更新:2025-01-23 09:01 编号:28932630 发布IP: 浏览:6次- 发布企业
- 上海申壹城大数据科技中心商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海申壹城大数据科技中心组织机构代码:91310230MA1JTPLU1C
- 报价
- 人民币¥900.00元每件
- 品牌
- 申与城企业服务
- 服务内容
- 提供医学专业相关人员、场地、产品注册证等
- 园区合作地址
- 优惠政策立即享
- 关键词
- 医疗器械,二类医疗,二类备案,三类许可证,医疗公司
- 所在地
- 上海市静安区共和新路3699号1407-1408室
- 联系电话
- 13818058509
- 手机
- 13818058509
- 经理
- 陶明星 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Shanghai Pudong New Area Class II Medical Device BusinessLicense: How Much Does It Cost?
In today's world, medical devices play a crucial role inimproving healthcare and enhancing the quality of life for millionsof people. The medical device industry is highly regulated toensure the safety and effectiveness of these products. Therefore,obtaining the necessary licenses and permits is a vital step forbusinesses looking to enter the medical device market. If you areplanning to establish a medical device company in Shanghai PudongNew Area, you may be wondering about the cost of obtaining a ClassII Medical Device Business License. Let us explore the approximateexpenses associated with this process.
Brand: ShenyuCheng Business Services
Service Contents: Providing medical professionals, suitablepremises, product registration certificates, etc.
Cooperative Address in the Park: Enjoy immediate preferentialpolicies
When it comes to starting a medical device business, the firststep is to obtain a company business license. This essentialdocument allows your business to legally operate in the market. Theapproximate cost for registering a medical device company inShanghai Pudong New Area through ShenyuCheng Business Services is900 yuan per piece. This fee covers the professional guidance andexpertise provided by our experts to streamline the process andensure your application is successful.
Once you have obtained your company business license, the nextstep is to procure the Class II Medical Device Business License.This license is specifically required for enterprises engaged inthe distribution and after-sales service of Class II medicaldevices. ShenyuCheng Business Services will assist you in preparingthe necessary documentation and meeting the regulatory requirementsto obtain the Class II Medical Device Business License promptly.Our aim is to provide a hassle-free experience for our clients tofocus on their core business operations.
The cost of obtaining the Class II Medical Device BusinessLicense is 900 yuan per piece. It is important to note that thisfee does not include any additional expenses related to premises,equipment, or personnel. ShenyuCheng Business Services can assistyou in sourcing suitable premises for your operations, ensuringcompliance with the necessary regulations. We can also help youfind qualified medical professionals to support your businessneeds.
Additionally, as part of our comprehensive services, we canguide you through the process of product registration certificates.These certificates are essential for ensuring the safety andefficacy of the medical devices you intend to distribute. Our teamof experts will work closely with you to ensure your products meetthe regulatory requirements and assist you in obtaining thenecessary certificates.
ShenyuCheng Business Services is located in the heart ofShanghai Pudong New Area, offering convenient access to governmentdepartments and regulatory authorities. This strategic locationallows us to efficiently handle all the necessary paperwork andexpedite the application process. Furthermore, being situated in acooperative address within the park, our clients can enjoyimmediate preferential policies and benefits offered by thegovernment to foster the growth of the medical device industry.
In conclusion, the approximate cost of obtaining a Class IIMedical Device Business License in Shanghai Pudong New Area throughShenyuCheng Business Services is 900 yuan per piece. This feecovers the professional guidance, expertise, and support providedby our team to ensure a smooth and successful application process.Please note that this fee does not include additional expensesrelated to premises, equipment, or personnel. Our comprehensiveservices also include assistance with product registrationcertificates, enabling you to meet all the necessary regulatoryrequirements. By choosing ShenyuCheng Business Services as yourpartner, you can navigate the complex landscape of medical deviceregulations with confidence.
成立日期 | 2019年06月14日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陶明星 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 上海公司注册、外资注册、商标注册、工作签证、上海落户、公司变更、公司注销、税务清算、税务疑难注销、调整报表、乱账整理、税务稽查、icp经营许可证、edi、许可证、银行开户,社保开户,公积金,企业增资减资,地址迁移,跨区迁移,跨省迁移,名称变更,税务申报,记账报税,进出口权备案,出口退税,二三类医疗器械经营许可证,增值电信业务许可证,网络文化经营许可证,食品经营许可证,餐饮卫生许可证,出版物经营许可证,人力资源服务许可证,劳务派遣经营许可证,公共场所卫生许可证,营业性演出许可证,广播电视节目制作经营许可证,旅行社经营许可证,三品一械广告审查,商业特许经营许可证企业管理咨询,财务咨询,工程管理服务,企业登记代理,商务代理代办服务,工程管理服务,商务秘书服务,自费出国留学中介服务,因私出入境中介服务,专业设计服务,数据处理和存储支持服务等一系列工商财税服务 | ||
经营范围 | 从事大数据、智能、计算机科技领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务,数据处理服务,软件开发,云软件服务,云平台服务,财务咨询,税务咨询,经济信息咨询,人才咨询,设计、制作、代理、发布各类广告,网站建设,电信业务。[依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动] | ||
公司简介 | 申与城(上海)企业发展有限公司,提供上海公司注册,外资注册,商标注册,工作签证,上海落户,公司变更,公司注销,税务清算,银行开户,社保开户,公积金,企业增资减资,地址迁移,跨区迁移,跨省迁移,名称变更,税务申报,记账报税,进出口权备案,出口退税,二三类医疗器械经营许可证,增值电信业务许可证,网络文化经营许可证,食品经营许可证,餐饮卫生许可证,出版物经营许可证,人力资源服务许可证,劳务派遣经营许可证 ... |
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