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1879566605.jpg机床、金属板材及管材加工、模具制造和工具的国际盛会METALWORKING AND CNC MACHINE TOOL SHOW http://mwcs.ciif-expo.com2019 年 9 月 17-21 日,第二十一届中国国际工业 博览会将于国家会展中心(上海)隆重举行,预计展览 面积超 28 万 m2。数控机床与金属加工展(MWCS), 是中国工博会的核心专业展之一,展览面积 8 万 m2 , 展商超过 600家,将按照展品门类分为“三大展区”: ◆ 激光加工 & 钣金冲压技术展区 ◆ 金属切削 & 增材制造技术展区 ◆机床配套功能部件及周边产品展区 专业观众群涵盖汽车、模具、工业零部件、机器 人、自动化、电子 / 信息通讯、金属制品、轨道交通、航空航天、造船、医疗器械、包装机械、电梯、家电、 管道、电力设施、国防等用户行业。 展会同期将举办“中国钣金智能制造峰会”、“未来制造高峰论坛”、“中国机器人高峰论坛” 及“中国金属切削高层论坛”等多场峰会和技术交 流活动。 汇展全球智能机床设备聚焦金属加工科技 


The 21st China InternationalIndustry Fair(CIIF2019)will be held during 17-21 of September 2019,at National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), withestimated over 280,000m2 show space. Metalworking & CNC MachineTool Show(MWCS)is one of the core theme shows of CIIF, having80,000m2 show space, and about 600 exhibitors. In terms of exhibitscategories, MWCS is classified into 3 parts: ◆ Metal forming, SheetMetal & Laser-working Technology ◆ Metal Cutting & AdditiveManufacturing Technology ◆ Functional Components & RelevantProducts Industry attendees come from manufacturing sectors, suchas Automobile, Die & Mould, Industry Parts, Mechanical Engineering,Electronic, Household Appliance, Info-communication, 3C Products,National Defense, Aviation & Aerospace, Medical E,Shipbuilding, Packaging >>> Machines, RailwayTransportation, Elevator, Heating/Ventilation, and Construction &Agriculture Machinery. Besides thousands of products show, thereare also tens of concurrent events/conferences/ workshopsavailable, such as “China Sheet Metal Intelligent ManufacturingSummit”, “The Future Oriented Manufacturing Summit” , “China RobotSummit”, “China Metal Cutting Summit”, and so on . 金属切削 钣金成形 其 它Metal Cutting Metal Forming Others 知名展商 Big Names 2018 年是工博会 20周年,也是马扎克进入中 国的第 20 年,因此本届展会我们极为重视,带来了 代表世界Zui高水平的 3D 激光加工机,该机荣获第 47届日本机械工业设计奖中Zui具分量的“经济产业 大臣奖”。马扎克日本即将迎来 100 周年,公司也是通过这次工博会,将马扎克在新的领域新的技术 展现给全中国的观众。 展商之声 From Exhibitors This is ourfirst time to participate in CIIF,which is a huge manufacturingexposition.We will display our competitive products ,such as Highprecision grinding machines、3D Arc Surface Polishing Machine、andetc. CIIF is a great show, which is a good platform for brandpromotion and trading. It is why we are part of it. 2018 is the20th anniversary of CIIF, also the 20th year of Mazak’s operationin Chinese market. For this big moment, we bring our best 3D lasermachine, the winner of 47th Machine Design Awards. Mazak’s 100Anniversary is coming soon, so we are expecting to introduce ourlatest technology and products to Chinese market through CIIF.山崎马扎克(中国)有限公司 总裁助理 黄义 YAMAZAKI MAZAK (CHINA) CO., LTD. PresidentAssistant, Mr. Huang Yi 本次我司有 4 款代表产品参展,包括高精密数控 双端面磨床、精密数控单面磨床、3D曲面抛光机、 高精度双面研磨机。我司是第一次参加工博会。作为 中国国jia级的、国际性的交易、展示工业领域Zui新技术和产品的平台和窗口;无论是品牌形象的推广,还 是产品交易都是一个非常棒的平台;这也是宇环数控 参展的原因。 Yuhuan CNCMachine Tool Co.,Ltd. Marketing Director,Mr. Xu Duo 宇环数控机床股份有限公司营销总监 许多 我公司主要从事机加工方面的工作,所以来到工博会 重点看一看机加工、激光焊接等相关设备。这是我第一次来到工博会,没想到展馆这么大,展商云集,分类也很全 面、细致。通过一天的参观,也帮助我更好的了解了行业发展趋势,明确公司生产方向,更好的提高工作效率。相 信工博会定能够发展的越来越好,搭建展商与客户之间的桥梁,成为中国,乃至世界的工业展览会,我们也会 一直支持展会,期待未来中国制造业的发展。 