HinderRUST ElectricalCorrosion Protection is a synthetic corrosion-stopping oilengineered by Fluoramics to protect exterior wiring, motors,housings, hardware, air conditioning units, electrical terminalsand hardware.
HinderRUST ElectricalCorrosion Protection is solvent free, which means it is safe forusers, non-flammable, will not evaporate, and may be used inenclosed spaces. Use Electrical Corrosion Protection to free upseized fan motors, and on new electrical connections to keep themlike-new, and use on old connections to restore them tolike-new.
HinderRUST ElectricalCorrosion Protection is safe to use on electronics and itlubricates while protecting against corrosion. Electrical CorrosionProtection has a high dielectric constant and also stops corrosionon battery terminals and grounding wires.
It provides easy application to junction boxes and motor windings.Designed to penetrate, it spreads and soaks into hard-to-reachareas. Its penetrating protection fights oxidization on copper,aluminum, brass, and steel, and will not attack plastics.
The refillable Brush-It Jar with brush applicator attached to thecap. It is easy to quickly apply product, then store withoutwashing the brush between uses.