更新:2025-02-01 12:30 编号:22816415 发布IP: 浏览:53次- 发布企业
- 财立来(上海)财务咨询有限公司注册二部商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:财立来(上海)财务咨询有限公司组织机构代码:91310115MA7EMYC01X
- 报价
- 人民币¥90.00元每件
- 时间周期
- 3个工作日出证
- 服务
- 提供地址注册
- 税务
- 代理记账、银行开户
- 关键词
- 注册公司,办理营业执照,营业执照注册,代办公司注册,银行开户,记账报税,外资公司注册,外商投资企业注册,合伙企业注册,中外合资公司注册
- 所在地
- 上海市浦东新区杨新东路24号
- 联系电话
- 15900520728
- 手机
- 15900520728
- 业务主管
- 朱本志 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
How to Apply for Shanghai Individual Business License: AComprehensive Guide
Are you looking to start your own business in Shanghai? Look nofurther! At Financially Established (Shanghai) Financial ConsultingCo., Ltd., we specialize in assisting entrepreneurs like yourselfin obtaining an individual business license in Shanghai, allowingyou to legally operate as a sole proprietor.
As a trusted and experienced company, we offer a streamlined andefficient process to register your business and obtain thenecessary licenses. Our comprehensive services cover all aspects ofsetting up your business, including company registration, businesslicense application, bank account setup, accounting and taxation,as well as the registration of foreign-invested enterprises, jointventures, and partnerships.Why choose us? Apart from our extensiveexpertise, our competitive price of only 90.00 yuan per case makesour services incredibly affordable. With a swift turnaround time ofjust three working days, we ensure that you can commence yourbusiness operations in no time.Company Registration:Our team ofprofessionals will guide you through the entire companyregistration process. We will assist you in selecting the mostsuitable business structure, whether it be a limited liabilitycompany, joint-stock company, or partnership, tailored specificallyto meet your business goals. Business LicenseApplication:Navigating through the bureaucratic procedures toobtain a business license can be a daunting task. Let us take careof it for you! Our experts will handle all the necessary paperwork,ensuring a smooth and hassle-free application process. With ourassistance, your business license will be granted in a timelymanner.Bank Account Setup:Setting up a bank account is crucial forthe success of your business. Our team will guide you in choosingthe right bank and assist you in gathering all the requireddocuments to open your business account. We will ensure that youhave a seamless banking experience, allowing you to focus ongrowing your business.Accounting and Taxation:Keeping your financesin order is essential for any business. Our experienced accountantswill provide professional bookkeeping services, ensuring compliancewith local regulations. We will handle all your tax obligations,keeping you updated on deadlines and maximizing your taxbenefits.Foreign-Invested Enterprises, Joint Ventures, andPartnerships:If you are considering establishing a foreign-investedenterprise, joint venture, or partnership, we have the expertise toguide you through the complex legal and administrative procedures.Our team will assist you in obtaining all the necessary permits andapprovals, ensuring a smooth and successful registration process.Inconclusion, with Financially Established (Shanghai) FinancialConsulting Co., Ltd., the process of applying for a Shanghaiindividual business license has never been easier. From companyregistration to bank account setup, accounting, and taxationservices, we offer a comprehensive range of services to supportyour business endeavors. Take the first step towards yourentrepreneurial dreams and let us handle the complexities for you.Contact us today and unlock the potential of your business inShanghai!(Note: Contact information such as phone numbers and emailaddresses cannot be included in the article, as per your request.)工商注册代办
成立日期 | 2021年12月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 朱本志 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 公司注册、代理记账、财务咨询、公司注销、工商注册、公司变更、税务登记、记账报税、代账公司、财务公司、出口退税 | ||
经营范围 | 工商注册、代理记账、公司注销、食品经营许可证、人力资源服务许可证、劳务派遣经营许可证、出版物经营许可证、进出口权备案、icp许可证、edi许可证、医疗器械许可证-二类、三类、艺术品经营单位备案、医疗器械广告审查、公共场所卫生许可证、再生资源回收、废旧物资回收备案、税务策划、社保、公积金、娱乐经营许可证、旅行社业务经营许可证、营业性演出许可证、落户-人才引进(高新企业)、居转户、留学生落户、酒类商品零售许可证、酒类商品批发许可证、出口退税业务、广播电视节目制作许可证、互联网药品信息服务资格证书、教育机构办理、烟草专卖零售许可证、商业特许经营备案、企业变更、公司转让、网络文化经营许可证、工商、税务各种疑难问题解决、疑难核名、加急档案、变更出证加急 | ||
公司简介 | 工商、税务、许可、备案,快人一步办理。诚信铸就品质,服务引领未来。财立来企业服务。工商注册、公司注销、食品经营许可证、人力资源服务许可证、劳务派遣经营许可证、出版物经营许可证、进出口权备案、icp许可证、edi许可证、医疗器械许可证-二类、三类、艺术品经营单位备案、医疗器械广告审查、公共场所卫生许可证、再生资源回收、废旧物资回收备案、税务策划、社保、公积金、娱乐经营许可证、旅行社业务经营许可证、营 ... |
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- 上海个体户营业执照注册代办费用及材料60.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海地区注册个体户营业执照所需材料50.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海各区个体户工商营业执照注册要多久200.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 注册上海个体户工商执照的流程是怎样的120.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海办一个个体工商户执照需要哪些材料120.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海个体户营业执照代办怎么收费100.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海代理个体户营业执照注册费用明细120.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海代办个体工商户营业执照办理大概多少钱200.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海园区招商注册公司需要哪些要求50.00元/件
时间周期:3个工作日出证 - 上海园区招商代办公司注册流程及资料60.00元/件