POE受电设备 PD协议一致性 SIFOS测试 802.3 AF/AT/BT PD性能参数综合分析
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- POE测试,PD协议一致性,SIFOS测试,,802.3 AF/AT/BT PD,以太网测试服务
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POE受电设备 PD协议一致性 SIFOS测试 802.3 AF/AT/BT PD性能参数综合分析
POE测试,PD协议一致性,SIFOS测试,,802.3 AF/AT/BT PD,以太网测试服务
SIFOS PDA-604A是802.3 AF/AT/BTPD协议一致性测试仪,作为市场上被认可的商用协议一致性测试工具,可满足PD芯片/网络设备商 PD功能及实现是否符合802.3af/at/bt协议一致性要求,是一款用于测试IEEE 802.3bt和802.3at PoE供电设备的单机综合解决方案。
PD Classification – 802.3at
802.3at specification allows for PD’s to communicate their powerdemands to a PSE port via a classification process. From theperspective of a PSE port, PD’s can be classified as follows:
A Type-1 PSE has the option not to classify the PD in which casethe PD must be assumed to require Class 0 power.
Classification is performed by applying a voltage in the bandfrom 15.5V to 20.5V and measuring the fixed DC current loadpresented by the PD. The magnitude of measured current is thentranslated into a classification as follows:
The PSE is free to make decisions regarding current measurementsthat fall between the above bands. Classification must be completedin 75 mSec, so typically classification involves a short durationpulse with amplitude between 15.5 and 20.5 Volts. A “single-event”class pulse (see Figure 2.6) may return to zero or may hold itsvalue (or anything in between) following completion ofclassification.
PD Classification – 802.3bt
The 802.3bt specification significantly extended the model of2-Event classification so that PSE’s and PD’s could signal newclassification bands that relate to power levels above Type-2(Class 4). As with 802.3at, classification is a process thatfollows PD detection and precedes PSE powering of the PD.
802.3bt introduced nine new PD classifications, four thatpertain to single signature PD’s and five that pertain to dualsignature PD’s. 802.3bt also retained 803.2at PD classifications1-4. As with 2-Event classification in 802.3bt, the count ofclassification pulses represents the method by which a PSEauthorizes power levels to a PD.
The following table describes the 13 possible PD classificationsdescribed in the 802.3bt specification.
Unlike 802.3at, 802.3bt requires that classification currentsdrawn by the newer classes of PD’s change after the first twoevents are completed. The change in class current then encodesinformation regarding the power the PD demands. This differenceenables 802.3bt PSE’s to differentiate between 802.3at PD’s wherethe classification signature never changes after the second classevent and 802.3bt PD’s where that signature always changes. Figure2.7 diagrams the relationship between PSE voltage and PD currentdraw during a 4-Event classification sequence.
PDA-604A 分析仪提供以下全面的PoE PD分析和验证主要功能:
支持所有802.3bt / 802.3at PD的4线对和2线对供电和分析
可配置的分类和802.3bt / 802.3at功率授权
802.3bt / 802.3at PD性能参数综合分析
自动化IEEE 802.3at *供电设备一致性测试套件
灵活的802.3bt / 802.3at LLDP仿真和LLDP协议分析
适用于Microsoft Windows的强大脚本自动化和二进制API库
即插即用USB接口,连接到Windows PC
POE受电设备 PD协议一致性 测试服务 测试项目预览
成立日期 | 1994年05月26日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈群 | ||
注册资本 | 14300 | ||
主营产品 | 测试设备租赁业务+硬件测试外包服务(信号完整性测试、电源完整性测试、EMC测试、可靠性测试、失效分析测试、电子元器件测试、安规测试、以太网性能测试、射频测试等) | ||
经营范围 | 计算机软、硬件、计算机外设及周边设备和网络通信产品的研制、生产、销售、及计算机应用领域的系统开发集成和服务,从事货物进出口及技术进出口业务,研发、设计无线电通信设备,自有房屋租赁。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 博达通信(以下简称博达)成立于1994年,是家集研发、生产、销售于体的高新技术企业。从自主研发中国*块X.25网卡和*台商业化路由器开始,博达就一直站在网络技术的前沿,始终如一的专注和创新,成就了专业网络科技。迄今为博达的以太网交换机、路由器、XPON产品、无线产品、网络安全业通信产品已广泛应用于运营商、广电、电力、轨道交通、政府、金融、教育、医疗等诸多领域,有超过10000个重点客户,帮助他们在 ... |
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