尼龙 PA66 日本东丽 CM3006 汽车配件 电器 热稳定 阻燃 塑料颗粒
更新:2023-11-04 06:00 编号:18205596 发布IP: 浏览:15次- 发布企业
- 上海欧硕塑料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海欧硕塑料有限公司组织机构代码:91310120MA1HRDJAXY
- 报价
- 人民币¥17.30元每千克
- 品牌
- 东丽汽车配件
- 尼龙
- Pa66
- 电器
- 耐高温
- 关键词
- 尼龙 PA66 日本东丽 CM3006 汽车配件 电器 热稳定 阻燃 塑料颗粒
- 所在地
- 上海市奉贤区明城路1088弄7号1-2层
- 联系电话
- 159-02131506
- 手机
- 15902131506
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模具塑料PA66 聚酰胺66或尼龙66
收缩率降低到0.2%~1% 。收缩率在流程方向和与流程方向相垂直方向上的差异是较大的。
PA 66
Generic Class
PA 66 (Polyamide 66, or Nylon 66, or poly (hexamethyleneadipamide))
Competes with PA 6 for most applications. PA 66 is heavily usedin the automotive industry, appliance housings, and generally whereimpact resistance and strength are required.
Injection Molding Processing conditions
Drying Drying is not required if the material is sealed prior tomolding; however, if the containers are left open, drying in a hotair oven at 85 C (185 F) is recommended. If the moisture content is> 0.2%, vacuum drying at 105 C (220 F) for 12 hours isrecommended.
Melt Temperature 260 - 290 C (500 - 554 F); 275 - 280 C (527 -536 F) for glass filled grades; melt temperatures above 300 C (572F) should be avoided
Mold Temperature 80 C (176 F) suggested. Mold temperatureaffects crystallinity level which in turn affects physicalproperties. In the case of thin walled parts, crystallinity changeswith time if mold temperatures of less than 40 C (104 F) are used.In such cases, annealing may be needed to retain dimensionalstability.
Resin Injection Pressure Generally between 750 - 1,250 bar(~11,000 - 18,000 psi), depends on material and product design
Injection Speed High (slightly lower for reinforced grades)
Runners and Gates
The gate location is important because of very fast freeze-offtimes. Any type of gate may be used; the aperture should not beless than half the thickness of the part. When hot runners areused, the size of the gates can be smaller than when cold runnersare used, because premature freeze-off is prevented. When usingsubmarine gates, the minimum diameter of the gate should be 0.75mm.
Chemical and physical properties
PA 66 homopolymer is produced by the polymerization ofhexamethylene diamine and adipic acid (a dibasic acid). Amongcommercially available polyamides, PA 66 has one of the highestmelting points. It is a
semicrystalline-crystalline material. The resins have strengthand stiffness which is retained at elevated temperatures. It doesabsorb moisture after molding, but the retention is not as much asin the case of PA 6. Moisture absorption depends on the compositionof the material, wall thickness, and environmental conditions.Dimensional stability and properties are all affected by the amountof moisture absorption which must be taken into account for productdesign.
Various modifiers are added to improve mechanical properties;glass is one of the most commonly used filler. Addition ofelastomers such as EPDM or SBR improves impact resistance.
The viscosity is low and therefore, it flows easily (but not aseasily as PA 6). This allows molding of thin components. Theviscosity is very sensitive to temperature. Shrinkage is of theorder of 0.01 - 0.02 mm/mm (1 - 2%). Addition of reinforcing glassfibers reduces the shrinkage to 0.2 - 1%. Differential shrinkage inthe flow and cross-flow directions is quite high. Mineral fillersyield more isotropic moldings. PA 66 is resistant to most solventsbut not to strong acids or oxidizing agents.
Major Manufacturers
BASF (Ultramid A), DuPont (Minlon - mineral reinforcedgrades; Zytel), Monsanto (Vydyne),DSM (Akulon).
成立日期 | 2019年05月05日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘倩 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 上海欧硕公司专营代理进口 PA66 PP PC POM PET ABS PBT PPS TPU EVA等塑料 | ||
经营范围 | 塑料制品、橡胶制品、五金交电、电动工具、办公用品、体育用品、日用百货的批发、零售,从事货物及技术进出口业务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海欧硕公司专营代理进口PA66PPPCPOMPETABSPBTPPSTPUEVA等塑料原料,畅销市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家上市公司,大型加工企业,模具加工厂,各品牌分销商等建立了长期稳定的合作关系。公司旗下代理的品牌有:日本宝理,德国巴斯夫,美国杜邦,日本旭化成,日本帝人,日本出光,韩国乐天,美国泰科纳,韩国三星,韩国工程,台湾奇美,台湾长春,中国石化,韩国科隆等品牌。公司拥有 ... |
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