2025-01-08 08:00 1次- 发布企业
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- 上海意大利面展览会,上海橄榄油展览会,上海奶酪展览会,上海黑醋展览会,上海甜点和咖啡展
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备受瞩目的FHC上海环球食品展在上海新国际博览中心正式拉开帷幕。作为全球食品饮料行业的重要展会之一,FHC吸引了来自世界各地的人士前来参观和交流。今年,意大利对外贸易委员会(ITA)携手30家意大利卓越企业参展,向与会者近距离展示该国丰富多样的优质食品与饮料产品。除了意大利国家馆,众多意大利公司也积极参与,集中展示了意大利食品和饮料的卓越品质和创新成果,成为本届FHC 展会中参展企业多的国际展团。
On November 12, 2024, the much-anticipated FHC Shanghai GlobalFood Show officially kicked off at the Shanghai New InternationalExpo Center. As one of the most important exhibitions in the globalfood and beverage industry, FHC attracts professionals from allover the world to visit and communicate with each other. This year,the Italian Trade Agency, together with 30 outstanding Italiancompanies, exhibited at the show, showcasing the country's rich anddiverse range of high-quality food and beverage products toattendees up close. In addition to the Italian Pavilion, anumber of well-known Italian companies also participated in theexhibition, focusing on the excellent quality and innovation ofItalian food and beverages, forming the largest internationalparticipation at this year's FHC.
展会首日, 意大利对外贸易委员会与参展意大利企业组成意大利国家展团,精彩亮相N3展馆。意大利国家馆沿用简洁独特且极具意大利风貌和元素的设计打造,采用意大利guoqi经典的红、白、绿色调,展馆布局明亮简洁,充分展示了意大利在食品领域的创新、品质和传统。今年参展的企业涵盖多种食品类别,包括意大利面、橄榄油、奶酪、黑醋、甜点和咖啡等,彰显了意大利在地理标志保护(PGI)食品领域的领导地位。
On the first day of the exhibition, the Italian TradeAgency and participating Italian enterprises formed theItalian Pavilion, which made a wonderful appearance in HallN3. The Italian Pavilion was designed with simple, unique andvery Italian style and elements, adopting the classic red, whiteand green tones of the Italian flag, with a bright and conciselayout, fully demonstrating Italy's innovation, quality andtradition in the field of food. This year's exhibitors covered awide range of food categories, including pasta, olive oil, cheese,balsamic vinegar, desserts and coffee, highlighting Italy'sleadership in the PGI food sector.
In the morning, the Italian Trade Agency gathered with 22Italian chefs from all over China. The president of the FederazioneItaliana Cuochi (FIC) Giuseppe Tino gave a speech expressing hiscommitment to continue promoting the culture of Italian cuisine.The Italian Pavilion's rich program of events such as Italianbreakfasts, demonstrations of southern Mediterranean cuisine, andcoffee and cheese masterclasses attracted hundreds of industryleaders and food enthusiasts.
第二天,意大利驻上海总领事馆总领事安缇雅Tiziana D’Angelo女士、商务领事艾珊AlessandraPalumbo女士、意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表迪嘉庆Augusto DiGiacinto先生、副代表秦佳Cinzia Sarli女士等一行人来到展馆,并参加开幕仪式,大中华区国际慢食协会秘书长孙群先生主持开幕活动,并表示:“意大利的美食传统源于多样化的地区性食材和菜肴,注重社交和本地产品的价值,这也使得意大利成为慢食运动的理想发源地。”
On the second day, Ms. Tiziana D'Angelo, Consul General of theConsulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Ms. Alessandra Palumbo,Commercial Consul, Mr. Augusto Di Giacinto, Trade Commissioner ofthe Italian Trade Agency Shanghai Office, and Ms. Cinzia Sarli,Deputy Trade Commissioner, and their entourages came to thepavilion and participated in the opening ceremony. Mr. Sun Qun,Secretary General of Slow Food International Greater China,presided over the opening event and said, “Italy's culinarytradition stems from a diverse range of regional ingredients anddishes, with a focus on socializing and the value of localproducts, which makes Italy an ideal birthplace for the Slow Foodmovement.”
At the opening ceremony, Ms. Tiziana D'Angelo, Consul General ofthe Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, said in her speech,“The FHC Italian Pavilion is not only a culinary event, but also animportant platform to promote gastronomic sustainability and socialresponsibility. Italian cuisine has long been a symbol of qualityfood culture. This event provides Chinese consumers with theopportunity to experience Italian ingredients and flavorsfirst-hand, helping to gain a deeper understanding of Italianquality ingredients.” Ms. Tiziana also mentioned in the mediainterview that the 9th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World will beheld from November 16th to 22nd, hosted by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs of Italy, to showcase the excellence of Italian gastronomictraditions and products through a global event. The FHC ItalianPavilion, as the opening event of the Week of Italian Cuisine inthe World in East China, has carefully selected authentic Italianingredients and experienced chefs to ensure the presentation of themost authentic Italian flavors.
