2025-01-07 20:00 1次产品详细介绍
Introduction to China InternationalIndustry Fair
中国国际工业博览会(简称“中国工博会”或“工博会”)是我国唯一以中国冠名的、历史长的国家 级工业展会,自 1999 年创办以来,每年秋季在上海举办,已成功举办二十余届。 中国工博会聚焦新工业新经济,强化高端产业引领功能,荟聚专家菁英,引领产业科技创新风尚, 全力构建开放、创新、包容的产业生态,覆盖从制造业基础材料、关键零部件,到先进制造装备、整体解决 方案的智能绿色制造全产业链,是国内展览规模大、参展企业多、展示领域广、国际化程度高的工 业展会之一。 作为服务先进制造业领域展示交往活动的企业间沟通桥梁,中国工博会集“展示、交易、评奖、论坛”四大功能于一体,历经二十余年“化、市场化、国际化、品牌化”运作和发展创新,坚持对接国家战略, 发展实体经济,已经成长为我国工业领域面向世界的重要展示窗口和经贸交流合作平台,实现了“西有德国 汉诺威工博会,东有中国工博会”的定位目标,成为了世界、中国具影响力的工业品牌展,成为了一 张面向国际展示中国工业高质量发展成果的金名片,有力促进了中国工业与全世界的交流、交往和交融。
China International Industry Fair (CIIF) is the longest-runningnational-level industrial event in China. Since its launchin 1999, CIIF has been staged in autumn annually in Shanghai formore than 20 sessions successfully. CIIF is dedicated to the promotion of emerging industries and neweconomy and reinforcing its pivotal role in high-endsectors, while it convenes leading experts and thought leaders,spearheads technological innovation trendsacross industries, and endeavors to foster an open, innovative, andinclusive industrial ecosystem. CIIFstands as the largest-in-scale industrial event in China with themost exhibitors, the widest range of industryexhibits, and the highest level of internationalization -showcasing the entire spectrum of smart and sustainablemanufacturing supply chain including foundational materials, keycomponents, cutting-edge manufacturingequipment and solutions. As a communication bridge for showcasing and networking events inthe advanced manufacturing sector, CIIFcombines the four major functions of exhibition, trade, awards, andforums, through implementing professionalization,market-orientation, internationalization, and branding as itsstrategies for more thantwo decades. Aligning with national strategies and fostering realeconomy, CIIF has grown into an importantwindow and spot open to the world for international trade,communication and cooperation on industrialscope. Just as its counterpart Hannover Messe in Germany, CIIF hasachieved its objective to be recognizedinternationally as one of China's most influential industrial brandexhibitions and a prestigious platformto promote the exchange, interaction, and integration of China'sindustry as well as its high-quality achievementswith the world.
第二十四届中国国际工业博览会将于 2024 年 9 月 24-28 日在国家会展中心(上海)隆重举行,规划展览面积达 30 万平方米。数控机床与金属加工展(MWCS)是中国工博会的核心展之一,展览面积 8 万平方米,展商超过 600 家,将按照展品门类分为“三大展区”: ◆激光加工 & 钣金冲压技术展区 ◆金属切削 & 增材制造技术展区 ◆机床配套功能部件及周边产品展区 观众群涵盖汽车、模具、工业零部件、机器人、自动化、电子 / 信息通讯、金属制品、轨道交通、 航空航天、造船、医疗器械、包装机械、电梯、家电、管道、电力设施、国防jungong等用户行业。 展会同期将举办“创新与新兴产业发展国际会议”、“世界智能网联汽车大会”、“国际工业互联网大 会”及“中国机器人高峰论坛”等多场峰会和技术交流活动。
The 24th China International Industry Fair (CIIF 2024)will be heldduring 24-28 of September 2024, at NationalExhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), with estimated over300,000m2show space. Metalworking& CNC Machine Tool Show(MWCS)is one of the core theme shows ofCIIF, having 80,000m2show spaces, and about 600 exhibitors. In terms of exhibitscategories, MWCS is classified into 3 parts: ◆Metal forming, Sheet Metal & Laser-working Technology ◆Metal Cutting & Additive Manufacturing Technology ◆Functional Components & Relevant Products Industryattendees come from manufacturing sectors, such as Automobile, Die& Mould, Industry Parts, MechanicalEngineering, Electronic, Household Appliance, Info-communication,3C Products, National Defense,Aviation & Aerospace, Medical Equipment, Shipbuilding, PackagingMachines, Railway Transportation,Elevator, Heating/Ventilation, and Construction & AgricultureMachinery. Besidesthousands of products show, there are also tens of concurrentevents/conferences/workshops available,such as“International Forum on Innovation and Emerging IndustriesDevelopment”, “World AutonomousVehicle Ecosystem Conference” ,“International Industrial InternetConference”,“China RobotIndustry Summit”, and so on .
注册资本 | 50 | ||
主营产品 | 上海物流展,上海PTC展,上海工博会,上海文化展,上海劳保展,养老展,应急展,家电展,清洁展,百货展,工业展,自有品牌展,传动展,加盟展,纱线展,服饰展,物业展食品展,电商展,跨境展,机床展,自动化展,仓储展,环保展,信息展,消费品展,职业服装展,紧固件展,包装展,运动展,健身展 | ||
经营范围 | 经营范围包括会务服务,展览展示服务,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,企业形象策划,货物运输代理,电脑图文设计、制作,日用百货、服装、鞋帽、针纺织品批发、零售。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 主要发布2025年行业展览会信息,为各个企业提供全新的展会信息介绍,一站式展会服务,助力企业积极正向发展,合作共赢!市场寒冬虽然给企业和个人带来了巨大的压力,但同时也孕育着机遇。在这个时期,市场竞争相对较弱,企业可以有更多的时间和精力去思考创新和发展。那些能够在寒冬中坚持下来,并不断寻找新的机会的企业和个人,往往会在市场回暖后获得更大的成功。正如在寒冷的冬天里,有些植物会在地下积蓄力量,等待春天的 ... |
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