西门子6SL5510-1BB11-0AF0 S200 PN 200V驱动器
2025-01-11 07:05 1次- 发布企业
- 上海工智达电气技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:上海工智达电气技术有限公司组织机构代码:91310117MADP2FAE31
- 报价
- 人民币¥1795.00元每件
- 西门子
- S200驱动器
- S200
- 6SL5510-1BB11-0AF0
- 中国
- 功率1KW
- 关键词
- 西门子,S200,PN 200V驱动器,原装现货
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区科技园区平原街880弄65号201
- 联系电话
- 15221760199
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- 15221760199
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- 15221760199
SINAMICS DC MASTER is the drive system for basic applications anddemanding DC applications. The use in a wide range of differentsectors and complementary markets demands a high degree ofscalability and the ability to expand the converter series over awide range.
In order to be able to guarantee this versatile use, SINAMICS DCMASTER has a whole raft of new features:
The SINAMICS converterfamily
SINAMICS DC MASTER is a member of the SINAMICS converter family.The individual SINAMICS versions are based on a common platform,especially in the area of interfaces, tools and operator control &monitoring. All of the SINAMICS drives support the TIA philosophyand share common ways of engineering, communication and datamanagement with the SIMATIC, SIMOTION and SINUMERIK automationsystems from Siemens. When using these systems, automationsolutions can be very simply generated using SINAMICS. As a resultof the standard and seamless integration into the automationenvironment of Siemens, customers also profit from fasterengineering and commissioning of the complete machine automationand drive technology. Further, training-related costs are reducedand support, service & maintenance and spare parts stocking aresimplified.
PROFIBUS as standard, PROFINEToptional
The units are equipped as standard with PROFIBUS - the industrystandard. PROFINET or EtherNet/IP is also available as an option.Communication to other fieldbus systems can be realized usingexternal adapters.
Variance of the ControlUnits
In order to optimally fulfill the requirements relating tointerfaces and computational performance for technology functions,a Standard or Advanced CUD or a combination can be selected. It isalso possible to use two CUDs to increase the performance fortechnological open-loop and closed-loop control tasks. This allowsoptimum adaptation to the wide range of requirements relating todrive technology and complementary markets - both technically andeconomically.
Field power supply in line withrequirements
With the introduction of SINAMICS DC MASTER, you have the option ofselecting the optimum field power supply for your particularrequirements. SINAMICS DC MASTER is always the optimum choice:
For units without field (from a rated DC current of 60 Aand higher)
For units with a 1Q field (with integrated free-wheelingcircuit)
For units with a 2Q field to actively reduce the current forhigh-speed field current changes and integrated field overvoltageprotection (from a rated DC current of 60 A and higher)
For units from 1500 A and higher it is also possible to select aversion with 85 A rated field current in a 1Q or 2Q version insteadof the 40 A field power supply. It goes without saying that anexternal field power supply unit can also be connected - if theapplication demands it.
24 V DC electronics powersupply
The electronics power supply of the DC Converter will be availablein two versions:
For connection to 230 V/400 V AC or
For connection to 24 V DC (protected against polarityreversal).
Using a 24 V supply, a UPS function can be simply implemented – andtherefore the availability of the plant or system increased.
The figure above shows a 24 V DC power supply SITOPsmart.
Power section isolated with respect toground (floating voltage sensing)
The power section voltage sensing inside the unit is floating withrespect to the electronics (electrically isolated). This is thereason that in the future it will not be necessary todisconnect/connect the motor cable to measure the insulationresistance of DC motors. In order to secure the availability of theplant or system and to avoid severe damage to the motor, it isabsolutely mandatory that the insulation resistance of DC motors isregularly checked.
Functional Safety
With SINAMICS DCM, the safety requirement levels SIL 3 and PL e inthe entire performance range can now be achieved by "FunctionalSafety" with only one main contactor or circuit breaker.
In addition, control via a safety relay or F-PLC is necessary.
Free function blocks and Drive ControlChart
A sufficient number of free function blocks for variousapplications is included as standard. Optionally, the functionalscope can be subsequently extended using free function blocks fromDrive Control Chart (DCC). This allows the drive to be optimallyadapted to the particular application - both technically andeconomically.
Expandable functionality using SINAMICScomponents
Additional inputs and outputs are available by couplingsupplementary modules from the SINAMICS range to the DRIVE-CLiQinterface (Advanced CUD). As a consequence, the flexibility whenengineering the plant or system is increased and at the same timecosts are optimized.
Single-phase connectionpossible
For units up to 125 A and up to 575 V AC, the full functionality isavailable even when supplied through just two conductors. Thismeans, for example, that when retrofitting a converter withsingle-phase connection, it is not necessary to make any changes tothe existing machine or plant - and the retrofitted drive systemcan be integrated into state-of-the-art communication concepts(TIA).
Coated PCBs and nickel-plated copperbusbars
PCBs coated on both sides and nickel-plated copper busbars are twooptions to improve the reliability for increased degrees ofpollution and climatic stressing - as well as for increasedenvironmental stressing (e.g. for aggressive atmospheres).
Wide temperature range
Use in regions with high climatic stressing is made simpler as aresult of the -40 °C to +70 °C temperature range for storage andtransport.
成立日期 | 2024年06月21日 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC HMI 工业软件 电线电缆 变频器 伺服数控系统 | ||
经营范围 | 经营范围包括一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;通用设备修理;专用设备修理;电气设备修理;家用电器安装服务;普通机械设备安装服务;机械电气设备销售;电子专用设备销售;数控机床销售;机械设备销售;电线、电缆经营;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;电工仪器仪表销售;电力电子元器件销售。 | ||
公司简介 | 上海工智达电气技术有限公司成立于2024年,公司下设技术部、销售部、维修部、物流部、等专职部门。公司为自动化控制以及电气传动领域产品销售、技术服务、技术培训以及项目咨询为一体的企业。致力成为行业内优秀的自动化技术服务商。公司定位------做客户贴心的自动化专家,提供全系列,全方位,全周期的自动化产品和技术服务!——定位于自动化领域,突显于专业化水准技术支持------公司拥有完整的技术队伍(各类 ... |
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