2025-01-07 09:00 2次- 发布企业
- 上海斯裕自动化设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:上海斯裕自动化设备有限公司组织机构代码:91310117577494164D
- 报价
- 人民币¥500.00元每台
- 安川
- 报警OPE04故障
- h1000
- 售后
- 日本
- 上海
- 关键词
- 安川A1000变频器维修,上海安川报警OPE04
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定区曹安公路2300弄54号
- 联系电话
- 021-56313356
- 手机
- 15000489650
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安川A1000变频器报CPF25是端子电路板未连接。 原因:
异常表示 故障内容 说明 处理对策 等级
UV1; 主回路低电压(PUV)运转中主回路电压低于“低电压检出标准”15ms,(瞬停保护 1) 检查电源电压及配线 A
Dc; Bus undervolt 护2S)低电压检出标准200V级;约190V以下400V级:约380V以下
UV2; 控制回路低电压(CUV)控制回路电压低于低电压检出标准 2)检查电源容量
UV3; 内部电磁接触器故障运转时预充电接触器开路 A
UV; 瞬时停电检出中 1)主回路直流电低于低电压检出标准 2)预充电接触器
Under Volatage 3)控制回路电压低于低电压检出标准 B
OC; 过电流(OC)变频器输出电流超过OC标准 1)检查电机的阻抗绝缘是否正常
2)延长加减速时间 A
GF ;接地故障(GF)变频器输出侧接地电流超过变频器额定电流的50%以上 1)检查电机是否绝缘劣化2)变频器及电机间配线是否有破损 A
OV; 过电压(OV)主回路直流电压高于过电压检出标准200V级:约400V400V级:约延长减速时间,加装制动控制器及制动电阻 A
SC ;负载短路(SC)变频器输出侧短路检查电机的绝缘及阻抗是否正常 A
PUF; 保险丝断(FI) 1)主回路晶体模块故障 2)直流回路保险丝熔断 1)检查晶体模块是否正常 A
DC; Bus Fuse open 2)检查负载侧是否有短路,接地等情形
OH ;散热座过热(OH1)晶体模块冷却风扇的温度超过允许值检查风扇功能是否正常,及周围是否在额定温度内 A
OL1 ;电机过负载(OL1)输出电流超过电机过载容量减小负载 A
OL2; 变频器过负载(OL2)输出电流超过变频器的额定电流值150%1分钟减少负载及延长加速时间 A
PF 输入欠项 1)变频器输入电源欠相 2)输入电压三相不平衡 1)检查电源电压是否正常 A
LF; 输出欠项变频器输出侧电源欠相 1)检查输出端点螺丝及配线是否正常 A
RR; 制动晶体管异常制动晶体管动作不良变频器送修 A
RH 制动控制器过热制动控制器的温度高于允许值检查制动时间与制动电阻使用率 A
OS; 过速度(OS)电机速度超过速度标准(F1-08) A PGO;PG断线(PGO) PG断线(PGO) 1)检查PG连线 2)检查电机轴心是否堵住 A
DEV 速度偏差过大(DEV)速度指令与速度回馈之值相差超过速度偏差(F1-10)检查是否过载 B
EF; 运转指令不良正向运转及反向运转指令存在0.5秒以上控制时序检查,正反转指令不能存在 B
EF3-EF8 端子3外部异常信号输入外部端子3-8异常信号输入 1)由U1-10确认异常信号输入端子 ExternalFault3-8 EF4-EF8-端子4-8 2)依端子设定之异常情况进行检修 A
OPE; 01 变频器容量设置异常变频器容量参数902-04)设定不良调整设定值 C
OPE02; Limit 参数设置不当参数设定有超出限定值调整设定值 C
OPE03 ; Terminal 多功能输入设定不当 H1-(01-06)的设定值未依小而大顺序设定或重复设定相同值 调整设定值 C
OPE; 10 v/f参数设置不当 E1-(04-10)必须符合下列条件:Fmax大等于(E1-04)FA大于(E1-06) 调整设定值 v/f Ptrn Setting FB大等于(E1-07) Fmin(E1-09) C
OPE11; 参数设定不当参数设定值1)C6-01大于5KHz但C6-02小等于5KHz 调整设定值 Carrfrq/on-Delay 2)C6-03大于6 但 C6-02小等于C6-01 C
ERR EEPROM 输入不良参数初始化时正确信息无法写入EEPROM 控制板更换 B
CALL SI-B传输错误电源投入时控制信号不正常传输机器控制信号从新检查 C
ED; 传输故障控制信号送出后2秒内未收到正常响应信号传输机器控制信号从新检查 A
CPF00 控制回路传输异常1 电源投入后,5秒内操作器与控制板连接异常发生从新安装数字操作器 检查控制回路的配线 A
CPF01 控制回路传输异常2 MPU周边零件故障更换控制板 COM-ERR(OP&INV)
CPF02 基极阻断(BB)回路不良变频器控制板故障更换控制板 A BB circuit Err
CPF04 CUP内部A/D转换器不良 Internal A/D Err
GPF05 CUP内部A/D转换器不良 External A/D Err
CPF06 周边界面卡连接不良周边界面卡安装不正确周边界面卡从新更换 A Option Error
CPF20 模块指令卡的A/D变换器不良 AI-14B卡的A/D变换器动作不良更换AI-14B卡 A
Option A/D Error
An annual report suggests that the market demand for industrialautomation products is increasing steadily worldwide. As a leadingprovider of automation solutions, Shanghai Siyu AutomationEquipment Co., Ltd. is committed to offering top-quality productsand superior services to customers. Our new product, the YasukawaA1000 inverter, has been well-received in the market due to itsexcellent performance and reliability. In this article, we willfocus on one specific issue that customers may encounter whileusing the Yasukawa A1000 inverter - the OPE04 alarm fault.
