更新:2025-01-27 07:00 编号:13775382 发布IP: 浏览:146次- 发布企业
- 上海持承自动化设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:上海持承自动化设备有限公司组织机构代码:310228001192580
- 报价
- 人民币¥789.00元每套
- 品牌
- Prostat
- 型号
- PFK-100B
- 供电方式
- 电池供电
- 关键词
- PFK-100B静电场计套件,美国Prostat静电场计套件快速报价
- 所在地
- 上海市金山区吕巷镇干巷荣昌路318号3幢1018室
- 联系电话
- 021-59112701
- 手机
- 13671506557
- 业务经理
- 林先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
PFK-100B Electrostatic Field MeterKit
Measure range & polarity of electrostatic fields in 1 volt or 10volts increments
Charges from zero to over 1000 volts in less than 5 seconds
Balance Ionizers per ANSI/ESD SP3.3 Periodic Verification
Measure Ionizer Decay time as per ANSI/ESD S3.1 and ANSI/ESDSP3.3.
Measure Body Voltage Generation and Decay
Use with a datalogger to record measurements & createreports
Compatible with the Autoanalysis System
Accuracy of ± 5%
Battery Operated
Uses a Chopper-StabilizedSensor
The PFM-711B is an accurate, portable electrostatic field measuringdevice that is easy to use and designed for one hand operation. ThePFM-711B is a digital, electronic chopper design, which allows theinstrument to make electrostatic field measurements in areas whereionized air is present. Used by itself, the PFM-711B will measureelectrostatic fields emanating from virtually any flat surface orobject.
Measure in 1 Volt and 10Volt Increments
The PFM-711B uses a dual range for measuring surface voltage andelectrostatic potentials in both positive and negative polaritycharges. In the kV/Inch range, the PFM-711B will indicateelectrostatic field voltage from 0 to ±20,000 volts in 10 voltincrements at 1" (25mm) distance from the charged surface. In theV/Inch range, the field meter measures field density from 0 to±1,999 volts in 1 volt increments at 1" (25mm) distance from thecharged surface. The instrument is easy to use and its controls aredesigned for one hand operation.
Provides a GroundReference
The PFM-711B Fieldmeter case is conductive. It provides the groundreference for its measuring circuit. For accurate measurements, itis necessary that the person holding the meter be properlygrounded, or the meter has a ground connection made to the 10 mmsnap fastener mounted on back of case. Ground the case by wearing afunctional wrist strap that is properly grounded. Turn the meter onand select the desired range. Adjust the display to zero (0) voltsby pressing the ZERO control.
Bulls Eye for AccurateMeasurements
The ranging lights help position the instrument for accuratemeasurements. Align the front sensor of the PFM-711B Field Meterapproximately 1" (25mm) from the surface or object being measured.Move the instrument toward, or away from the surface until theranging lights are focused on the test surface. Once the fieldmeter is properly positioned, the PFM-711B will indicate theelectrostatic field measured on its display.
Use it with a RecordingDevice
The PFM-711B is the most flexible field meter in the ESD controlmarketplace. Combined with a variety of accessories, it can performmany different measurements to analyze the static sensitive processor environment.The analog output allows documentation ofmeasurements when used in conjunction with X-Y plotter, analog datarecording device, or the Prostat PGA-710B Autoanalysis System.(Recording device and cable not included.)
Long LastingBattery
The PFM-711B uses a 9 volt alkaline battery (included), whichprovides an approximate life of 30 hours. The display is designedto indicate when the battery is low. The low battery indicator isconveniently programmed to come in at 7.2 DC volts, which is theminimum voltage required for accurate measurements.
Portable Charge PlateMonitor
The CPM-720B Charge Plate Assembly is a 3.25" x 3.25" isolatedplate attachment for the PFM-711B Electrostatic Field Meter. Itconverts the PFM-711B Field Meter into a portable, battery operatedcharged plate monitor. By attaching a CPM-720B Charge Plate to thePFM-711B, the meter can also be used for Ion Balance voltagemeasurements.
Charge It Up!
The PCS-730B can be used to place a ±1000V charge on the CPM-720BCharge Plate making it possible to also measure the discharge timesof air ionization equipment per ANSI/ESD SP3.3 PeriodicVerification of Air Ionizers.
成立日期 | 2009年04月30日 | ||
法定代表人 | 林盛华 | ||
注册资本 | 300 | ||
主营产品 | 变频器,纠偏,触摸屏,PLC,伺服,限位开关,传感器,编码器等 | ||
经营范围 | 工业自动化设备,机电设备,电子产品及元器件,仪器仪表销售。【企业经营涉及行政许可的,凭许可证件经营】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海持承自动化设备有限公司是一家多年专业从事进口自动化产品代理销售及系统集成的企业,在公司全体员工的努力及广大客户和业界同仁的支持下,公司业务迅速拓展,业务范围遍及华东、华南、华北、西南等全国各地,迅速成为自动化行业的后起之秀,公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨,本着“质量保障,诚信服务,坚持承诺,到位及时”的做事态度,热诚的服务于每一位新老客户。在此,感谢新老客户的长期支持,因为 ... |
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