2025-01-11 09:14 1次- 发布企业
- 上海娴宥房地产有限公司租赁部商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:上海娴宥房地产有限公司租赁部组织机构代码:91310113MA1GPB7A6L
- 报价
- 人民币¥2.20元每m²/天
- 关键词
- 禾谷文创园出租,禾谷文创园租金,禾谷文创园租赁,禾谷文创园招租
- 所在地
- 上海市
- 联系电话
- 021-51250158
- 免中介费热线
- 15000147291
- 看房顾问
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- 请卖家联系我
- ethan0801062
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park Address: 1355 Hengnan Road
Rent for Hegu Cultural and Creative Park: 2.2-2.9 yuan persquare meter per day
Property fee for Hegu Cultural and Creative Park: 9 yuan persquare meter per month
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park Metro: Line 8 Jiangyue Roadstation, 5 minutes' walk.
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park Property Rental InvestmentHotline: (Do Not Disturb Intermediaries)
The total construction area of the Hegu Cultural and CreativePark project is 7204.29 square meters. The supporting facilities inthe Hegu Cultural and Creative Park include cafes, multifunctionalmeeting rooms, mobile games, board games, leisure areas, etc. Thestandard floor height of the Hegu Cultural and Creative Park is 4.2meters. Some parts of the Hegu Cultural and Creative Park areequipped with central air conditioning, and the property fee isunified at 9 yuan/day/square meter. The 220KV plug-in electricityfee is 1.6 yuan/kWh. The 380KV strong electricity interface isprovided by the Party A, and the weak electricity and standardelectricity are provided by the Party A for each floor/room, Thelighting fixtures in the room shall be installed by Party B ontheir own. The delivery standard for the first floor is that allrooms in Hegu Cultural and Creative Park have independent gardens,sprayed black roofs, and ground leveling (without basements andhigh load-bearing capacity). Carpets on the second and third floorsare delivered with sprayed black roofs, and parking fees aretemporarily free.
The Hegu Cultural and Creative Park is not only a Shared spacewith joint office space as the starting point, but also a spacecombination of office+multi space and a cross-border contentcombination of space+lifestyle. At the same time, the online socialplatform is used as a series to create a comprehensive ecologicaloffice garden community integrating resources online andoffline.
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park is not only a meticulouslydesigned and renovated workspace, but also a cross-bordercollaboration of future oriented work and lifestyle. Hegu Culturaland Creative Park is also a diverse, open, free, and innovativecommunity, full of imagination and creativity. In cereal,entrepreneurs, independent workers, small and medium-sizedenterprises can use more flexible ways to share Shared space andservices, and also get the best work experience of topenterprises.
The style of Hegu Cultural and Creative Park creates a naturalethereal and distant atmosphere, which is serene, profound, andsecluded. The water scenery and trees seem to condense the naturalscenery of mountains and rivers. The elegant and graceful bamboo isthe main plant of the Chinese style courtyard, creating a lushgreen atmosphere in nature. The trees are deliberately selectedfrom a few rare and auspicious trees and placed in the garden.
Hegu Cultural and Creative Park Services:
Public Meeting Room/Tea Room/Rest Area/Cafe/Creative BookBar/Gym/Printing Service/Recording Area/
The Hegu Cultural and Creative Park is built with exquisitecraftsmanship, taking a long time to build. All the scenery inheaven and earth, the grand view of Hegu Garden!
成立日期 | 2020年06月09日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张涛 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 上海陆家嘴-人民广场-淮海路新天地-南京西路-静安寺-北外滩的写字楼和共享办公室租赁 | ||
经营范围 | 许可项目:建设工程设计。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:房地产经纪;物业管理;商务信息咨询;市场营销策划。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 上海娴宥商业地产专注与上海市中心的写字楼,共享办公的租赁业务,从业10年,熟悉了上海市陆家嘴,八佰伴,世纪大道,世博,前滩后滩,外滩,人广,南京西路,静安寺,中山公园,徐家汇,徐汇滨江,北外滩,五角场,上海火车站,长寿路,真如,古北仙霞路,虹桥商务区等等商圈的写字楼租赁信息,服务过国内知名的电商公司,国内知名的银行,证券公司,游//戏公司,上市公司,兢兢业业做好客户的每次询价和咨询,郑重承诺,全程 ... |
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