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中国是世界上人口*多的发展中国家,国土面积居***三位,是***二大经济体,并持续成为世界经济增长*大的贡献者,2020年经济总量突破100万亿元 。中国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,是联合国安全理事会常任理事国,也是许多国际组织的重要成员,被认为是潜在超级大国之一。



















China is the mostpopulous developing country in the world, with the third largestland area and the second largest economy in the world, and willcontinue to be the biggest contributor to the world economicgrowth, with the total economic output exceeding 100 trillion yuanin 2020. Adhering to an independent foreign policy of peace, Chinais a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and animportant member of many international organizations, and isconsidered as one of the potential superpowers.

China is the secondlargest economy, the largest industrial country and the largestagricultural country in the world.

On January 17th,2023, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, according tothe preliminary calculation, the gross domestic product in 2022 was121,020.7 billion yuan, an increase of 3.0% over the previous yearat constant prices


1. Interim Provisionsand Guidance Catalogue

In order to makeforeign investment more in line with the national industrialdevelopment direction and avoid blind investment, in June 1995,China formulated and promulgated the Interim Provisions on Guidingthe Direction of Foreign Investment and the Catalogue for GuidingForeign Investment Industries, which publicized the industrialpolicies for attracting foreign investment in the form of laws andregulations and improved the transparency of the policies.Thisregulation and catalogue divide industrial projects into fourcategories: encouragement, permission, restriction and prohibition,and clarify the direction of foreign investment.

In June 2017, theNational Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry ofCommerce revised the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign-investedIndustries, further narrowing the scope of approval for theestablishment and change of foreign-invested enterprises, furtherrelaxing the restrictions on foreign investment in serviceindustries, manufacturing industries and mining industries, andexpanding the scope of foreign investment encouraged by thestate. The 2017 edition ofthe catalogue also absorbs the experience of the previous pilotopening of the Pilot Free Trade Zone and the negative listmanagement model, and puts forward the negative list of foreigninvestment access implemented nationwide for the first time. Inprinciple, the areas outside the negative list are subject tofiling management, and foreign investment access shall not berestricted.

According to thenational economic development, in December 2019, the State PlanningCommission, the State Economic and Trade Commission and theMinistry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation revised theCatalogue of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment. The revisedCatalogue of Industries for Foreign Investment further expands thescope of encouraging foreign investment, promotes foreigninvestment in modern agriculture, advanced manufacturing,high-tech, energy conservation and environmental protection, modernservice industry and other fields, and promotes foreign investmentto optimize regional layout, so as to give full play to thepositive role of foreign investment in China's industrialdevelopment, technological progress and structuraloptimization.

2. Projects toencourage foreign investment

At present, theprojects that encourage foreign investment mainly include: newagricultural technologies, comprehensive agricultural development,energy, transportation, important raw material industries, high-endelectronic information e, key parts of key emanufacturing, and new materials projects; High-tech projects;Export earning projects; Projects for comprehensive utilization ofresources and renewable resources and prevention and control ofenvironmental pollution; Projects that can give full play to theadvantages of the central and western regions. Encourage foreigninvestment in producer services and increase support for thetransfer of foreign-funded industries in the central and westernregions.

Second, the regionalpolicy

Actively use theadvantages of foreign capital, showing a new pattern of openingfrom east to west. The eastern region will continue to play aleading role in attracting foreign investment by building aninternational high-standard investment environment. The central andwestern regions will further give play to the advantages of openingup the frontier through the onshore Silk Road, expand the scope ofencouraging foreign investment in the central and western regionsand the northeast region, and support the central and westernregions and the northeast region to undertake industrialtransfer. 

At present, thepolicies to encourage foreign investors to invest in the centraland western regions mainly include:

1, the central andwestern regions can choose industries and projects that do haveadvantages, and after being approved by the state, they can enjoythe policy of encouraging projects in the Guidance Catalogue, andthe establishment conditions and market openness of restricted andlimited foreign equity ratio projects can be appropriately relaxedcompared with the eastern region;

2. For encouragedforeign investment projects, the import of self-use ewithin the total investment shall be exempted from customsduties;

3. For invested enterprises in encouraged industries in thewestern region, the enterprise income tax shall be levied at areduced rate of 15%;

4. Forforeign-invested industrial projects with intensive land use,priority should be given to the supply of land. When determiningthe reserve price of land transfer, it can be implemented at noless than 70% of the national minimum price standard for industrialland transfer corresponding to the local land.

5. Provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the CentralGovernment in the central and western regions are allowed to choosea completed development zone in their provincial capitals orcapital cities to bid for national economic and technologicaldevelopment zones.

6. The state willgive priority to a number of agricultural, water conservancy,transportation, energy, raw materials and environmental protectionprojects to attract foreign investment in the central and westernregions, and increase support for project matching funds andrelated measures.

If your enterpriseneeds to handle foreign direct investment (FDI), please contact KimGu International, and we will handle it for you.

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