上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HotelexShanghai) 已经在国内举办了30届,是目前全球范围内大的酒店餐饮展之一。2021年时值HOTELEX上海展会三十周年,展会将进入新的发展阶段,移师虹桥国家会展中心(上海),总体展出面积近40万平方米,参与买家超过16万人。展会立足于酒店餐饮,咖啡,烘培,酒吧,会所,商超等商业业态,提供的 “采购殿堂” ,是国内餐饮行业嫁接全球咨询,产品,并推动国内餐饮行业发展的重要风向标平台。
Shenzhenlemon catering equipment manufacturing co., LTD. Is a focus onintelligent commercial dishwashers development design productionsales and service as one of the high-tech companies The company hasa strong independent research and development team and a number ofexperienced senior engineers, the introduction of Germany advancedtechnology, the professional quality of multi-functional automaticdishwasher, with professional technology, advanced technology,stable and reliable performance, high degree of automation, highefficiency and energy saving, quick set clean, health environmentalprotection etc, realized the food industry to wash bowl oftechnology innovation