High Speed
系统特征/ Product features
◆高速喷印High SpeedPrinting
Maximum speed at 220 meters perminute for UV Inkjet system,330 meters per minute for Water-basedInkjet system.
◆灵活性强 Flexible
What you see is what you print,within a page you can select different print resolution fordifferent field.
◆运用广泛 Versatile
Can be used in Tax Invoices,Tracking Label, Security Label, Drug Admin Barcode,Direct Mail,Statement and ID card.
规格参数/ Technical Specifications
◆系统型号Model S10A S10B
◆喷印技术PrintTechnology 压电按需PiezoelectricDrop On Demand DOD
◆喷印精度 HighBesolution 600dpiX 600dpi(可选择四级喷印精度) (with 4 different printingresolutions)
◆喷嘴数量 Numberof Nozzle 2656
108mm(组合式设计可允许多个喷头无缝拼接构成更宽的单一喷头)(modular compact design allows multipleprintheads to be stitched together to form a w derprinthead)
字母、条形码、二维码、中/英文字、静态/动态图像Alphanumeric text, Barcode,2Dcode, Chinese/English Character, Static/DynamicBitmap
◆喷印速度 Highest PrintingSpeed 220米/分钟 meters per minute 330米/分钟meters per minuter
◆墨水滴量 Dropsize 6,7,11,17pl皮升 5,7,12,18pl 皮升
◆喷印介质Inkjet PrintingMedium
双胶纸、涂料纸、无碳纸、铜版纸、薄膜、PVC、 PET等Offset,Coated Paper,Carbon-less, BondPaper,film, PVC and PETetc
双胶纸、涂料纸、无碳纸、铜版纸等Offset,CoatedPaper,Carbon-less, Bond Paper etc
◆墨水类型 InkType
环保型UV墨水。Imported environmental friendly UVink
环保型水性墨水。 Importedenvironmental friendly water based ink
◆烘干方式DryingDevice UV紫外固化UV drving system 自然干燥Naturaldrying
◆工作环境OperatingEnvironment 温度15-28℃,湿度35%-65%RH non-condensing
◆工作电压PowerRequirement 220VAC50-60HZ