂 / 香精
调味品及果酱 清真肉 麦酒 面包糕点及糖果制成品
风干食品 黑啤酒 / 烈性黑啤酒 零售用面包及糖果设备 冷冻食品 加工肉制品 小麦啤酒
水果 加工海洋制品 手工啤酒
蔬菜 美味食品
绿色及保健食品 冰淇淋 / 意式冰淇淋
添加剂 橄榄油
意大利面制品 专用标签产品
世界厨师联合会 — 2021FHC全球青年厨师线上厨艺比拼
本次FHC中国国际烹饪艺术比赛携手世界厨师联合会(WACS)增设【世界厨师联合会 – 2021 FHC全球青年厨师线上厨艺比拼】,为未能来到比赛现场的世界各地的青年厨师选手提供一个全新的线上比赛平台,助力世界厨师联合会全球抗疫行动
如何到达上海新国际博览中心 (SNIEC)
Convenient ways to reach the exhibition venue - SNIEC
There are two airports in Shanghai, PVG in the Southeast and SHAin the West. SNIEC is located in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai,about 33 kilometers from PVG and 32 kilometers from SHA.
In the past decade, the food and beverage industry in China andeven in the whole world has experienced rapid growth, and the newcategories are emerging in an endless stream. A large number ofenterprises continue to break through their own inherentdevelopment model and a single product line, seeking new thinkingand new ideas in product innovation research and development. Thenew products with multiple proportions are in line with the currentdifferent consumer groups and tastes, and the design, packaging andmarketing mode is even more innovative, promoting themulti-dimensional transformation of the food and beverage industryinto a more comprehensive and diversified new retail industry.
FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show is the leading comprehensiveexhibition platform in China. Its main exhibits including Seafood,High-end dairy Products & Oils; Tea & Coffee, Bakery & Gelato;Snacks, Confectionary &chocolate; High-end Food Supply Chain;Catering design & decoration. The exhibits range has been furtherexpanded in 2021. On the basis of the original theme pavilions, thetheme pavilions of canned food, hotpot ingredients and supplies andinternational catering brand supply chain will be added, which willenrich the food scope and the field of local cuisine culture morewidely. Professional exhibition areas and a series of diversifiedinternational competitions and forums will jointly create anexciting stage. Interactive communication channels such as tradematching and professional forums will also meet the needs ofdomestic and foreign audiences for international food, service andmarket expansion at FHC.
2021 is a new development opportunity for exhibitors in the foodand beverage industry. See you in Shanghai New International ExpoCentre