展馆名称:上海新国际博览中心Shanghai NewInternational Expo Centre
举办地点:中国 上海
“2021中国葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会-ProWine ”将于2021年11月9-11日在上海新国际博览中心举行。
该展是中国葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会。展会为国际经销商、生产商以及本次供应商打造展示自身产品的平台、促进建立商业联系,增进各方了解中国市场。ProWineChina在葡萄酒贸易行业发挥重要作用,不断增添新亮点、把握趋势动态。ProWineChina为进驻中国这一全球大成长型市场创造佳条件。ProWine China把重点放在数量、质量与多元化。
葡萄酒: 各种葡萄酒,如天然葡萄酒、配制酒、葡萄蒸馏酒、起泡葡萄酒、特殊酒等
酒类: 各种果酒、保健酒、黄酒、啤酒以及各种饮料等
烈酒: 各种烈酒,如英格兰的威士忌、伏特加酒、中国的白酒以及各种度数的蒸馏酒等
设备: 各种葡萄酒的酿造设备、包装设备、各种实验仪器;各种包装材料、各种标签、瓶盖、各种葡萄种植、采摘设备以及围绕葡萄种植的相关产品和配套设施等
Exhibitors-The World of Wine meets here
As the only international wines and spirits trade fair since theoutbreak of COVID-19, ProWine China 2020 drew a successfulconclusion on November 12th, 2020. This has been made possible bythe effective epidemic control in China, as well as a stricthygiene and safety concept from the organizers and the care andsupport from the industry. A total of 400 wine producers anddistributors from 17 countries and regions contributed to a globalshowing of wines and spirits. Boutique wineries and premium wineproducers from all over the world were present at ProWine China2020 to get in contact with local producers, importers,distributors and key buyers.
Under strict anti-epidemic measures of the organizers, a totalof 22,542 trade visitors attended the 3-day event, an increase of9.2% compared to the previous edition. In addition to localvisitors, many also came from Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hainan,Shandong, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and Macau.