NEOSafe™ is a concentrated, lightweight occupational safety andparts cleaning product designed to remove nearly of oily residuewithout the use of harmful solvents or chemicals. The uniqueformula of cell structure to particle size makes NEOSafe™ theeasiest and safest product on the market to clean ofpetroleum-based residue on slippery floors, greasy parts, and oilyor gasoline-covered surfaces.
OurNEOSafe™ Sorbent Powder offers a range ofbenefits that make it the ideal solution for industrial spillcleanup. Our eco-friendly and non-toxic formula quickly andefficiently absorbs spills to prevent slip and fall hazards, whilealso meeting the highest safety standards. With its high-absorbencyand versatile applications, our product is both cost-effective andhighly effective in preventing accidents and injuries.