PA6 B3U Q721 德国巴斯夫 尼龙6 无卤无磷阻燃 耐油 电子电器 工业 机械
2025-01-07 07:30 1次- 发布企业
- 上海金塑汇国际贸易有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:上海金塑汇国际贸易有限公司组织机构代码:91310120MADUT5GW3P
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- 类名
- PA6
- 厂家
- 德国巴斯夫
- 牌号
- B3U Q721
- 关键词
- PA6 B3U Q721,德国巴斯夫B3UQ722,尼龙6 B3U Q7价格,PA6 B3U Q7行情,无卤无磷阻燃
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- 上海市奉贤区南桥镇八字桥路1919号2幢12层
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- 13127903168
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PA6 B3U Q721 德国巴斯夫 尼龙6 无卤无磷阻燃 耐油 电子电器 工业 机械
Ultramid® B3U Q721
巴斯夫 (BASF)
产品描述Ultramid B3U Q721 is an injection molding grade, flame-retardant,free from halogen and phosphorus, and UL94 V0 approved. Technicalmolded parts are used for electrical engineering.
PA6, or polyamide 6, is a type of engineering thermoplastic thatbelongs to the nylon family. Let's break down the characteristics,applications, and some frequently asked questions about PA6:
Characteristics ofPA6:
PA6 is a polymer made ofrepeating units of amide links and hexamethylenediamine.
It exhibits a semi-crystallinestructure, which imparts good mechanical strength.
Excellent tensile strength andimpact resistance.
Good abrasion resistance anddimensional stability.
Moderate to high stiffness,depending on the specific grade.
Melting temperature typicallyranges from 220 to 260°C.
Exhibits good resistance to heat,making it suitable for various applications.
The "B3U" designation suggests aflame-retardant grade, meeting specific safetystandards.
It is halogen-free andphosphorous-free, addressing environmental and safetyconcerns.
Resistant to oils, greases, andmany chemicals.
Suitable for applications whereexposure to various substances is expected.
Good electrical insulatingproperties.
Widely used in the electronicsand electrical industries.
Electronics and ElectricalComponents: PA6 is commonly used in the production ofconnectors, switches, and other electronic components.
AutomotiveIndustry: It finds applications in various automotiveparts, such as engine components, gears, and under-the-hoodapplications.
IndustrialMachinery: PA6 is used in the manufacturing of gears,bearings, and other mechanical parts.
ConsumerGoods: Applications include sporting goods, musicalinstruments, and household items.
FAQs aboutPA6:
Is PA6recyclable?
Yes, PA6 is recyclable, and thereare recycling programs available for its reuse.
What is the differencebetween PA6 and PA66?
PA6 and PA66 are both types ofnylon with slight variations in their chemical structures. PA66generally has higher heat resistance and better mechanicalproperties.
Can PA6 be used for foodcontact applications?
Yes, certain grades of PA6 areapproved for use in food contact applications, ensuringsafety.
How does PA6 compare toother engineering plastics?
PA6 offers a good balance ofproperties, but specific choices depend on the application. PA6 isknown for its toughness and ease of processing.
PA6 is a versatile engineeringthermoplastic widely used in various industries due to itsexcellent mechanical properties, chemical resistance, andflame-retardant characteristics. Understanding its specific grade,such as B3U, is crucial for meeting application-specificrequirements, especially in electronic and electrical componentswhere flame retardancy is essential. The material's recyclabilityand safety approvals make it a preferred choice in manyapplications, contributing to its widespread use in industrial andconsumer goods.
PA6 B3UQ721是德国巴斯夫生产的一种无卤无磷阻燃、耐油的尼龙6材料。作为一名机械制造行业的技术工程师,我将从制造业发展前景、耐油特性、适用领域等多个角度来为您详细介绍这款产品。
随着世界经济的快速发展,制造业作为国民经济的支柱产业,一直处于技术升级和创新的前沿。PA6 B3UQ721作为一种优质的材料,具备良好的耐油性能,非常适合用于机械制造行业。随着汽车、船舶、飞机等交通工具的普及和更新换代,对材料的要求也越来越高。PA6B3U Q721能够在长时间接触石油、润滑油等油类物质的环境中仍保持稳定的性能,延长产品的使用寿命,减少维修成本。
除了在交通工具领域的广泛应用外,PA6 B3UQ721的阻燃性能也使其成为电子电器行业的材料。在电路板、电子设备、电缆等产品中,阻燃性能是非常重要的,能够有效降低火灾发生的概率和减轻火灾对设备和人员的伤害。德国巴斯夫作为全球的化工公司,以其卓越的技术和质量,是PA6B3U Q721材料的放心选择。
PA6 B3UQ721还具备优异的工业应用性能。它的高强度、高韧性和耐磨损性使其成为机械制造行业的理想材料。在工程机械、汽车零部件、工具等领域,PA6B3U Q721能够表现出良好的耐久性和稳定性,满足各种复杂工况下的使用要求。
而言,PA6 B3UQ721作为德国巴斯夫生产的一款优质尼龙6材料,具备无卤无磷阻燃、耐油等特性,广泛适用于电子电器、工业机械等领域。随着制造业的不断发展,对材料性能要求的提高,选择PA6B3U Q721将帮助您提高产品质量、降低成本,并适应市场的需求。
成立日期 | 2021年12月14日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘军 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 铁氟龙塑料ETFE,铁氟龙塑料PVDF,铁氟龙塑料PFA,铁氟龙塑料PTFE,工程塑料PA66,工程塑料PA6,工程塑料PBT,工程塑料PCTG,工程塑料PETG,工程塑料POM,工程塑料PC/ABS ,特种工程塑料AES,特种工程塑料COC,特种工程塑料CPVC,特种工程塑料LCP,特种工程塑料PA12,特种工程塑料PA46,特种工程塑料PA612,特种工程塑料PA6T,特种工程塑料PA9T,特种工程塑料PA11,合金塑料ABS/PA ,合金塑料ABS/PBT ,合金塑料ABS/PC ,合金塑料ABS/PMMA,合金塑料PC/ASA,特种工程塑料AES,特种工程塑料COC,特种工程塑料LCP,特种工程塑料PA612,特种工程塑料PCT,特种工程塑料PEEK,特种工程塑料PET,特种工程塑料PES,特种工程塑料PPA,特种工程塑料PPE,特种工程塑料PPO,特种工程塑料PPS,通用塑料ABS,通用塑料HDPE,通用塑料LDPE,通用塑料LLDPE | ||
经营范围 | 许可项目:货物进出口;技术进出口(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:塑料制品销售;橡胶制品销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);皮革制品销售;日用品销售;工程塑料及合成树脂销售;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品)(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。 | ||
公司简介 | 上海北塑洋国际贸易有限公司专注于通用工程塑胶原料、特种工程塑料等经销商,产品广泛应用于汽车、电子/电气、医疗、包装、通讯及办公用品、家电、运动及休闲器材、建筑、涂料粘合剂、环保等多种领域。在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,稳定的产品质量,完善的售后服务,良好的企业信誉得到了广大 ... |
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