2023-07-14 12:19 1次- 发布企业
- 上海顶荷生物科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:上海顶荷生物科技有限公司组织机构代码:91310116MA7M12289H
- 报价
- 人民币¥88.00元每千克
- 星湖
- 25/箱
- 味之素
- 25/箱
- 希杰
- 25/箱
- 关键词
- 目前上主要有星湖呈味核苷酸二钠(I+G)、韩国希杰核苷酸(I+G)、韩国味元核苷酸(I+G)、日本味之素核苷酸(I+G)、拓普生物核苷酸(I+G)、富德核苷酸(I+G)
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- 上海市金山工业区夏宁路666弄58-59号
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- 13501923669
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- 王毛娇 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
"I+G, the Combination of Two Seasoning Agents—5'-InosinateDisodium (IMP) and 5'-Guanosinate Disodium (GMP)"
I+G, short for 5'-Inosinate Disodium (IMP) and 5'-GuanosinateDisodium (GMP), is a popular combination of two flavor enhancersused in the food industry. This article aims to provide a detailedoverview of I+G, including its applications, market availability,and key players. As a leading expert in this field, Shanghai DingheBiotechnology Co., Ltd. will share relevant knowledge, insights,and guidance to better understand the significance of I+G in theculinary world.
1. The Importance of I+G in Food Industry
I+G is a versatile taste enhancer widely used in food productsto improve their flavor and overall sensory experience. Iteffectively enhances the umami taste, often described as the "fifthtaste" along with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. I+G isparticularly valuable in amplifying the savory characteristics ofvarious food products, making it a crucial ingredient formanufacturers.
2. Market Analysis: Major Players and Offerings
The domestic market offers several brands of I+G, each with itsunique qualities and market positioning. The following are somenotable I+G brands available in China:
- Xinghu Flavor Nucleotide (I+G)
Xinghu is a renowned brand known for its high-quality I+Gproducts. Priced at 88.00 yuan per kilogram, it provides excellentvalue for money. Each box contains 25 units, making it a popularchoice for both small-scale and large-scale food manufacturers.
- Wei Zhisu Flavor Nucleotide (I+G)
Wei Zhisu, another prominent player, offers I+G products packedin boxes of 25 units. Similar to Xinghu, the price per kilogram is88.00 yuan. The brand is well-known for its consistent quality andreliability in the market.
- Xijie Flavor Nucleotide (I+G)
Xijie is a trusted name in the food industry, providing highlysought-after I+G products. With a price tag of 88.00 yuan perkilogram, it offers competitive pricing and meets the requirementsof various customers.
3. Applications and Benefits of I+G
I+G finds extensive usage in multiple food products, rangingfrom snacks and soups to processed meats and seasonings. Itsbenefits include:
- Enhanced Umami Taste: I+G contributes significantly to theumami taste, intensifying the overall flavor profile of foodproducts.
- Reduced Sodium Content: With I+G, manufacturers can reduce thesodium content in their products without compromising taste, makingit ideal for health-conscious consumers.
- Better Shelf Life: Adding I+G to food products can extendtheir shelf life by preventing the formation of unpleasant flavorsduring storage.
4. Expert Guidance: Shanghai Dinghe Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
As a leading biotechnology company, Shanghai DingheBiotechnology Co., Ltd. specializes in I+G production anddistribution. With years of experience and expertise, they offercomprehensive guidance and support to food manufacturers, includingtechnical assistance, formulation advice, and market insights.
I+G, the combination of 5'-Inosinate Disodium (IMP) and5'-Guanosinate Disodium (GMP), is a valuable ingredient in the foodindustry. With its ability to enhance flavor profiles and improveoverall taste, I+G plays a crucial role in satisfying consumerpreferences. Understanding the market offerings and seeking expertguidance from companies like Shanghai Dinghe Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. can help food manufacturers unlock the full potential of I+Gin their products.
- 上海顶荷生物 魔芋粉 各种粘度 上海现货供应88.00元/千克
一致:25/袋 - 褐藻胶、褐藻酸钠 颗粒 粉末 粘度高 上海现货供应89.00元/千克
明月:25/袋 - 维生素C 又叫L-抗坏血酸,是一种水溶性维生素 上海现货供应19.00元/千克
石药:25/箱 - 上海顶荷生物 鱼胶原蛋白肽 鱼胶原蛋白肽是一种高分子功能性蛋白质70.00元/千克
华研:25/箱 - 黄原胶( Xanthan gum) ,又名汉生胶40.00元/千克
中轩:25/袋 - 特丁基对苯二酚( TBHQ),又称叔丁基对苯二酚、叔丁基氢醌80.00元/千克