About the organizer:
China Textile Commerce Association (CHINA TEXTILE COMMERCEASSOCIATION) is a non-profit national industry organization withthe approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs under the guidance ofthe State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ofthe State Council.
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(MDS)
Established in 2009, Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS) isa subsidiary of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, one of the world’s topexhibition organizers. MDS is committed to introducing industryleading trade fairs to China and providing Chinese andinternational customers with superior exhibitionservices.
About the exhibition:
China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH)is a national trade exhibition held every spring and autumn by theassociation since 1966. In spring, it will be fixedly held inShanghai; in autumn it will be a national tour. Now, the exhibitionspace here are over 70,000 square meters, with more than 1,500exhibitors and 25,000 professionalvisitors.
About the occupationalsafety & health goods:
Protecting workers’ life safety and occupational health is the mostfundamental and profound connotation of safe production, and alsothe core of the safe production essence. In the production process,the "people-oriented" principle must be adhered to. In therelationship between production and safety, everything issafety-oriented, and safety must be ranked first. The occupationalsafety & health goods (also known as "personalprotective equipment", the international abbreviation "PPE") refersto a protective equipment provided by workers in order to avoid ormitigate accidental injuries or occupational hazards in theproduction process. Through the measures of obstructing, sealing,absorbing, dispersing and suspending, it can protect the part orall of the body from external aggression. Under certain conditions,the use of personal protective equipment is the main protectivemeasure. PPE products are divided into general labor protectionproducts and special labor protectionproducts.
About exhibit categories:
head protection, face protection, eye protection, hearingprotection, respiratory protection, hand protection, footprotection, body protection, high altitude safety protection,inspection equipment, safety warnings and related protectiveequipment, product certification , safety training,etc.
成立日期 | 2008年11月13日 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
公司简介 | 开拓进取、创造价值、合作共赢、共同发展,共创价值的理念。公司从事大型国际展览、商务会议及相关配套业务全方位服务的专业会展公司;目前与国家多个行业协会和国际著名展览公司建立了长期友好的合作关系;在纺织、服装、百货、文化用品、家纺、内衣、工业等领域不同程度的参与了一线或行业资深展会的承办组织工作;赢得了业内人士与广大客户的肯定和认可;同时累积了丰富宝贵的办会经验;团队设有展览部、设计搭建部、电子商务部 ... |
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