观众之声 From VisitorsOur company is doing machining business, so I am here for CNCmachine tools and laser working machines. This is my first time tovisit CIIF,and it is very impressive. I have got lots of usefulinformation for my company, and found the way to improve workefficiency. CIIF will be better and better, which is for sure. AndI also expect it to become one of the world top industryexhibitions in the near future. Our company designs andmanufactures auto parts. It’s my second time to be here, and thistime I care about different products, such as 3-axis rail machines,and 5-axis CNC machine centers. I’ve only spent 3 hours here, butalready impressed by the diversity and of the exhibits. Thevisit is very useful to me, and I will come again next year forsure. 我公司主要从事汽车及配件设计、生产,所以虽然 这是我第二次参加工博会,但因为工作重心的改变,参观重点也发生了变化。主要想了解三轴线轨机床和小型 五轴机床等设备,在展会上有很多同类产品可以比较挑 选,我刚到展会 3 小时,在这 3小时时间里,已经看了 不少厂商的展品,有些展品让我印象深刻,参观这样的 大型展会收获颇丰,今后有机会我还会坚持参加工博会。 SAICMotor Technical Center 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二三研究所 上海汽车集团技术中心 ChinaShipbuilding Industry Corporation 2018 Show Review 展示面积 /Exhibition Area 80,000m2 参展企业 / Exhibitors 619 家 国家和地区 / Countries& Regions 18 个 专业观众 / Trade Visitors 174,118 人次 展会回顾 到场媒体 /Cooperation Media 291 家 相关原发报道 / Report 729 篇 微信公众号 / Report onWechat 9,494 条 展前预览、展报 / Preview Report 30,000 份 报道阅读量 / WebsiteFlow 186,128 次 参展程序 How To Participate 提交参展申请表 Submit theApplication Form 确认价格及展位 Confirm the Rental and Stand Location签订参展合同 Sign the Contract 按约支付展位费 Make the Full Payment ● 金属切削机床 /METAL CUTTING MACHINES 金属加工中心、铣床、普通车床与自动化车床、钻床、镗床、锯床及金属切削机床、制齿加工机床、组合机床及组合部件、加工中心及并联机床、钻削 和攻丝机床、制造单元 /系统及自动化设备、工具加工磨床、珩磨、研磨、 抛光及超精加工机床 Machine center & MillingMachines,Turning Machines(Lathes),BoringMachines,Sawing/shaping/broaching/planning,Gear cuttingmachines,Modular m a c h i n e s & m o d u l a r u n i t e s , M ac h i n e c e n t e r & p a r a l l e l k i n e m a t i c smachines(PKM),Drilling and Tapping Machines,FMC/FMS & automaticdevices,Cutting tool grinding machines,Honing grinding machines &Super-finishing grinding machines ● 金属成形机床 / METAL FORMING MACHINES金属薄板切割机床和加工中心、板料、薄板、型材剪床、板料、薄板、管料旋压机、板材折弯机棒料、管材折弯成型机、矫直机、线材成型机、冲床、冲压机、 步冲轮廓机、各种压力机 Sheet metal cuttingmachines and machining center,Shearing machines for sheet,plate andprofile,Sheet,plate and tube spinning machines,Bar / tube bendingand forming machines,Straightening machines & Wire formingmachines,Transfer press / Nibbing machines,Presses ● 特种加工机床 /SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINE 电火花成型加工设备、电火花线切割设备、电化学加工设备、火焰切割设备、等离子体切割设备、水喷射切割设备、快速原型制造设备、打标及刻模机、 表面处理及涂覆设备、真空成型机 Die sinkingEDM,Wire cutting EDM,Electro-chemical machines,Flame cuttingmachines,Plasma cutting machines,Water jet cutting machines,Rapidprototyping manufacturing(RPM),Marking and engravingmachines,Surface treatment and coating e,Vacuum formingmachines ● 数控系统、数显装置和机床电器 / NUMERICAL CONTROL SYSTEM,DIGITALREADOUT UNITS,MACHINE TOOL APPARATUS ● 机床零部件及辅助设备 / MACHINE TOOLCOMPONENTS AND AUXILLIARY EQ


所属分类:中国展会网 / 机械、工业、设备展
2020上海数控机床展(金属加工展)的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主营产品如橙(上海)会展服务有限公司成立于2017年06月23日,注册地位于上海市奉贤区青村镇人民北路918号A2968室,法定代表人为钟云燕。经营范围包括会务服务,展览展示服务,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,企业形象策划,货物运输代理,电脑图文设计、制作,日用百货、服装、鞋帽、针纺织品批发、零售。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
公司简介上海展会招商策划部门:创意与实效的完美结合随着中国经济的快速发展和全球化进程的加速,展会行业逐渐成为了商业交流和合作的重要平台。在这个背景下,上海展会招商策划部门凭借其的策划能力和丰富的经验,成为了众多企业和机构的合作伙伴。上海展会招商策划部门不仅具备强大的创意团队,能够为客户量身定制独特的展会方案,还拥有一支的执行团队,确保每一个细节都能得到完美的呈现。在策划过程中,公司始终坚持以客户需求为导向 ...
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