2025-01-10 07:00 4次- 发布企业
- 上海持承自动化设备有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:上海持承自动化设备有限公司组织机构代码:310228001192580
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- WJM356B18原厂价格
- WJM356B18原厂价格
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- WJM356B18原厂价格
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Triaxial ICP. Accelerometer
Installation and Operating Manual
For assistance with the operation of this product,
contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
Service, Repair, and Return Policies and Instructions
The information contained in this document supersedes allsimilar information that
may be found elsewhere in this manual.
Service – Due to the sophisticated nature of the sensors andassociated instrumentation provided by PCB Piezotronics, userservicing or repair is not recommended and, if attempted, may voidthe factory warranty. Routine maintenance, such as the cleaning ofelectrical connectors, housings, and mounting surfaces withsolutions and techniques that will not harm the physical materialof construction, is acceptable. Caution should be observed toensure that liquids are not permitted to migrate into devices thatare not hermetically sealed. Such devices should only be wiped witha dampened cloth and never submerged or have liquids poured uponthem.
Repair – In the event that equipment becomes damaged or ceasesto operate, arrangements should be made to return the equipment toPCB Piezotronics for repair. User servicing or
repair is not recommended and, if
attempted, may void the factory
Calibration – Routine calibration of sensors and associatedinstrumentation is recommended as this helps build confidence inmeasurement accuracy and acquired data. Equipment calibrationcycles are typically established by the users own quality regimen.When in doubt about a calibration cycle, a good “rule of thumb” isto recalibrate on an annual basis. It is also good practice torecalibrate after exposure to any severe temperature extreme,shock, load, or other environmental influence, or prior to anycritical test.
PCB Piezotronics maintains an ISO-9001 certified metrologylaboratory and offers calibration services, which are accredited byA2LA to ISO/IEC 17025, with full traceability to SIthrough
N.I.S.T. In addition to the normally supplied calibration,special testing is also available, such as: sensitivity at elevatedor cryogenic temperatures, phase response, extended high or lowfrequency response, extended range, leak testing, hydrostaticpressure testing, and others. For information on standardrecalibration services or special testing, contact your localPCB
Piezotronics distributor, sales
representative, or factory customer
service representative.
Returning Equipment – Following these procedures will ensurethat your returned materials are handled in the most expedientmanner. Before returning any equipment to PCB Piezotronics, contactyour local distributor, sales representative, or factory customerservice representative to obtain a Return Warranty, Service,Repair, and Return Policies and Instructions MaterialsAuthorization (RMA) Number. This RMA number should be clearlymarked on the outside of all package(s) and on the packing list(s)accompanying the shipment. A detailed account of the nature of theproblem(s) being experienced with the equipment should also beincluded inside the package(s) containing any returnedmaterials.
A Purchase Order, included with the returned materials, willexpedite the turn-around of serviced equipment. It is recommendedto include authorization on the Purchase Order for PCB to proceedwith any repairs, as long as they do not exceed 50% of thereplacement cost of the returned item(s). PCB will provide a pricequotation or replacement recommendation for any item whose repaircosts would exceed 50% of replacement cost, or any item that is noteconomically feasible to repair. For routine calibration services,the Purchase Order should include authorization to proceed andreturn at current pricing, which can be obtained from a factorycustomer service representative.
Contact Information – International customers should direct allinquiries to their local distributor or sales office. A completelist of distributors and offices can be found at www.pcb.com.Customers within the United States may contact their local salesrepresentative or a factory customer service representative. Acomplete list of sales representatives can be found at www.pcb.com.Toll-free telephone numbers for a factory customer servicerepresentative, in the division responsible for this product, canbe found on the title page at the front of this manual. Our ship toaddress and general contact numbers are:
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. 3425 Walden Ave. Depew, NY14043 USAToll-free: (800) 828-8840 24-hour SensorLineSM: (716) 684-0001Website: www.pcb.com E-mail: info@
Model Number
Sensitivity(± 10 %)
Measurement Range
Frequency Range(± 5 %)(y or z axis)
Frequency Range(± 5 %)(x axis)
Frequency Range(± 10)
Resonant Frequency
Phase Response(± 5 °)
Broadband Resolution(1 to 10,000 Hz)
Transverse Sensitivity
Overload Limit(Shock) Temperature Range(Operating) TemperatureResponse
Base Strain Sensitivity
Excitation Voltage
Constant Current Excitation
Output Impedance
Output Bias Voltage
Discharge Time Constant
Settling Time(within 10% of bias)
Spectral Noise(1 Hz)
Spectral Noise(10 Hz)
Spectral Noise(100 Hz)
Spectral Noise(1 kHz)
Spectral Noise(10 kHz)
Sensing Element Sensing Geometry Housing Material Sealing Size(Height x Length x Width) Weight
Electrical Connector Electrical Connection Position MountingThread Mounting Torque
All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwisespecified.
In the interest of constant product improvement, we reserve theright to change specifications without notice.
ICP. is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc.
Optional versions have identical specifications and accessoriesas listed for the standard model except where noted below. Morethan one option may be used.
A -Adhesive Mount
Supplied Accessory : Model 080A109 Petro Wax (1)
Supplied Accessory : Model 080A90 Quick Bonding Gel(1)
T -TEDS Capable of Digital Memory and Communication Compliantwith IEEE P1451.4
TLA -TEDS LMS International -Free Format
TLB -TEDS LMS International -Automotive Format
TLC -TEDS LMS International -Aeronautical Format
TLD -TEDS Capable of Digital Memory and Communication Compliantwith IEEE 1451.4 Temperature Range(Operating) -65 to +176 °F -54 to+80 °C Output Bias Voltage 8.5 to 13.0 VDC 8.5 to 13.0 VDC
成立日期 | 2009年04月30日 | ||
法定代表人 | 林盛华 | ||
注册资本 | 300 | ||
主营产品 | 变频器,纠偏,触摸屏,PLC,伺服,限位开关,传感器,编码器等 | ||
经营范围 | 工业自动化设备,机电设备,电子产品及元器件,仪器仪表销售。【企业经营涉及行政许可的,凭许可证件经营】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海持承自动化设备有限公司是一家多年专业从事进口自动化产品代理销售及系统集成的企业,在公司全体员工的努力及广大客户和业界同仁的支持下,公司业务迅速拓展,业务范围遍及华东、华南、华北、西南等全国各地,迅速成为自动化行业的后起之秀,公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨,本着“质量保障,诚信服务,坚持承诺,到位及时”的做事态度,热诚的服务于每一位新老客户。在此,感谢新老客户的长期支持,因为 ... |
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