valve interlock
2023-04-03 16:07 1次- 发布企业
- 上海凯研机械设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:上海凯研机械设备有限公司组织机构代码:91310113685543111T
- 报价
- 人民币¥1000.00元每件
- 品牌
- kaiyan
- 材质
- 不锈钢
- 产地
- 上海
- 关键词
- 连锁阀,阀门连锁,valve interlock
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区车墩镇联营路615号38幢
- 联系电话
- 021-64647240
- 手机
- 18017316865
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阀门机械联锁主要应用于 油田、石化、化工、核电、冶金、天然气等高危行业中关键阀门的状态锁定、传递和显示(现场和控制室)。
Inthe actual operation process, it is called ”mechanicalinterlocking" that the key is exchanged in a certain logical orderto realize the safe operation process. It is a kind of mechanicaldevice approved by the world safety organization and standardorganization, which can prevent man-mademisoperation.
Thepurposeof installing mechanical interlocking is to ensure thattheequipment and its auxiliary equipment can operate in accordancewith the process set. In order to eliminate the iueparableconsequences caused by human error operation.
Inpetroleum, chemical, powe r and high-risk manufacturing industries,there are a large number of manual operation equipment, electricalequipment, protective safety doors and so on. Accidents caused bymisoperation are co1mnon, and serious casualties and economiclosses caused by misoperation also occur from time to time.Statistics show that 70% of accidents in the oil and gas industryare caused by human errors. The rapid development of modernindustry has further aggravated the risk factors, which arecontrolled by personnel. However, human beings themselves will be disturbed by extemal factors, such asstress, disease andother factors -all in all, depending on ”humanfactors”.
Valvesafety mechanical interlock
In manyindustrial processes, valves play a very important role in safety.A misoperation of a valve can lead to a series of dramatic andserious consequences - personal injury, factmy damage, and evenirTeparable environmental pollution. Therefore, the valve safetyoperation must be effectively monitored. Through the use of Kaiyanvalve mechanical interlocking can ensure that always in accordancewith the correct order of operation.
Kaiyanvalve mechanical interlocking device can be installed in eachhandle or handwheel operated valve, without adjusting, altering ordestroying the original valve equipment. The intedocking device isve1y strong and easy to operate and clearly display the switchingstatus of each valve.
Professionallydesigned customized keys and interlocks make assembly without anyadjustment or processing. We will provide a full set ofinterlocking system and installation and commissioning services, sothat you have no worries. Provide a set of special tools foron-site emergency adjustment o「 expansionof on-site safety system. Unique designed dust-p「oofsealing cover prevents dust or sediment from entering thekeyhole.
Shanghai Kaiyan Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-techenterprise integrating product development, production, sales andengineering services. For more than ten years, we have devotedourselves to providing engineering and technical safety solutionsfor dangerous operation problems in petrochemical, natural gas,electric power, rail transit and other industries. The companyintroduced first-class foreign production equipment and advancedtechnology, led a team of experienced sales and technical services,with many years of professional level and mature technology in thefield of industrial safety, to provide high-quality safetyinterlocking system for domestic enterprises. It is widely used inmany fields such as marine engineering, ship, nuclear power,petrochemical industry and so on. The product passed the technicalstandard test of the national quality supervision department, andobtained a number of national patents, thus realizing thetransformation of high-tech project achievements.
We are honored to serve many engineering projects withhigh-quality safety products, professional technology andengineering teams covering petrochemical, oil refining, nuclearpower generation, rail transit and marine shipping industriesthroughout Asia. Our customers include PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC,CNOOC, QINSHAN Nuclear Power, CITIC, etc.
成立日期 | 2009年03月23日 | ||
法定代表人 | 钟健 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 安全机械锁,机械程序锁,五防锁,钥匙机械联锁,阀门柔性轴远传机构,阀门锁,便携式开阀器 | ||
经营范围 | 机电设备、仪器仪表生产、加工、销售;电线电缆、五金交电、金属材料、阀门管道及配件销售;机电设备安装(除特种设备);附设分支机构。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海凯研机械设备有限公司是一家致力于工业安全产品、技术解决方案及工程服务为一体高新技术企业。我们旨在为石油天然气和化工行业,发电厂及海洋船舶行业中的工艺危险操作提供安全解决方案。凯研机械突破传统观念,成为国内工业安全机械联锁行业开拓者,成功引入了两大全新技术概念:编码式安全机械联锁和柔性轴传动系统。产品主要涉及安全机械联锁,机械程序锁,电力五防机械锁、机械钥匙闭锁、阀门联锁装置、阀门远程传动装置、 ... |
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- 阀门连锁 valve interlock1,000.00元/件
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