2024-11-23 10:00 1次- 发布企业
- 申与城(上海)企业有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:申与城(上海)企业发展有限公司组织机构代码:91310109342236101A
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- 关键词
- 上海营业执照被吊销了对法人有影响吗
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Does the Revocation of Shanghai Business License Affect the LegalPerson?With the increasing complexity of business operations, it isnot uncommon for Shanghai companies to face the revocation of theirbusiness licenses. The question that arises then is how suchrevocation impacts the legal person representing the company. Inthis article, we will explore the implications of the Shanghaibusiness license being revoked for the legal person and shed lighton the services offered by Shanghai Shenyu Cheng EnterpriseServices, assuring comprehensive assistance in various aspects ofbusiness operations.For any individual or entity, the loss of abusiness license can be a devastating blow. As the legalrepresentative of a Shanghai company, such revocation can haveimplications not only on personal reputation but also on legalresponsibilities. The legal person may face potential legalconsequences and liabilities arising from the suspension of thebusiness license, making it crucial to address the situationpromptly and effectively.At Shanghai Shenyu Cheng EnterpriseServices, we understand the urgency and importance of resolvingsuch issues. Our team of professionals specializes in providingcomprehensive support in various areas, including business law, taxregulations, and banking procedures. We assist in handling cases ofshareholder disappearance and deregistration, as well asfacilitating the establishment and management of different companytypes such as sole proprietorships and limited liabilitycompanies.Our services extend beyond addressing the specific issueof revoked business licenses. We provide inclusive solutions forbusinesses across Shanghai, ensuring a seamless experience inhandling all aspects of company operations. From comprehensivehandling to personalized one-on-one services, we strive toalleviate the burdens associated with such situations, allowinglegal persons to focus on aligning their businesses with therequirements and regulations of Shanghai.By focusing on multipleperspectives and providing detailed descriptions, we aim to guidepotential customers towards seeking our assistance. Our expertisein understanding the intricacies of business license revocationensures that we can effectively support legal persons throughoutthe process. Whether it be navigating the complexity of legalprocedures or identifying alternative options to safeguard businessinterests, Shanghai Shenyu Cheng Enterprise Services is committedto providing the necessary expertise and guidance.In conclusion,the revocation of a Shanghai business license does indeed haveimplications for the legal person representing the company.However, with the assistance of Shanghai Shenyu Cheng EnterpriseServices, legal persons can rest assured that they will receivecomprehensive support in resolving the situation and minimizing theimpact on their personal and professional lives. Explore ourservices today and empower yourself with the knowledge andexpertise needed to overcome the challenges that arise from revokedbusiness licenses.(Note: Please note that contact information suchas phone numbers and email addresses are not included in the textas requested. Additionally, the title is not included in thearticle to adhere to the guidelines.)
成立日期 | 2015年07月13日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陶明星 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 承接上海各区企业注册、变更、注销业务,疑难杂症业务 各区工商档案加急,变更执照加急 疑难/指定名称核名 税务疑难注销,不符合即办注销,财务数据过大注销 解除各类企业、法人黑名单、吊销企业恢复正常 办理专项审批(许可)(新办、续期、加急) ①食品经营许可证(餐饮类、预包装备案、冷冻冷藏、婴幼儿奶粉、生猪牛羊肉) ②新办三类医疗器械许可证,第二类医疗器械经营备案(可提供人员及实际场地) ③公共卫生许可证 ④等级保护备案 ⑤出版物经营 ⑥劳务派遣许可证 ⑦人力资源许可证 ⑧再生资源备案(协会+商委+公安) ⑨进出口权+出口退税 ⑩旅行社业务许可证 增值电信业务经营许可证(icp、edi等) 网络文化业务许可证、互联网药品信息服务许可证 营业性演出许可证、广播电视节目制作许可证公司注册、工商变更、疑难注销、代理记账、出口退税、许可证代办、ICP许可证、edi许可证、广播影视制作许可、医疗器械、出版物许可证、海关进出口权、劳务派遣许可、食品许可证、专业的企业资质外包服务 | ||
经营范围 | 企业管理咨询,财务咨询,企业登记代理,商务代理代办服务。承接上海各区企业注册、变更、注销业务,疑难杂症业务 各区工商档案加急,变更执照加急 疑难/指定名称核名 税务疑难注销,不符合即办注销,财务数据过大注销 解除各类企业、法人黑名单、吊销企业恢复正常 办理专项审批(许可)(新办、续期、加急) ①食品经营许可证(餐饮类、预包装备案、冷冻冷藏、婴幼儿奶粉、生猪牛羊肉) ②新办三类医疗器械许可证,第二类医疗器械经营备案(可提供人员及实际场地) ③公共卫生许可证 ④等级保护备案 ⑤出版物经营 ⑥劳务派遣许可证 ⑦人力资源许可证 ⑧再生资源备案(协会+商委+公安) ⑨进出口权+出口退税 ⑩旅行社业务许可证 增值电信业务经营许可证(icp、edi等) 网络文化业务许可证、互联网药品信息服务许可证 营业性演出许可证、广播电视节目制作许可证公司注册、工商变更、疑难注销、代理记账、出口退税、许可证代办、ICP许可证、edi许可证、广播影视制作许可、医疗器械、出版物许可证、海关进出口权、劳务派遣许可、食品许可证、专业的企业资质外包服务 | ||
公司简介 | 主要经营:承接上海各区企业注册、变更、注销业务,疑难杂症业务各区工商档案加急,变更执照加急疑难/指定名称核名税务疑难注销,不符合即办注销,财务数据过大注销解除各类企业、法人黑名单、吊销企业恢复正常办理专项审批(许可)(新办、续期、加急)①食品经营许可证(餐饮类、预包装备案、冷冻冷藏、婴幼儿奶粉、生猪牛羊肉)②新办三类医疗器械许可证,第二类医疗器械经营备案(可提供人员及实际场地)③公共卫生许可证④等 ... |
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