2023-02-10 15:28 5次- 发布企业
- 上海屹持光电技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:上海屹持光电技术有限公司组织机构代码:310113001436435
- 报价
- 人民币¥10000.00元每件
- 品牌
- Eachwave
- 型号
- 关键词
- BWO,返波管,太赫兹返波管,THz BWO
- 所在地
- 上海市闵行区剑川路955号1108室
- 联系电话
- 021-622079657/54843093
- 手机
- 15618996225
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- 薛新 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Broadband BWO oscillators 33-90 GHz
37-90 GHz in 4 bands
Frequency accuracy 0.01%
Full waveguide sweep in all bands
Fully packaged and automated
Program from front panel or GPIB bus
Remote controlled, phase lockable
Bias tuneable for AFC
High output power
Instrumentation automated subsystems
Laboratory measurement and test equipment
Source for Network Analysers, Plasma diagnostics andspectrometer
Sweeping Heterodyne Receivers, frequency and spectrum analysisfor gyrotrons
G4-143x series
The G4-143x series is fully packaged sweeper source. Themicrocomputer is integrated into the device provides total controlof the system. The sweeper self-tests at turn-on. Twoindependent DAC’s control frequency and output power. Minimalbuilt-in full band sweep time is 10ms. User from front panel orGPIB bus controls power, initial and final frequency, time ofsweep, internal amplitude modulation. Various programs of power andfrequency change are provided including 10 user-defined programs.There are two inputs for external frequency and power control. Therugged High Voltage power supply is specially designed to withstandthe rapid voltage changes inherent in BWO deceleration. Eachgenerator is individually calibrated for output power versusfrequency, with different power levels and frequency versus controlvoltage relationships. Download operation manual for G4-143e(75-110GHz) here
SGMW-x series
The SGMW-x series is fully packaged sweeper source. Thesweeper consists of external module with BWO-X series and powersupply. There are all the electronic circuitry and powersupplies required to provide the operation of BWO. The sweeperself-tests at turn-on. BWO tube is fully protected against impropervoltage connections. There are two inputs for externalfrequency and power control. Phase locking possibility is provided.Minimal built-in full band sweep time is 10ms. One power supply canbe used with different BWO. Particularly, the remote module withBWO tube allows using it at hard-to-reach places and can beinstalled quite away, somewhere near a scientist’s work desk.Another great advantage of this series of BWO sweepers is its powersupply unit, that allows feed up to few BWO tubes even withdifferent working frequencies. Download operation manual forSGMW-x here
Common Specifications
Frequency accuracy in the CW mode, ±0.01 Built-in SweepTime, ms 10* Maximum CW frequency stability for 15min ±2*10-4 Residual FM max±2*10-5Output power regulationrange, dB0-10…20**Output VSWR1.5Internal square-wave modulationfrequencies, kHz1-100External square-wave modulation frequencies,kHz1-100Voltage for External Frequency Control, VDC0 … +10Voltagefor External Power Control, VDC0 … +10Operating temperature range,C+5…+40AC Input Voltages220 V, 50 Hz (110V/60Hz*)Consumed power,VA400Size of G4-143x, mm495 x 180 x 480Size Power Supply SGMW,mm490 x 240 x 272Weight Power Supply SGMW, kg5Size BWO module forSGMW, mm150 x 180 x 200Weight BWO module for SGMW, kg4Length ofconnection cable for SGMW, m1…2 (specify in order)
* Full one band sweep time: less then 200 microsecondswith external frequency control
** Uncontrolled (not specified) parameter
SpecificationsG4-143xG4-143xG4-143aG4-143bG4-143cG4-143dFrequency range,GHz33-54 40-6050-75 60-90Output waveguidetypeWR22WR19WR15WR12WaveguideFlangeUG-383/UUG-383/U-MUG-385/UUG-387/UMinimum CW power,mW501002525Typical peak power,mW 1502008080 Specifications SGMW-X-ABWO modules forSGMWBWO-QBWO-UBWO-VBWO-EFrequency range,GHz33-54 40-6050-75 60-90Output waveguidetypeWR22WR19WR15WR12WaveguideFlangeUG-383/UUG-383/U-MUG-385/UUG-387/UMinimum CW power,mW501002525Typical peak power, mW 1502008080 Typical datafor V and E bands BWO
成立日期 | 2015年11月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 马忠华 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 超快激光产品,太赫兹产品,激光器,光电类仪器设备 | ||
经营范围 | 从事光电产品、机电设备、机械产品、电子元器件、计算机网络领域的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;激光设备、通讯器材、机电设备、机械设备、电子产品、计算机相关设备、软件的销售;从事货物及技术的进出口业务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海屹持光电技术有限公司是一家专业从事太赫兹、超快激光、传统激光等领域相关产品的研发、引进、销售、方案设计、组装集成、技术服务的现代高科技企业。我们的团队成员都具有专业光电背景和长期从业经验,我们利用自身的专业优势将优良的科研设备及服务提供给用户。从单个产品到整体解决方案,从商务服务到技术支持,均获得了广大用户的肯定和信赖。专业严谨、诚信共赢、屹于光电、持之以恒是我们的理念。我们年轻活泼而不失成熟 ... |
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