塑料POE泰国陶氏8150 增韧级电线电缆级
更新:2024-11-10 07:58 编号:27896612 发布IP: 浏览:9次- 发布企业
- 上海灿羡塑化有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海灿羡塑化有限公司组织机构代码:91310120MA1HMA7E06
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- 上海奉贤南桥1338-1号2146室
- 全国服务热线
- 17317698208
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- 吴伟 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, stayingcompetitive requires access to top-quality products and materialsthat meet the highest industry standards. As an industry leader inthe field of plastic additives, Shanghai Canxian Plastics andChemicals Co., Ltd. is pleased to introduce our latest offering-POE Thailand Dow 8150 Toughening Grade Cable-Grade 1st Agent- tomeet your specific needs in the wire and cable sector.
1. Superior Performance:
The POE Thailand Dow 8150 Toughening Grade exhibits outstandingphysical properties, such as excellent impact resistance, hightensile strength, and superior thermal stability. These attributesensure enhanced performance and longevity of your wire and cableproducts.
This grade of POE provides exceptional flexibility, making itideal for applications that require bending and twisting, whilemaintaining superior electrical conductivity.
With a low melt viscosity, the POE Thailand Dow 8150 TougheningGrade allows for efficient processing and improved dispersion,contributing to the overall consistency and quality of your wireand cable products.
2. Environmental Benefits:
At Shanghai Canxian Plastics and Chemicals Co., Ltd., we arecommitted to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Bychoosing our POE Thailand Dow 8150 Toughening Grade, you are optingfor a product that:
Meets the highest regulatory standards for environmental safety,including RoHS and REACH compliance.
Has a low carbon footprint due to the use of renewable rawmaterials and our energy-efficient production processes.
Offers excellent recyclability and can be easily reused orincorporated into other plastic products, reducing waste andpromoting circular economy initiatives.
3. Cost-Effective Solution:
By becoming the authorized agent for the first grade of POEThailand Dow 8150 Toughening Grade, Shanghai Canxian Plastics andChemicals Co., Ltd. offers you:
Direct access to the best quality product at competitivepricing, eliminating the need for multiple intermediaries.
Consistent and reliable supply, thanks to our extensive networkand strong relationships with manufacturers.
Technical support and expertise from our experienced team,guiding you through the selection, application, and productionprocess to ensure optimal results and cost-efficiency.
In conclusion, Shanghai Canxian Plastics and Chemicals Co., Ltd.as the first-grade agent for POE Thailand Dow 8150 Toughening Gradefor wire and cable applications, is your top choice for superiorperformance, environmental benefits, and cost-effectiveness. We areconfident that our product offerings and unparalleled customerservice will add value to your business and help you maintain acompetitive edge in the market.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your wire andcable products to new heights. Contact us now and let us be yourtrusted partner in success!
Shanghai Canxian Plastics and Chemicals Co., Ltd.
成立日期 | 2007年04月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 吴伟 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 美国杜邦、沙伯基础、泰科纳、宝理、三菱 、韩国工程、LG化学、埃克森美孚、拜耳、巴斯夫、帝人、宇部、奇美、宝泰菱系列品牌塑料 | ||
公司简介 | 上海灿羡塑化有限公司(ShanghaiCanEnvyPlasticizingLimitedcompany)成立于2017年是一家集塑料进出口、塑料生产、塑料贸易为一体的大型塑料工贸企业。坐落于美丽的世界经济中心上海,产业规模属国内水平,产品独具特色,规格齐全,体系规范。主要从事各类塑料化工原料的生产与销售,自成立以来以“客户至上品质优良服务”为宗旨。凭着卓越的实力,出众的品 ... |
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