2024上海时尚家居展 时间地址
更新:2025-02-03 08:20 编号:12557163 发布IP: 浏览:65次- 发布企业
- 上海申贸展览有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海申贸展览有限公司组织机构代码:91310114MA1GWD5X5D
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 展会时间
- 2024年10月12-14日
- 展会地址
- 上海展览中心
- 关键词
- 上海时尚家居展、时尚家居用品展、中国家居用品展
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路925号B区4幢J4735室(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 13482081506
- 参展申请
- 13482081506
- 总经理
- 柴先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Interior Lifestyle China 2024 to pave the way for boundlessbusiness opportunities this October
Interior Lifestyle China is set to make a dazzling comeback from 10– 12 October 2024 as it aims to draw an even more diverse range ofenthusiastic visitors to the Shanghai Exhibition Centre. Coincidingsynergistically with the well-known Shanghai Fashion Week, theseevents will create a vibrant atmosphere in Shanghai, capturing theattention of buyers seeking stylish and fashionable items. With astrategic focus on expanding into the growing domestic retaillandscape, this year's show presents an unparalleled opportunityfor exhibitors to access traditional retail channels, which remainvital, as well as emerging segments, including influencers fromlive-streaming platforms, fashion buyers, and buyers from thehospitality sector.
Welcome to Interior Lifestyle China
Interior Lifestyle China, the foremost and trendsettinginternational event for the Chinese mid to high-end consumer goodsmarket, is the perfect stage to expand your business.
Drawing from the success of Ambiente, the world's leadinginternational consumer-goods fair, Interior Lifestyle China is notonly an effective platform for national brands to intensify theirbusinesses, but also the ideal stepping stone for internationalbrands to enter the Chinese market.
艺术及手工艺品 / 精选文具 / 花艺 / 香氛、蜡烛 / 首饰、配饰 / 时尚创意礼品 / 设计师产品 / 美食礼品
玻璃、水晶制品 / 陶器、瓷器 / 银制或镀银器皿 / 塑料制品 / 刀具及配件 / 烹饪及烘焙用品 / 厨房用具及配件 /餐桌用品及装饰品 / 小家电 / 家具、小件摆设 / 墙上挂饰、装饰画 / 灯具、灯饰 / 镜子、挂钟及相框 / 户外园艺品及配件、花盆 / 家用纺织品
消费电子产品 / 美容及健康产品 / 咖啡器具及设备 / 咖啡店 / 酒吧及酒水设备 / 露营及户外用品 / 旅游用品 /酒店及餐饮定制品
Exhibitors & products
Arts & crafts / stationery / floral art & accessories / roomfragrances, candles / jewellery / trend oriented gift articles /designer works / gourmet gifts
Home Sweet Home
Glass, crystal / porcelain, ceramics / silverware, silver plated/ plastic ware / cutlery, knives, choppers and accessories /cookware / kitchen equipment and appliances / table equipment anddecorations / small electrical appliances / furniture andaccessories / wall decorations / lightings and accessories /mirrors, clocks, photo frames / garden & accessories / furnishing /home textiles
Life without limits
Consumer electronics / beauty and wellness products /coffee-ware and coffee equipment / coffee shops / bar anddrinks-related equipment / camping and outdoor products / travelaccessories / hospitality products
成立日期 | 2019年07月01日 | ||
法定代表人 | 柴建军 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 主办方展位预定,欢迎报名参加我们展会【值得信赖 推荐参展】 | ||
经营范围 | 从事各行业国际、国内展览会议及宣传活动的策划、代理招展与承办各种大小型展览会 | ||
公司简介 | 上海申贸展览有限公司始终秉持"专业、敬业、诚信"这是我们成功的基础,我们的不断进步,是因为您的支持!秉承“专业、专注、卓越”的企业精神,顺应产业发展、关注客户需要,致力于品牌展会的培育,并以专业的策划推广、严格的操作管理和卓越的服务贡献予广大企业。始终坚持“国际化、品牌化、专业化、规模化”的发展方向,在服务上不断创新,顺应发展、合作、多赢的潮流,与时俱进,真诚对待每一个客户,认 ... |
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