随后,意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表迪嘉庆Augusto DiGiacinto先生在致辞中表示:“意大利和中国同为文化悠久的国家,双方在美食领域有着深厚共鸣。ITA不仅致力于展会推广,还积极推动烹饪教育,与多家烹饪学校建立了长期合作,传播意大利美食文化。在展会首日,意大利国家馆分发了600份美食品鉴,广受好评。”
Afterwards, Mr. Augusto Di Giacinto, Trade Commissioner of theItalian Trade Agency Shanghai Office, said in his speech: “Italyand China are both countries with a long history of culture, andboth sides have deep resonance in the field of gastronomy, and theITA not only devotes itself to the promotion of the exhibition, butalso promotes the culinary education, and has established long-termcooperation with a number of cooking schools to further disseminatethe Italian culinary culture. On the first day of the exhibition,the Italian Pavilion distributed 600 food tastings, which were wellreceived.”
Ms. Cinzia Sarli, Deputy Trade Commissioner of the Italian TradeAgency Shanghai Office, added: “ITA has four offices in Chinadedicated to supporting the promotion of Italian gastronomicculture. With 853 certified products in the field of ProtectedGeographical Indication (PGI), Italy has demonstrated itsleadership in the international market. At the FHC, we showcased 26italian PGI products to present the unique quality and heritage ofItalian food to the Chinese audience. ITA also promotes authenticItalian food through multiple channels online and offline,including culinary education programs in partnership with Alma, TheSchool of Italian Culinary Arts and long term agreements with majormass market retailer platforms like Benlai, Epermarket, Carrefour,Hema etc and expanding the reach of Italian cuisine on Chinesesocial media.”
In the following event, the Italian Pavilion kicked off a newday of tasting activities with Italian street food, running throughhealthy dining, special holiday desserts and olive oil masterclasses, showcasing to guests the full essence of Italian foodculture. It is worth mentioning that the ingredients and rawmaterials during the Pavilion's activities come from the 30companies participating in the exhibition.
意大利菜将营养、健康、品质与风味巧妙融合,创造出一种均衡而愉悦的烹饪艺术,堪称地中海 饮食文化的。它与我们快节奏的现代生活完美契合,满足了人们对优质营养的迫切需求。2023年,意大利食品和饮料的出又额激增至554.9亿美元,较2022年增长了8.75% 。截至2024年的前七个月,出又额已达到344.0亿美元,同比增长7. 34%。
Italian cuisine is a harmonious combination of nutrition,health, quality, and flavor, offering a balanced and delightfulculinary experience that exemplifies the Mediterranean diet. It isan ideal choice for our fast-paced modern lives, where the need ofrexcellent nourishment si more important than ever. In 2023, Italianfood and beverage exports reached a record $55.49 billion, markingan 8.75% increase from 2022. By the first seven months of 2024,these exports had already reached $34.40 billion, representing a7.34% year-on-year growth.
中国消费者越来越重视健康和食品安全,意大利食品以其健康益处和精致又感在中国市场上备受推崇。2023年,中国从意大利进又的食品和饮料产品总额增至7.61亿美元,同比增长2. 18%,这一 增长在中国整体进又下降5.14%的背景下显得尤为突出。
Chinese consumers are increasingly prioritizing health and foodsafety, and Italian food is celebrated in China for its healthbenefits and exquisite taste. In 2023, China's imports fo Italianfood and beverage products rose to $761 million, a 2.18% increasefrom the year before. This growth is notable against the backdropof a 5.14% drop in China's overall imports.
The successful display of the Italian National Pavilion at thisyear's FHC not only allowed visitors to experience the unique charmof Italian cuisine, but also witnessed the excellent quality andinnovative spirit of the Italian food and beverage industry. We areeagerly looking forward to meeting with Chinese companies and foodlovers again at next year's FHC to savor Italian delicacies andculture together!
成立日期 | 1998年04月20日 | ||
注册资本 | 20 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务,展会招商服务,展览策划服务 | ||
经营范围 | 组织、举办、经营各类国际和国内展览、展示、会议,提供相关业务及咨询服务,网页的设计、开发,商务信息咨询。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 是国内领先的商贸展会,会议活动和B2B在线贸易采购平台的主办机构,是于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻集团(UBMplc)在中国的中外合作企业,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司在1998年联合组建而成。公司旗下展会涉及家具系列展35万平方米;医药、健康系列展22万平方米,食品加工、包装及食品系列展50万平方米;酒店、商业空间、游艇系列展20万平方米,其在各地的区域展包括广东中山古镇灯博会,北京 ... |
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