更新:2025-01-20 08:00 编号:31706206 发布IP: 浏览:13次- 发布企业
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司商铺
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- 上海调味料展,上海高端调味品展,中国进出口调味料展
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- 上海市徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼
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With continued economic development and a constant fluctuation inthe structure of the food industry, events such as theShanghai Global Food Trade Show are essential to offer vitalinsights and previews into the latest developments of the industryas they unfold. This year marks the 26th edition of this importantevent and it is due to be held on the 8th to the 10th November atthe Shanghai New International Expo Center. Boasting an impressiverange of exhibitors and exhibition groups from over 30 countries,it again facilitates the communication and collaboration ofindustry experts and professional buyers, and signposts the generaldirection of the industry as a whole.
Exhibition groups from Italy, Denmark, Japan, South Korea,Malaysia, Russia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the European Union,Belgium, Turkey, the United States, Spain, Austria, Germany,Canada, Australia, Cyprus and around 30 other countries and regionsare due to present this year. There are 2,500 high qualityexhibitors from around the world, with more than 100, 000featured exhibits. It is expected to attract approximately100,000 industry professionals from across the spectrum of the foodindustry, including food, hotel, catering, fresh, coffee,bakery, drinks, bars, clubs, supermarket retail, franchisechains and many other food and catering business field tovisit, offering a truly global perspective and seeking to promotehigh standards and quality assurance.
As a comprehensive business exhibition platform in the field offood and catering, FHC has always been one of the importantplatforms for overseas food and drink brands to enter the Chinesemarket. With the rapid growth of consumer power in thedomestic market, more and more strong domestic enterpriseshade been attracted to participate, while on the other hand manysmaller developing businesses are also choosing to go hand in handwith FHC, benefiting from the increased growth potential ofparticipating in such a major event.
The top 10 exhibition sections planned by FHC this year includemeat and seafood products, snack food, dairy products, sweets andchocolate, catering supply chain and ingredients, condiments andgrain and oil, coffee and tea, food processing and packaging,, ready-to-eat dishes and premium kitchen equipment and utensils.The exhibition attracts many enterprises to enter, even theworld's first-line brands have signed up to participate!
The food industry is constantly updating its approaches to qualitycontrol and improving its offerings to satisfy the demands of theconsumer market. Events like FHC are a chance for ambitious andtalented young entrepreneurs to develop their skills and experiencein the industry. FHC is not only committed to providing a vitalplatform for the food and catering industry to exchange businessand trade information but also to mine and cultivate the nextgeneration of professionals who will shape the future of theindustry’s development.
作为FHC的经典赛事——FHC中国国际烹饪艺术比赛由上海市餐饮烹饪行业协会和上海博华国际展览有限公司主办,获得世界厨师联合会(WorldAssociation of Chefs’Societies) A级国际赛事官方认证,且是国内唯一一个获得该项认证的国际级赛事.本届比赛国际含金量十足,不仅有世界厨师联合会赛事组委会主席RickStephen加入指导赛事规则和规范流程,更诚邀了WACS赛事组委会成员强强加入FHC,分别有来自2022年卢森堡烹饪世界杯评审团主席Carlo Sauber,奥林匹克烹饪大赛赛事主席Frank Widmann,米其林二星餐厅主厨SvenErik Renaa,香港HOFEX美食大赛组委会主席RudolfMuller及世界厨师联合会甜品赛事主席GillesRenusson等10位外籍裁判,还邀请了意大利、澳大利亚和韩国的三支国际专业厨师队伍,与中国队一起同台竟技,互补短长;更有近120位来自国内外以及港澳台地区的中西餐和烘焙甜品裁判品鉴打分,相信对全球各地的赛事参赛者和烹饪爱好者而言,这场dianfeng赛事一定能够带来突破已有认知的视觉震撼和思维碰撞!
As an important component of FHC each year, the FHC ChinaInternational Culinary Arts Competition is sponsored by theShanghai Restaurants Cuisine Association and IM Sinoexpo. It haswon the official certification of the World Association Of ChefsSocieties Class A level, and is currently the only domesticcompetition to obtain such a status. Through the guidance of theorganizing committee members, it has earned significant recognitionand attention and garnered considerable prestige among participantsand observers.
