美国代理人 丁腈手套的FDA510K SUNGO公司
更新:2025-01-29 07:10 编号:28139125 浏览:8次- 发布企业
- 上海沙格医疗科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:上海沙格医疗科技有限公司组织机构代码:91310230MA1JTB0R5E
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- FDA注册
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- 美国代理人
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- 上海市崇明区长兴镇潘园公路2528号B幢21031室
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随着MDR(EU 2017/745)法规的实施,欧盟市场对器械的要求越来越高。对于出口量较大的防疫物资——防护服、隔离衣、手术衣,企业有必要了解下各产品出口欧盟需遵循的合规程序。
化妆品FDA注册 FDA化妆品注册 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。 办理化妆品的FDA相对来说比较简单,企业提供企业信息以及产品成分表(中英文)就可以了。
请注意:进入美国市场的食品、器械、化妆品需要申请FDA注册 一、要申请FDA先要找一个美国代理人 美国代理人定义
FDA 化妆品注册怎么做? FDA化妆品注册(138电181话046微17信) • 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); • 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; • 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? • Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. • 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。
Responsibilities of a U.S. agent The U.S. agent must either reside in the U.S. or maintain a place of business in the U.S. The U.S. agent cannot use a post office box as an address. The U.S. agent cannot use an answering service. They must be available to answer the phone or have an employee available to answer the phone during normal business hours. The responsibilities of the U.S. agent are limited and include: assisting FDA in communications with the foreign establishment, responding to questions concerning the foreign establishment's devices that are imported or offered for import into the United States, assisting FDA in scheduling inspections of the foreign establishment and if FDA is unable to contact the foreign establishment directly or expeditiously, FDA may provide information or documents to the U.S. agent, and such an action shall be considered to be equivalent to providing the same information or documents to the foreign establishment. Please note that the U.S. agent has no responsibility related to reporting of adverse events under the Medical Device Reporting regulation (21 CFR Part 803), or submitting 510(k) Premarket Notifications (21 CFR Part 807, Subpart E).
化妆品FDA注册 FDA化妆品注册 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。 办理化妆品的FDA相对来说比较简单,企业提供企业信息以及产品成分表(中英文)就可以了。
请注意:进入美国市场的食品、器械、化妆品需要申请FDA注册 一、要申请FDA先要找一个美国代理人 美国代理人定义
FDA 化妆品注册怎么做? FDA化妆品注册(138电181话046微17信) • 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); • 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; • 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? • Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. • 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。
Responsibilities of a U.S. agent The U.S. agent must either reside in the U.S. or maintain a place of business in the U.S. The U.S. agent cannot use a post office box as an address. The U.S. agent cannot use an answering service. They must be available to answer the phone or have an employee available to answer the phone during normal business hours. The responsibilities of the U.S. agent are limited and include: assisting FDA in communications with the foreign establishment, responding to questions concerning the foreign establishment's devices that are imported or offered for import into the United States, assisting FDA in scheduling inspections of the foreign establishment and if FDA is unable to contact the foreign establishment directly or expeditiously, FDA may provide information or documents to the U.S. agent, and such an action shall be considered to be equivalent to providing the same information or documents to the foreign establishment. Please note that the U.S. agent has no responsibility related to reporting of adverse events under the Medical Device Reporting regulation (21 CFR Part 803), or submitting 510(k) Premarket Notifications (21 CFR Part 807, Subpart E).
成立日期 | 2019年04月23日 | ||
主营产品 | 沙特MDMA注册,FDA验厂辅导,FDA510K,MDRCE认证,UKCA认证,ISO13485认证 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:从事医疗、生物、检测科技领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务,商务信息咨询(不含投资类咨询),认证咨询。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:检验检测服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准) | ||
公司简介 | SUNGO公司介绍:SUNGO品牌创建于2006年。以助力大健康产品全球流通为使命,我们致力于成为最受用户信赖的合规服务机构。SUNGO的客户覆盖全球六大洲,遍布30多个国家和地区,客户总数超过5000家。中国医疗器械100强企业超过30%选择SUNGO,同时也有多家全球医疗器械100强企业选择SUNGO提供服务。我们的核心资源包括分布在全球主要经济体的运营网络,具有美国IAS认可资质的实验室,具 ... |
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