PBT B4040G4德国巴斯夫(一级代理商)
Ultradur? B 4040 G4聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯 +PET 20% 玻璃纤维增强材料
为表面品质优良的工业零件配20%玻璃纤维的注射成型级,例如车外门把手、可见天窗框架、烤箱门把手、烤面包机外壳、外镜、车后屏风刮风器。原称Kr4040g 4。
Injection molding grade with 20 % glass fibers for industrial partswith excellent surface quality, for example external door handlesin vehicles,
visible sunroof frames, oven door handles, toaster casings,external mirrors, rear screen wiper arms in vehicles and sunroofwind deflectors.
Formerly called KR 4040 G4.