2020-05-25 11:45 2次- 发布企业
- 上海腾桦电气设备有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:上海腾桦电气设备有限公司组织机构代码:91310116MA1JAEHH66
- 报价
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- 西门子
- 西门子
- 6ES7352-5AH11-0AE0
- 6ES7352-5AH11-0AE0
- 德国
- 德国
- 关键词
- 西门子,西门子控制器,西门子模块
- 所在地
- 上海市金山区枫泾镇环东一路65弄7号2865室
- 联系电话
- 13795289873
- 手机
- 13795289873(微信同号)
- 经理
- 李进 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Superior Performance for Industrial Power Regeneration
General descriptionThe SINAMICS SM120 CM (Cabinet Modules) with itsmulti‑level Active Line Module is uniquely suitable for industrialpower regeneration applications and ensures a superior performancewhile feeding energy into the grid. The SINAMICS SM120 CMis the best choice to fulfill the application specific requirementswhich range from the need to meet electric utility’s strictstandards, to react fast in the event of line failures or to createan independent island network, since it provides line‑friendly andgrid‑compliant behavior and enables island network andtransformer‑less operations.
FeaturesSuperior line performance
Due to its integrated Siemens patented M2C topology the driveprovides a sinusoidal voltage wave‑form to the grid. The harmonicsremain significantly below all world‑wide commonly applied utilityrequirements.
The SINAMICS SM120 CM complies with even the mostdemanding grid‑code requirements, which allows smooth and effectiveintegration into any grid while conventional regenerating drivescause harmonic currents and thus usually call for additional linefilters. This is particularly important for weak and islandnetworks to ensure robust operation.
Transformer‑less System Design
Especially for ship applications (e.g. shaft generators) theSINAMICS SM120 CM provides additional keybenefits.
Depending on the grid and the drive input voltage, the multi‑levelActive Line Module can also operate directly connected tothe power supply with a line reactor only. Such a transformer‑lesssystem design saves space and weight, reduces cabling and requiresno transformer monitoring. Moreover the system efficiency increasessignificantly.
Single Line diagram of the SINAMICS SM120 CM with atransformer‑less system design
Island network operation
Transformer‑less operation
应用The Active Line Module of the SINAMICS SM120Cabinet Module (CM) with its Modular Multilevel Converter(M2C) is ideal for applications such as:
Shaft generator/boosters
Generators in hydro power stations
Test bench drives
Ore conveyors
技术规范Brief overview
Type of Module
Power range
Active Line Module | Supply and regenerative feedback unit to feed the connectedmotor modules | 4.16 kV: 7900 kVA |
Motor Module | Inverter for the connected motor | 4.16 kV: 7200 kVA |
Braking Module | Central brake chopper as cost effective alternative to theactive line modules when regenerative energy occurs | 4.16 kV: 6400 kW |
Recooling Module | Unit dissipates the power loss from the converter | 200 kW power losses |
Control Module | Unit controls and monitors the drive | For one motor axis with one control unit |
Drive Characteristics
The SINAMICS SM120 Cabinet Modules system features:
Active Line Module with industry-leading M2C (Modular MultilevelConverter) topology
Motor Module with most common and widely used 3-level NPC,optionally equipped with output reactor allowing cable length up to1000 m
Control Module featured with SINAMICS platform-wide usedcomponents
Braking Module that allows controlled ramp down also in case ofpower supply failure (option)
Recooling Module with redundant pumps
Other modules for additional applications will be available at alater date.
成立日期 | 2018年03月16日 | ||
法定代表人 | 黄勇章 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
经营范围 | 西门子PLC模块 西门子触摸屏 西门子变频器 西门子软启动器 西门子直流调速器 西门子数控系统 西门子电源模块 西门子电缆 西门子接头 | ||
公司简介 | 上海腾桦电气设备有限公司,成立于2018年3月,注册资金500万,是一家从事技术设备销售的公司。主要从事工业自动化产品销售和系统集成的高新技术企业长期与德国SIMATIC(西门子).瑞士ABB.美国罗克韦尔(AB).法国施耐德.美国霍尼韦尔.美国艾默生合作。公司有专业的技术团队,销售团队,公司成员150于人.为客户提供专业的技术支持,产品资料,售后服务。在工控领域,公司以精益求精的经营理念,从产品 ... |
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