德国粉尘SAE J726 fein细粉

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J726 fein细粉
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德国Arizona-StaubSAE J726 fein细粉

型号:J726 fein细粉
1/ Arizona dust SAE J726fine  Arizona-StaubSAE J726 fein试验粉尘  
2/ Arizona dust SAE J726 coarse Arizona-Staub SAE J726grob试验粉尘
3/ Talkumstaub gemäß DIN EN IEC 60529, VDE0470 Talc dustaccording DIN EN IEC 60529, VDE 0470试验粉尘
4/ Prüfstaub gemäß DIN 40050试验粉尘
Teil 9 Pkt.7.3.1. Test dustaccording to DIN 40050 Part 9 Point 7.3.1. 
5/ Blowing Dust gemäßMIL-STD-810 BlowingDust in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘
Test dust for testing accordingto MIL-STD-810G w/CHANGE 1
Method 510.6 Point d.(2)
6/ Blowing Sand gemäßMIL-STD-810 BlowingSand in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘
Test dust for testing accordingto MIL-STD-810G
Method 510.6 Point4.2.1.3
7/ Prüfstaub DIN EN60068-2-68 Test DustDIN EN 60068-2-68试验粉尘
for tests in accordance to Point6.1.4.1. Variant 3 Sand
for test method Lc1 material:Quartz SiO2
8/ Settling Dust gemäßMIL-STD-810 SettlingDust in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘
Test dust for testing accordingto MIL-STD 810F
Method 510.4 Point
9/ Prüfstaub gemäß ECE R45 Regelung Nr. 45,Revision 2试验粉尘
Anhang 4 Punkt2.1.1  Anhang 4Punkt 2.1.2  
Test dust according ECE R45
Regulation No. 45, Revision2
Annex 4, Point 2.1.1
Annex 4, Point 2.1.2
10/ Prüfstaub DIN EN60068-2-68 Test DustDIN EN 60068-2-68试验粉尘
for tests in accordance to Point6.1.4.1. Variant 2 Coarse Dust
for test method Lc1 material:Quartz SiO2
11/ Prüfstaub China fein, mittel,grob Test dust Chinafine, medium, coarse试验粉尘
12/ Portlandzement Portland cement试验粉尘
Cement for Building technology /structural engineering Is an inorganic finely ground, hydraulicallyacting binder formortar and concrete, which is also used as a test dust.
Portland cement is, for example,listed in the Standard JIS Z8901 Class 6.
The Portland cement used by uscomplies with DIN EN 197-1 and the type of cement CEM II/A-LL (Portlandlimestone cement) Themain component is Portland cement clinker 6-20 % by mass of limestone
13/ Flugasche Fly ash试验粉尘
Coal fly ash is used for examplein cement as a mineral raw material and buildingmaterial, in boundand unbound form.
The product has no hazardousproperties and is also used as test dust. Fly ash is described for example in JIS Z8901Class 5.
14/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14081试验粉尘
based on analyses for Chinesedust, synthetically produced, developed for Roof Systems
15/ Prüfstaub Brasil / Test DustBrasil试验粉尘
Typ M1 Typ M2 Typ M3 Typ M6 Typ M7 Typ M9 
16/ Arizona-Staub extra grob试验粉尘
17/ Arizona dust extra coarse试验粉尘
18/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL12050试验粉尘
zur Simulation von hohemVerschleiß / for the simulation of high wear
19/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14083试验粉尘
Indien-Staub S-P007/3(synthetisch hergestellt)
für Prüfungen imAutomobilbereich
Indian dust S-P007/3 (syntheticTest dust) for tests in the automotive field
20/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14084试验粉尘
Brasilien-Staub S-P007/4(synthetisch hergestellt)
für Prüfungen imAutomobilbereich
Brasil dust S-P007/4 (syntheticTest dust) for tests in the automotive field
21/ Prüfstaub Brasil / Test DustBrasil试验粉尘
Typ M4 Typ M5 Typ M8 Typ M10 / KSL 12050 
22/ Prüfstaub KSL 11046 Test dust KSL 11046试验粉尘
23/ Prüfstaub KSL 11047 Test dust KSL 11047试验粉尘
24/ Prüfstaub KSL11047-B Test dust KSL11047-B试验粉尘
25/ Prüfstaub KSL 14017 Test dust KSL 14017试验粉尘
26/ Prüfstaub KSL 14019 Test dust KSL 14019试验粉尘
27/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14078试验粉尘
Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14079
Alternative zu Prüfstaub Chinafein! / Alternative to Test dust China fine!
28/ Prüfstaub KSL 14027 Test dust KSL 14027试验粉尘
Arizona-Staub SAE J726fein   Arizonadust SAE J726 coarse  Arizona-Staub SAE J726 grob
 Talkumstaub gemäß DIN ENIEC 60529, VDE 0470 Talc dust according DIN EN IEC 60529, VDE0470  Prüfstaubgemäß DIN 40050 Teil 9 Pkt. 7.3.1. Test dust according to DIN 40050 Part 9 Point7.3.1.  BlowingDust gemäß MIL-STD-810 Blowing Dust in accordance withMIL-STD-810  Blowing Sand gemäßMIL-STD-810 BlowingSand in accordance with MIL-STD-810 Test dust for testing according toMIL-STD-810G Prüfstaub DIN EN60068-2-68 Test DustDIN EN 60068-2-68  Settling Dust gemäßMIL-STD-810 SettlingDust in accordance with MIL-STD-810 Prüfstaub gemäß ECE R45 Regelung Nr. 45,Revision 2 PrüfstaubDIN EN 60068-2-68 Test Dust DIN EN 60068-2-68 
Prüfstaub China fein, mittel,grob Test dust Chinafine, medium, coarse Portlandzement Portland cement Flugasche Fly ash Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14081 PrüfstaubBrasil / Test Dust Brasil Typ M1 Typ M2 Typ M3 Typ M6 Typ M7 Typ M9 Arizona-Staub extragrob Arizona dustextra coarse 
Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL12050 Prüfstaub /Test dust KSL 14083 Indien-Staub S-P007/3 (synthetischhergestellt) fürPrüfungen im Automobilbereich Indian dust S-P007/3 (synthetic Test dust)for tests in the automotive field Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14084 Brasilien-StaubS-P007/4 (synthetisch hergestellt) für Prüfungen imAutomobilbereich Brasil dust S-P007/4 (synthetic Test dust)for tests in the automotive field Prüfstaub Brasil / Test DustBrasil TypM4 TypM5 TypM8 Typ M10 / KSL12050  PrüfstaubKSL 11046 Test dustKSL 11046 PrüfstaubKSL 11047 Test dustKSL 11047 PrüfstaubKSL 11047-B Test dustKSL 11047-B PrüfstaubKSL 14017 Test dustKSL 14017 PrüfstaubKSL 14019 Test dustKSL 14019 Prüfstaub /Test dust KSL 14078 Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL14079 Alternative zuPrüfstaub China fein! / Alternative to Test dust Chinafine! Prüfstaub KSL14027 Test dust KSL14027

所属分类:中国冶金矿产网 / 其他金属粉末
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