更新:2022-04-17 11:33 编号:13973084 发布IP: 浏览:50次- 发布企业
- 上海劳安涂料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第14年主体名称:上海劳安涂料有限公司组织机构代码:3101122086707
- 报价
- 人民币¥20.00元每KG
- 劳安
- 劳安
- LW系列
- LW系列
- 上海
- 上海
- 关键词
- 防腐色浆,水性色浆,涂料色浆,染料,颜料,乳胶漆色浆,纳米色浆
- 所在地
- 上海青浦区嘉松中路4288号
- 联系电话
- 86-0512-50150986
- 手机
- 13801744822
- 经理
- 陈生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
LWseries color paste with high water resistance,used for lightanticorrosion system
LaoanLW series products are resin-free water-based pigment preparations.This product adopts foreign advanced technology imported rawmaterials,and uses international advanced dispersingequipment. It is a color paste for light anti -corrosion water-based industrial coatings,Used in the production of water-basedacrylic one-component coatings
1.Excellent waterresistance.adopt Hydrophobic polymer dispersing agent, Iittleimpact on water resistance of coatings:
2.Water- based colorpaste,resin free, excellent compatibility .
It is compatible withmost resins , solvents and other additives , and can be applied toa variety of water - based Systems ,such as monocomponent acrylicsystem . Water borne alkyd system . Waterborne epoxy system;
3.Goodresistance to weather , chemicals , High color strength , goodliquidity and stability , Longer storage time withcolors
4.strict control on colorhue , color intensity and rheology index.
5.Highcolor density , convenient to add a large amount of otherfunctional resins and additives.
产品编号ProductCode | 颜料索引号C.I.NO | 固含量 Solid | 耐酸性 Acid | 耐碱性 Alkali | 耐光性1/1 Light | 耐光性1/25 | 耐候性1/1 Weather | 耐候性1/25 | 价格 Price | |
黑LW004 BlackLW004 | P.BK.7 | 50% | 5 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 5 | |||
白LW102 WhiteLW102 | P.W.6 | 65% | ||||||||
中黄LW201 MiddleYellowLW201 | P.Y.12 | 45% | 4-5 | 3 | 2-3 | |||||
铁黄LW202 Oxide YellowLW202 | P.Y.42 | 60% | ||||||||
黄LW203 YellowLW203 | P.Y.74 | 6-7 | 6 | 4 | 3-4 | |||||
黄LW204 YelowLW204 | P.Y.154 | |||||||||
红LW302 RedLW302 | P.R.170 | 7 | 3-4 | |||||||
红LW303 RedLW303 | P.R.254 | 7-8 | ||||||||
铁红LW305 OxideRedLW305 | P.R.101 | |||||||||
红LW306 RedLW306 | 6 | 2 | ||||||||
紫LW501 VioletLW501 | P.V.23 | 35% | 7-8 | 7 | 4-5 | 4 | ||||
蓝LW602 BlueLW602 | P.B.15:3 | |||||||||
蓝LW605 BlueLW605 | P.B.15:0 | |||||||||
绿LW801 GrrenLW801 | P.G.7 | |||||||||
Note ;The chemical dates ( light Fastness , chemical Fastness ) areoriginal pigment structure performance . Fastness : grade 5 is thebest ,grade 1 is the worst
SpecialStatement : This information is based on or present state ofknowledge and is intended to provide genera notes on our productsand their us0s. It should not , therefore , be construed asguaranteeing specific properties of the products O0scrbd or theirsuitability for a particular application . Any existing industrialproperty rights must be observed . The quality of our products isguaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.
成立日期 | 2003年03月05日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈勇 | ||
注册资本 | 6000 | ||
主营产品 | 色浆,耐高温色浆,环保色浆,粘合剂,增稠剂,热升华墨水,内外墙色浆,固色剂 | ||
经营范围 | 橡胶原料及制品、塑料原料及制品(除危险品)、建筑装潢材料、五金交电、汽摩配件的销售。水性涂料的加工。室内装潢设计(附设生产水性涂料生产机构),(涉及许可经营的.. | ||
公司简介 | 上海劳安涂料有限公司建于2002年,位于上海青浦区,海陆空交通便捷。公司是国内较大的水性色浆及涂料助剂制造商,月产各类色浆500t,增稠剂300t,粘合剂800t.公司生产实力雄厚,下辖劳安化工江苏有限公司及上海劳安涂料有限公司扬中分公司两个生产基地.主要产品有:“8”系列印花涂料色浆、“d”系列染色涂料色浆、“a”系列安全型(环保型)涂料色浆、“a0”系列耐高温涂料色浆、"80&quo ... |
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- 涂料色浆,印花涂料色浆,水性环保色浆8.00元/公斤
- 涂料增稠剂,防水涂料增稠剂,无需调节PH值25.00元/公斤
含固量:68% - 乳胶色浆,胶带色浆30.00元/35
- 工厂用涂料色浆,内外墙色浆90.00元/98
- 造纸调白色浆,造纸染料35.00元/39