Here's a quick guide on how to get to thevenue
» Theworld's leading marketplace for child, baby and maternity products& services
With 110,000+ trade buyers, 4,900+ brands and 3,600+exhibitors fromall over the world, you will find unrivalled networkingopportunities to connect cross countries andindustries.
» Allworld-leading brands and the widest range of products foryou:
Whether you look for an established player in the market or apromising start-up, you will be able to meet with leading companiesin child, baby and maternity industries. You will easily source thelatest products from healthcare, food and snack, baby carriages,car seats and furniture, baby and teenage clothing and accessoriesand maternity and baby care categories during the 3 days atCBME.
» Qualitytrade fair of highly international and the highest level bringstogether international top players in theindustry:
International Pavilions - more suppliers and brands from Australia,Hong Kong, Korea,Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, UnitedStates and more will introduce their latest produsts at theInternational Pavilions.
Get the very best out of your trade fair presence- we offersupplementary knowledge and practical tips at CBME's industrysummits and seminars for you to get inspiration from experts andfor you to know the business.
» Recognizingthe latest innovation in child baby and maternityproducts:
CBME Innovative Product Gallery will display the short-listedproducts that highlight design excellence, product safety andcreativity.
» Themost efficient way to meet your business:
CBME is structured according to the product categories in order toleave you more time to make contact with potential businesspartners you want. Private buyer meetings are the perfect venue foryou to meet pre-qualified suppliers, discussing productspecifications and facilitate sourcing experience.