更新:2025-01-25 07:00 编号:13643708 发布IP: 浏览:124次- 发布企业
- 上海持承自动化设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:上海持承自动化设备有限公司组织机构代码:310228001192580
- 报价
- 人民币¥230.00元每台
- 品牌
- 霍尼韦尔
- 型号
- oneywell
- 产地
- 关键词
- 霍尼韦尔传输风险空气监测仪,Honeywell传输风险空气监测仪
- 所在地
- 上海市金山区吕巷镇干巷荣昌路318号3幢1018室
- 联系电话
- 021-59112701
- 手机
- 13671506557
- 业务经理
- 林先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Safety That’s Always on the Lookout
Accidental gas leaks pose a huge threat to properties,environment and human life. Therefore, Honeywell manufactures afull and comprehensive range of gas detection products dedicated toall types of industrial facilities, from smaller boiler rooms tolarge
petrochemical plants and oil refineries.Honeywell’s wide rangeof technologies and devices – gas detectors, flame detectors,natural gas alarms – provide exceptional protection at every level,ensuring the most favorable coverage, detection, hazardmitigation
and life protection.Get the specific gas detection product youneed and benefit from quality, functionality and ease of use.Wherever hostile environments exist, Honeywell will make it a saferworkplace for everyone.
Portable gas detectors. Safety, compliance and productivity
意外气体泄漏对财产、环境和人类生命构成相当大的威胁。Honeywell Analytics 和 BW™Technologies制造和生产全系列便携式气体检测仪,提供紧凑、轻便的设计——从简单的仅报警装置到先进的、完全可配置和可维修的仪器。
Accidental gas leaks pose a considerable threat to properties,environment and human life. Therefore, Honeywell Analytics and BW™Technologies manufacture and produce a full and comprehensive rangeof portable gas detectors, offered in compact,lightweight
designs – from simple alarm-only units to advanced, fullyconfigurable and serviceable instruments.
Ideal for confined spaces, spot leak testing and mobile use,Honeywell’s portable gas detectors provide real-time visibilityinto the status and safety of hazardous-area workers, helpingcompanies respond faster, more knowingly and decisively to safetyincidents.
Applications include underground utility vaults, boiler rooms,post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene,first responder crews and remote fleets.
科罗拉多大学2,3的科学家进行的研究表明,利用不同水平的基于风险的因素(例如 CO2),实时监测室内环境空气可以作为空气传播病毒传播风险增加的指标。浓度水平和该地区的人类活动类型。*使用本指南和霍尼韦尔算法,我们确定了由常见活动和变量(例如平均房间大小、在场人数、呼吸频率和持续时间)驱动的空气质量状况。该设备带有三种预编程的室内活动设置:低活动(电影院、图书馆和教室)、中等活动(餐厅、办公室、小型诊所)和高活动(健身房、室内竞技场、娱乐中心),建议使用覆盖800-1000平方英尺。对于每种设置,监测器使用交通灯模式(绿色、黄色或红色)和声音警报提供指示,用户可以根据可检测的CO 2了解可能增加空气传播风险的条件水平。
使用非色散红外 (NDIR) 传感器进行更准确的监测
使用锂离子充电电池可提供 10 小时的电池续航时间
1 年有限产品保修
Honeywell Transmission Risk Air Monitor
A cost-effective monitor for use in schools and restaurants thatalerts users when conditions are present that may increase the riskof exposure to airborne viral transmission in an indoor area
Honeywell is introducing a new, cost-effective monitor for usein schools and restaurants that alerts users when conditions arepresent that may increase the risk of exposure to airborne viraltransmission in an indoor area.
The Honeywell Transmission Risk Air Monitor is aneasy-to-deploy, portable device that measures carbon dioxide andfeatures a proprietary risk alerting system based on differentactivity levels within a room. This allows end users to proactivelyimprove indoor ventilation, which according to the U.S. Centers forDisease Control and Prevention1, can help reduce the spread ofcertain diseases and decrease the risk of exposure among buildingoccupants.
Research conducted by scientists at the University ofColorado2,3 has shown that real-time monitoring of indoor ambientair can be an indicator of increased risk of airborne viraltransmission, utilizing different levels of risk-based factors suchas CO2 concentration levels and the type of human activity in thearea.* Using this guidance and Honeywell algorithms, we identifiedair quality conditions that are driven by common activities andvariables such as average room size, number of people present,breathing rate, and duration. The device comes with threepre-programmed indoor activity settings: low activity (movietheaters, libraries, and classrooms), medium activity (restaurants,offices, small clinics), and high activity (gyms, indoor arenas,recreation centers) and is recommended for coverage of 800-1000square feet. For each setting, the monitor provides indicationsusing a traffic light pattern (green, yellow, or red) and a soundalarm so users can be aware of conditions that may increase therisk of airborne transmission based on detectable CO2 levels.
Features & Benefits:
Monitor carbon dioxide, Temperature and Relative Humidity
Use non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) sensor for more accuratemonitoring
Three pre-programmed activity level settings(Low/Medium/High)
Traffic Light Visual Indication (Green/Yellow/Red)
Sound Alert: one beep for medium alert; two beeps for highalert
Small portable size and light weight
Easy-to-use one button setting
10 hours battery life using Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
1-year limited product warranty
成立日期 | 2009年04月30日 | ||
法定代表人 | 林盛华 | ||
注册资本 | 300 | ||
主营产品 | 变频器,纠偏,触摸屏,PLC,伺服,限位开关,传感器,编码器等 | ||
经营范围 | 工业自动化设备,机电设备,电子产品及元器件,仪器仪表销售。【企业经营涉及行政许可的,凭许可证件经营】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海持承自动化设备有限公司是一家多年专业从事进口自动化产品代理销售及系统集成的企业,在公司全体员工的努力及广大客户和业界同仁的支持下,公司业务迅速拓展,业务范围遍及华东、华南、华北、西南等全国各地,迅速成为自动化行业的后起之秀,公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨,本着“质量保障,诚信服务,坚持承诺,到位及时”的做事态度,热诚的服务于每一位新老客户。在此,感谢新老客户的长期支持,因为 ... |
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