POM 美国塞拉尼斯泰科纳 M90 一级经销
2024-11-10 07:58 1次- 发布企业
- 上海灿羡塑化有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海灿羡塑化有限公司组织机构代码:91310120MA1HMA7E06
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- 关键词
- M90,M90POM ,POM M90,泰科纳 M90,M90泰科纳
- 所在地
- 上海奉贤南桥1338-1号2146室
- 全国服务热线
- 17317698208
- 经理
- 吴伟 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The POM M90, also known as the Celanese Ticona M90, is atop-of-the-line product available for distribution by ShanghaiCanxian Plastic & Chemical Co., Ltd. In this article, we willexplore various aspects of the M90 and provide valuable informationto guide potential customers in making a purchasing decision.
1. Mechanical properties:
- The M90 offers exceptional tensile strength, making it idealfor applications requiring high load-bearing capacity.
- With a low coefficient of friction, the M90 exhibits excellentwear resistance and reduced energy loss, leading to enhancedproduct performance.
- Its excellent dimensional stability ensures precise andreliable dimensions, even in demanding conditions.
2. Thermal properties:
- Designed to withstand a wide range of temperature fluctuations,the M90 retains its mechanical properties at both low and hightemperatures, guaranteeing reliability in extremeenvironments.
- With a low coefficient of thermal expansion, the M90 minimizesthe risk of warping, ensuring the dimensional stability of thefinal product.
3. Chemical resistance:
- The M90 exhibits excellent resistance to a variety ofchemicals, including alkalis, acids, and solvents.
- Its resistance to hydrolysis makes it suitable for applicationsin humid environments.
- Moreover, the M90 is resistant to degradation from oils andgreases, ensuring longevity and durability.
4. Electrical properties:
- The M90 has excellent electrical insulation properties, makingit well-suited for electrical and electronic applications.
- Its high dielectric strength and low electrical conductivityensure optimal performance and safety.
5. Other notable features:
- The M90 has a high melt flow rate, allowing for efficientprocessing and shorter cycle times during manufacturing.
- It is available in various forms, such as granules or pellets,to accommodate different processing methods.
- The M90 possesses good colorability, allowing for customizationaccording to specific application requirements.
In conclusion, the POM M90, or Celanese Ticona M90, offersoutstanding mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electricalproperties. Its versatility, reliability, and exceptionalperformance make it an excellent choice for a wide range ofapplications. Shanghai Canxian Plastic & Chemical Co., Ltd. is yourtrusted partner for the distribution of this top-tier product.Contact us for more information on how the POM M90 can elevate yourproducts to the next level.
成立日期 | 2007年04月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 吴伟 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 美国杜邦、沙伯基础、泰科纳、宝理、三菱 、韩国工程、LG化学、埃克森美孚、拜耳、巴斯夫、帝人、宇部、奇美、宝泰菱系列品牌塑料 | ||
公司简介 | 上海灿羡塑化有限公司(ShanghaiCanEnvyPlasticizingLimitedcompany)成立于2017年是一家集塑料进出口、塑料生产、塑料贸易为一体的大型塑料工贸企业。坐落于美丽的世界经济中心上海,产业规模属国内水平,产品独具特色,规格齐全,体系规范。主要从事各类塑料化工原料的生产与销售,自成立以来以“客户至上品质优良服务”为宗旨。凭着卓越的实力,出众的品 ... |
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