The Yasukawa A1000 inverter is designed to meet the diverseneeds of industrial automation. However, in certain cases,customers may face the OPE04 alarm fault, which indicates apotential malfunction in the system. To rectify this issue,Shanghai Siyu Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. offers comprehensivemaintenance and repair services for the Yasukawa A1000inverter.
With our extensive experience in the field, we understand theurgency and importance of resolving equipment malfunctionspromptly. Our team of highly skilled and factory-trainedtechnicians is capable of diagnosing and fixing the OPE04 alarmfault effectively. By utilizing the latest diagnostic tools, we canidentify the root cause of the issue, ensuring a precise andefficient repair process.
At Shanghai Siyu Automation Equipment Co., Ltd., customersatisfaction is our top priority. We aim to provide cost-effectivesolutions for our clients. For the maintenance and repair of theYasukawa A1000 inverter, we offer a competitive price of 500.00yuan per unit. This price includes labor costs, spare parts, andany necessary adjustments to ensure the smooth operation of theinverter.
In addition to our competitive pricing, our strong partnershipwith Yasukawa allows us to access genuine spare parts directly fromthe manufacturer. This ensures the authenticity and quality of thereplacement components, minimizing the risk of further malfunctionsand ensuring the longevity of the equipment.
As a company based in Shanghai, our location provides us with astrategic advantage in serving customers in the wider Shanghaiarea. Our close proximity to the Japanese headquarters of Yasukawaenables us to maintain a strong supply chain and swift responsetimes. This allows us to minimize the downtime caused by the OPE04alarm fault and provide timely on-site assistance to our valuedclients.
In conclusion, Shanghai Siyu Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. isyour reliable solution provider for the maintenance and repair ofthe Yasukawa A1000 inverter. Our experienced technicians,competitive pricing, and strategic location in Shanghai make us theideal choice for resolving the OPE04 alarm fault. Contact us todayfor prompt and professional services to ensure the uninterruptedoperation of your industrial automation system.
Top-quality maintenance and repair services for the YasukawaA1000 inverter
Factory-trained technicians skilled in diagnosing and fixing theOPE04 alarm fault
Competitive price of 500.00 yuan per unit, inclusive of laborcosts and genuine spare parts
Strong partnership with Yasukawa, ensuring access to authenticreplacement components
Strategic location in Shanghai, enabling swift response timesand on-site assistance
成立日期 | 2011年07月07日 | ||
法定代表人 | 姜维千 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | (西门子数控系统维修。发那科数控系统维修,博世力士乐数控系统维修,ABB变频器维修,ABB变频器配件,西门子伺服电机维修,发那科伺服电机维修,西门子变频器维修,各种品牌变频器维修) | ||
经营范围 | (西门子数控系统维修,发那科数控系统维修,博世力士乐数控系统维修,ABB变频器维修 ABB变频器配件, 西门子伺服电机维修,发那科伺服电机维修,西门子变频器维修,各种品牌变频器维修) | ||
公司简介 | 上海斯裕自动化设备有限公司是一家集销售与技术维修服务为一体的企业,主要业务为工业自动化产品销售、维修与技术服务。公司总部位于国际金融和贸易中心—上海,下设两个部门,销售部门及维修部门,我公司销售部为西门子公司自动化与驱动集团的核心合作伙伴,公司主要经营品牌包括:SIEMENS、ABB、三菱、富士、施耐德、安川、欧姆龙、力士乐等产品欢迎海内外客商精诚合作,共创辉煌。销售领域:一、伺服控制 ... |
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