PAS-853B 将在您进行测量时自动确定电阻范围和测试电压。在很短通电时间之后,显示屏将冻结测量 10 秒。或者,仪表可以选择在连续模式下测量,该模式将继续测量,直到按下重置。 The PAS-853B will determine theresistance range and test voltage automatically when you makemeasurements. After the minimum electrification period, the displaywill freeze an accurate measurement for 10 seconds. Alternatively,the meter has the option of measuring in Continuous mode, whichwill continue to measure until Reset is pressed. 用于表面电阻 ConductiveProbes for Surface Resistance 的导电探头 PRS-801W 是用于表面电阻测量的导电探头。5lb 电极在500 ohms 以下测量每个清洁板,符合 ANSI/ESD S4.1 和 ANSI/ESD S7.1对电阻、直径、重量和硬度计的要求。. The PRS-801W are conductive probes used forsurface resistance measurements. Measuring under 500 ohms each aclean plate, the 5lb electrodes meet the re of ANSI/ESD S4.1 andANSI/ESD S7.1 for resistance, diameter, weight and durometer. 符合ANSI/ESD 标准和测试方法 Complies to ANSI/ESD Standards and Test MethodsPAS-853BRM 非常适合按照以下测试程序进行测量: The PAS-853BRM is ideal for makingmeasurements in accordance with test procedures in the following:●地板 - ANSI/ESD S7.1- 材料的电阻特性 地板材料 Floors - ANSI/ESD S7.1- ResistiveCharacterization of Materials Floor Materials ●工作台面 - ANSI/ESD S4.1工作台面 Worksurfaces - ANSI/ESD S4.1 Worksurfaces ●合规性验证 - ESD TR53 -电阻测量 Compliance Verification - ESD TR53 - Resistance Measurements●地板/鞋类 - ANSI/ESD STM97.1 - 地板材料和鞋类 - 结合人体的电阻测量 Floor/Footwear -ANSI/ESD STM97.1 - Floor Materials and Footwear- ResistanceMeasurement in Combination with a Person ●服装 - ANSI/ESD STM2.1 服装Garments - ANSI/ESD STM2.1 Garments ●阀座 - ANSI/ESD STM12.1- 阀座 -电阻测量 Seating - ANSI/ESD STM12.1- Seating - ResistiveMeasurement