China International Textile Fabric and Accessories Expo wasfounded in 1995. Since its inception, it has been adhering to theprinciple of professionalism and trade, serving the enterprise, theindustry and the market, and has been praised by exhibitors,visitors and industry insiders. Initially, it was held in Shanghaievery autumn, and then expanded to hold intertextile series surfaceaccessories exhibition in Shanghai in March and September and inShenzhen in November. The China International Textile Fabrics andAccessories (Spring and Summer) Expo is held in Shanghai everyMarch, and in recent years, the largest scale reaches 182000 ㎡,with nearly 4000 exhibitors from about 30 countries and regions. Asthe world's largest professional surface accessories exhibition,intertextile Fabric Exhibition has witnessed the rapid developmentof China's textile and garment industry. Since 2015, intertextileChina International Textile Fabrics and Accessories (Spring andSummer) Expo, together with yarnexpo China International TextileYarns (Spring and Summer) Exhibition, CHIC China InternationalGarment Expo (Spring), PH Value China International Knitting(Spring and Summer) Expo and other upstream and downstream brandexhibitions of the industrial chain, will be held in Shanghai atthe same time in March every year. As a unique exhibition jointfleet in the global textile industry chain, it presents newproducts, new technologies, new technologies, new models, newtrends and new ideas in the textile field in an all-round way,promotes the healthy and sustainable development of the industry,and opens a new development pattern with coordinated progress.
Scope of exhibits: Fabrics: formal fabrics, fashionable women'sfabrics, casual fabrics, functional / sportswear fabric, denimfabric, shirt fabric, underwear fabric, baby fabric, patterndesign, etc Accessories: zippers, buttons, lace / lace /embroidery, lining, lining, shoulder pads, belt, thread, glue /tape, reflective materials, trademark / badge / tag, tag / tag,clothing packing, shoulder strap, cup, leather, fur, flower,feather, fur, belt, scarf, headwear / corsage / jewelry, hotpainting, bead drill / decals / sequin, collar, hook / buckle,rivet, chain, bag / bag / box, hanger / models, etc Others: design/ image, professional publications, e-commerce, computer-aideddesign, textile testing, etc
1、化纤蕾丝是蕾丝面料中常见的一类的统称,材质以锦纶、氨纶为主。其质地一般都比较薄,且偏硬,如果直接接触皮肤可能会感觉有点扎。化纤蕾丝的优点是造价便宜、花样多、颜色多,并且结实不易断。化纤蕾丝的缺点是手感不好、扎人、不能高温熨烫、基本没有弹性,不能作为贴身衣服穿着。一般来说,由于化纤蕾丝成本的原因,其比较常运用在廉价的服饰上,会给人一种“比较廉价”的感觉。 2、棉布蕾丝一般是在棉质的衬布上用棉线绣出花边的形状,再将棉布镂空的部分剪掉所制成的一种蕾丝。棉布蕾丝也是属于比较常见的类型,在很多衣服上都可以看到,弹性基本同棉布。棉布蕾丝的优点是造价便宜、不易断、可以高温熨烫、手感好。棉布蕾丝的缺点是容易起皱、造型比较少、基本上只有白色。一般来说,如果在成本上有所考虑,而又不愿意使用廉价感强烈的化纤蕾丝,棉布蕾丝是个很好的替代选择。 3、棉线蕾丝,顾名思义,就是使用棉线织成的蕾丝。棉线蕾丝由于全部使用棉线织成,一般厚度会比较厚,手感一般会比较粗糙。棉线蕾丝的优缺点和棉布蕾丝差不多。棉线蕾丝的造型比棉布蕾丝多一点,造价也稍微贵一点,不容易起皱,但由于较厚,不容易折叠和弯曲。一般来说,棉线蕾丝在服饰中通常被使用在一些较小的花边上,不太引人注意。 4、刺绣蕾丝是在一层纱网上用棉、涤纶之类的线绣出蕾丝形状,再将外廓剪掉由于衬布是纱网,手感会根据纱网的硬度产生变化,一般来说较软的纱网制成的较软的刺绣蕾丝会比较好。相比以上三种来说,刺绣蕾丝的优点是手感柔软光滑、不易起皱、可以折叠、弹性比较好。刺绣蕾丝的缺点则是不能高温熨烫、造型较少、容易扯断。一般来说,对柔软度和材质有较高要求的服饰基本上都会使用刺绣蕾丝,比如裙子的内衬和内衣等。 5、水溶蕾丝是用涤纶线或粘胶长丝将蕾丝花样织在一张衬纸上,完成后使用较高温度的水将衬纸溶解,只剩下蕾丝本体,顾名水溶蕾丝。由于水溶蕾丝相对于上述几种蕾丝的针数更多,水溶蕾丝的造价也更贵。水溶蕾丝的优点是手感非常好、柔软光滑、有略微的弹性、有光泽、有立体感、造型花样很多。水溶蕾丝的缺点是造价比较高、比较厚、不易折叠、不能高温熨烫。一般来说,做工和材质比较好的服饰上基本都是使用水溶蕾丝,做工好的水溶蕾丝可能会达到几十甚至上百块钱/米的价格。