The event often invites many internationally recognized chefs asjudges, including ten foreign judges, Carlo Sauber, President ofthe Luxembourg Culinary World Cup 2022 Jury, Frank Widmann,President of the Olympic Culinary Competition, Sven Erik Renaa,Chef of a restaurant with two Michelin stars, RudolfMuller, chairman of the Organizing committee of the Hong Kong HOFEXFood Competition, and Gilles Renusson, chairman of the DessertCompetition of the World Federation of Chefs, also invited threeinternational professional chef teams from Italy, Australia andSouth Korea to compete with the Chinese team and complement eachother; In addition, there are nearly 120 Chinese and Western foodand bakery dessert judges from home and abroad as well as HongKong, Macao and Taiwan, offering a glimpse into the highestprofessional standards and the potential of the highest achieversin the industry.
At the same time, the exhibition site will alsointroduce competitons for cooking, coffee, populardrinks, pastry and other hot categories of blockbuster events. Forexample, China Barista Championship (CBC) and ChinaCoffee Roasting Championship (CCRC) which authorized inthe World Coffee Events (WCE), Shanghai International FashionDrinks Competition and the "NAMCHOW CUP" Chinese PastryInternational Championship .
Industry remodeling is a constant consideration and productiteration is of great importance and interest. While the domesticfood and drink industry is booming, it is also facing turbulentchanges. How to clear up the fog to foresee thefuture?
At this year’s exhibition visitors can expect to see more thantwenty forums devoted to key issues and topics in the world of foodproduction. Aimed at tackling a range of key industry trends andchallenges including those concerning catering, food design andsafety, the various forums invite influential experts from acrossthe industry to engage in in-depth dialogue, clarify the currentindustry context, determine the market course, and providedecision-making basis and docking channels for domestic and foreignprofessional visitors in the market expansion and otherneeds.
FHC is also delighted to cooperate with Salon Du Chocolat to createthe exciting Choco Village Area, attracting coffee andchocolate lovers to take photos and spread spontaneously in theform of a market.
Shanghai Coffee&Food Festival is a high-end market eventunder HotelexShanghai. It integrates coffee, baking,dessert, light food and other related concerns, and hasrapidly become a coffee and food carnival for countless coffeeand food lovers to punch in. FHC Shanghai Coffee&FoodFestival is expected to attract nearly 70 upstream anddownstream coffee enterprises and related businesses to enter,bringing a big show of coffee and food lifestyle to theaudience.
展会还携手Salon du Chocolat上海国际巧克力展倾情打造环球巧克力市集Choco Village区域,汇集超过50家国际国内zhiming巧克力品牌,展示精品巧克力、巧克力甜品、bean-to-bar巧克力及巧克力潮流饮品等。观众也可以在市集中参观巧克力博物馆、穿越三星堆巧克力艺术展、环球巧克力品鉴秀等展区,一次逛展,多重体验,沉浸式巧克力世界的大门即将开启!
The exhibition also cooperated with Salon du Chocolat to create theChoco Village area , gathering more than 50 international anddomestic famous chocolate brands, displaying boutique chocolate,chocolate desserts, bean-to-bar chocolate and trendy chocolatedrinks. Visitors can also visit the Chocolate Museum, throughSanxingdui Chocolate Art Exhibition, Global Chocolate Tasting Showand other exhibition areas, the door of the immersivechocolate world is open soon!
Other key components of the event feature such sectors as wine,meat, fruit and vegetables, canned foods, raw materials and premiumcooking utensils, baking and dessert ingredients and thecontributions of several major domestic and international chains.The participation of such a wide variety of industries ensures richexhibition content and offers insights into the vision of a rangeof emerging and innovative businesses. With diversified productdisplays, integration between codependent branches of the industryand access to market innovations and services, this is genuinely anunmissable opportunity for any serious professional looking toremain competitive and up-to-date with everything in this rapidlyevolving business.
成立日期 | 1998年04月20日 | ||
注册资本 | 20 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务,展会招商服务,展览策划服务 | ||
经营范围 | 组织、举办、经营各类国际和国内展览、展示、会议,提供相关业务及咨询服务,网页的设计、开发,商务信息咨询。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 是国内领先的商贸展会,会议活动和B2B在线贸易采购平台的主办机构,是于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻集团(UBMplc)在中国的中外合作企业,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司在1998年联合组建而成。公司旗下展会涉及家具系列展35万平方米;医药、健康系列展22万平方米,食品加工、包装及食品系列展50万平方米;酒店、商业空间、游艇系列展20万平方米,其在各地的区域展包括广东中山古镇灯博会,北京 ... |
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